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Shackled City - Chapter I

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(OOC: I was hoping to distract the mimic while Raven and Zeric circled around to either side of it, but it's hard to bluff via conversing when you can't even hold a conversation with it. Your ruling, of course, Majin. If it comes to that: Bluff +5)


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(OoC: I'd prolly hafta give a no-go on bluffing the mimic for this particular goal. There are other ways to bluff a creature without speaking obviously, but sneaking up on a mimic might prove rather difficult. Where are its eyes? The MM doesn't state anything about that, so since a mimic can morph itself at will basically, I'd figure it either has some sort of sensory perception around it, or can simply change the position of its "eyes" at will, lol.)


Obviously not understanding Orpheus, the mimic repeats its question again, this time more forcefully, and adds a warning this time.

(Undercommon)"What? Who are you? Did Kazmojen send you? Present a writ to me with his orders for you, or I shall assume you are intruders!"

Starbrow continues squeaking excitedly.

~Church of St. Cuthbert~

Keygan hears his familiar's call to him through their mental link, as the creature fills him in on the situation, with bursts of triumphant feelings, (albeit a bit pre-emptive), the gnome can only think that Starbrow has been rescued. He rushes off to meet with Priestess Urikas, who in turn calls for one of her priests to meet with her in the audience chambers. She waits patiently for her chosen priest, Althron Fellowson, to join her in the halls.
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Orpheus snaps his fingers in front of the half-elf's face to bring him back to reality.
"Make quick with the chit-chat," he says, noticing the infliction in the mimic's tone.


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Althorn is just finishing his daily meditiations when a young acolyte informs him that priestess Urikas wishes to speak to him.

"Odd," He thinks, "I have just joined this particular church a few days ago, why would one of the priests wish to speak with me now. No matter an order is an order." With a shrug he stands and straightens his clothes and smooths out his beard as he heads towards the audience chamber.

Knocking and entering he approaches her and bows low, the braids of his beard easily run across the floor. "You wished to see me priestess?" He tells her, eyes on the floor.

<ooc: I am assuming that she is a higher rank then he is.>


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(OoC) - Yes, Jenya outranks Althorn. She is currently filling in as high priestess of the temple while the high priest is away.


"Yes, Priest Fellowson, the church has need of you," Priestess Jenya responds, and waits for the dwarf to rise from his bow.

"As you may or may not know, we recently sent a group to investigate the disappearance of the city's orphans. They came across this gnome here, Keygan, who owns a locksmiths shop not far from here. Inside they were attacked by some that Keygan claims kidnapped his familiar, and the children as well. According to him they took his familiar as ransom to force him to create skeleton keys for them so they could move about the city un-impeded. Once he created these keys for them they did not return the familiar, but demanded his continued silence on the issue or they would kill it, and him as well."

"This group that was sent, was shown a secret door in the gnome's shop that leads to an underground city, called Jzadirune, abandoned nearly 70 years ago, its inhabitants strangely disappearing. This is where these creatures that attacked the group came from and so they have took to investigating down there for further leads on the missing children."

"Our ward Keygan, has made it known to us that his captured familiar has informed him that the group we sent along with Legate Zeric has rescued it,"
the mention of Zeric noticeably putting the priestess in a reserved state.

She clears her throat, then continues, "In situations like this we would normally leave the party to its business and await their return with the familiar and more information, but this Zeric, you've not met him yet... He is a recent follower of Hextor, a Hexblade in his service actually. The man claims to have turned over a new leaf, and wishes the church to guide him. Suffice it to say we are not entirely convinced of his word to change. We would like for you to meet up with the party as they return from the ruins in Keygan's shop. The gnome will accompany you to retrieve his familiar then he will return here. You however, will remain with the party and keep an eye on this Zeric. You are not to confront him openly about our mistrust, and you will keep the whole of the group's protection foremost in your mind at all times. If Zeric questions you, tell him you are there on my authority and you were sent to bolster their investigation. I will cast them a sending to inform them of your imminent arrival. Go now, and take the justice and protection of St. Cuthbert with you," she smiles, as she bids the dwarf to go.

Not long after, a voice takes form in Zeric's mind, who he recognizes as Priestess Jenya. Zeric, assistance arrives shortly, meet with it in Keygan's shop as soon as you are able. Bring the familiar with you.
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ooc: I am in a training class this week, so during the am hours, I will have internet access during the breaks and lunch...so, I am going to make the most out of it that I can...at night though, I will be back to the limited status of passing e-mails through Majin. Now on with the show...


As his mind measured the distance to the grunting box, Zeric's thoughts were drowned out as Priestess Urikas' voice spoke to him.

~She says it as though it was as simple as plucking a daisy from the earth...

Turning to glance quickly at the others, Zeric wondered if the priestess had given them all a similar message, or if she had chosen him due to their unique relationship.

~It matters not...an order has been given and a deal must be honored, the others will think what they will regardless of my deeds...~

When the dandy turned to the scribe and motioned for him to speak, Zeric knew that any advantage they had was vanishing quickly and the time to act had arrived. Tightening his grip on his morningstar, Zeric lunged quickly at the mimic trying to knock the rat's cage off of it and give Raven time to prepare for her attack.

ooc:Well, we did learn a little bit from this guy, and as we all know, Zeric was itching to get his swings in on this guy...so, lets get those dice warmed up guys..:)


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Orpheus sighs heavily at the sudden lunging Zeric.
Gods help us...
He gains his composure and begins to play a familiar bagatelle.

(Inspire Courage +1)


Innately stunned by the talking chest, Elyas is quickly pulled back to reality as Zeric lunges for the chest. Out of reflex Elyas readies himself to cast a spell not sure if his target is to be the chest or Zeric. “Someone should make tunic with long sleeves for people like you, so that we can bind your arms on your back.”

Ooc: dam Zeric made me spill coffee all over my keyboard ;)
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Althron listens intently to what the pristess has to say, the only outward display is a narrowing of his eyes and a slight movement of his arm as his hand wraps around the handle of his heavy mace when the name of the evil god Hextor and the mention of the hexblade is spoken...

Once she is done talking, he bows low yet again. "Aye priestess, I can understand your concern. I will accompany this group and make sure that they are kept safe, as well as keep an eye on this Zeric."

Leaving he grabs the Gnome by the arm. "Come, we have much to do and little time to do it in." With that Althron will head to his room pack and head out to the locksmiths shop.

<ooc: I actually don't know what a hexblade is, but I take it that its not a good thing>

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