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Shadowcaster Update

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This post has all the heroic tier material. If notes above conflict with this post, this post is intended to be the final version.

Also, design notes are omitted.

Primary Shadowcaster Statblock
[sblock]Shadowcaster 4e

Power Source: Shadow. Your powers are called Mysteries.
Role: Controller.
Key Abilities: Intelligence, Charisma
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiency: All simple
Implement: Orb, Staff, Wand
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12+ Constitution Score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6+ Constitution Modifier

Trained Skills: Arcana. From the following list, choose 3 more: Dungeoneering, Endurance, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth

Build Options: N/A
Class Features: Path Mastery, Fundamentals, Umbral Sight

Fundamentals: You know the five fundamentals detailed below. They are at will powers.

Umbral Sight: You gain Low-Light Vision. If you have Low-Light Vision from another source, gain +2 to perception checks.[/sblock]
[sblock]Fundamentals: You know the following Fundamentals automatically. They are at will powers and require a standard action to activate.

Black Candle
Creates radius 3 shadowy illumination centered on you. Note that this can increase the ambient lighting or decrease it as the case may be.

Mystic Reflections
+2 on the use of the Arcana skill to detect magic.

Umbral Hand
As Mage Hand.

Bend Perspective
When you cast this mystery, choose a square within five spaces of yourself. You may trace line of sight from this square. Sustain: minor.

Shadow Cloak
+2 stealth, sustain minor[/sblock]
Path Mastery
[sblock]Path Mastery: Many mysteries a Shadowcaster can learn (other than cantrips and utility powers) have an associated path. A Shadowcaster gains special benefits from knowing many mysteries with the same path. These benefits are detailed in the Path Feature section below.

For each path, a Shadowcaster has a "mastery level." This is equal to the number of mysteries the Shadowcaster knows from that path, minus 1. The Shadowcaster's Mastery Level in a path is used in determining the strength of his path features.


Dark Metamorphosis
Path Feature: You begin each encounter with temporary hit points equal to your mastery level. At paragon tier, you double this amount. At epic tier, triple it.

Umbral Mind
Path Feature: Add your mastery level in this path as a bonus to your Intimidate skill.

Shutters and Mirrors
Path Feature: Add your mastery level in this path as a bonus to your Perception skill.

Elemental Shadows
Path Feature: You gain Resist Necrotic equal to your mastery level in this path.

Darkness Unbound
Path Feature: Add your mastery level in this path as a bonus to your Stealth skill.[/sblock]
At Will Mysteries
[sblock]Sharp Shadows
The shadows that surrounds you are edged, sharp enough to draw blood.
Dark Metamorphosis
Int v ref, R10, 1d8+ Intelligence cold damage. If a foe strikes you with a melee attack before your next turn, it takes your charisma modifier in damage.

Voice of Shadow
Your voice whispers in the back of your enemies minds, urging them to give up, to die...
Umbral Mind
Close Burst 2. Int v will. Foes take 1d6+int psychic damage.

Shadow Hood
You wrap your foes face in cloth-like shadow.
Shutters and Mirrors
Int v will, R5, 1d4+ int psychic damage. All enemies the target attacks for one round count as having concealment.

Arrows of Dusk
The energy of the Shadowfell flows from your fingers.
Elemental Shadows
2 targets within 2 of each other, R5, Int v ref, 1d6+ Intelligence necrotic damage

Black Fire
You begin to breach the walls between this world and the next.
Darkness Unbound
Wall 4 within 10. Everyone who passes through this wall or who begins their turn inside this wall takes 1d6+ Intelligence cold damage. This wall may only be created in empty spaces. You may dismiss this wall as a free action. Sustain: Minor.[/sblock]
Level 1 Encounter Mysteries
[sblock]1: Life Fades
You drain vitality from your foes, leaving them vulnerable.
Elemental Shadow
R5, two targets within 2 spaces of each other. Int v reflex, 2d8+ Int cold damage. If this attack would reduce an enemy to below its bloodied value, instead reduce that enemy to its bloodied value.

1: Mesmerizing Shade
Your opponent's mind swims with shadowy images.
Umbral Mind
Int v will, 2d8+ int psychic damage. Effect: inflicts a penalty on the target's next attack roll equal to your charisma bonus.

1: Feral Reflection
Your foe's shadow twists from the floor to strike at him.
Shutters and Mirrors
R5. The target suffers an attack equal to its own basic melee attack, with a bonus to the attack roll equal to your charisma bonus.[/sblock]

Level 1 Daily Mysteries
[sblock]1: Umbral Touch
Dark energy bleeds from your fingertips.
Dark Metamorphosis
Attack an adjacent enemy with an int v ref attack that deals 2d6+ Int necrotic damage. If you hit with this attack you gain your charisma bonus in temporary hit points. Sustain: Minor. While this power is sustained, you may make another attack with it by spending a standard action.

1: Clinging Darkness
Shadows surge across the floor, grabbing at your opponent's ankles.
Darkness Unbound
Zone 5, centered on the caster. Enemies in this zone who do not move at least 2 spaces during their turn take your charisma modifier in damage and are immobilized at the end of their turn. This immobilization lasts until the end of their next turn. This zone emanates from the caster, and moves with him. Sustain: Minor.[/sblock]
Level 2 Utility Powers
[sblock]Steel Shadows
+3 power bonus to ac until end of encounter

Congress of Shadow
Converse with willing ally silently across distance equal to your charisma modifier in miles.

Sight Eclipsed
+5 to stealth for duration of encounter[/sblock]
Level 3 Encounter Powers
[sblock]3: Flesh Fails
Your foe is close to defeat, he only needs a push...
Elemental Shadow
R5, two targets within 3. Int v ref. 2d6+ Int cold damage. If at least one bloodied foe is targeted by this attack, increase the damage to both by Cha.

3: Afraid of the Dark
Fear of the shadow paralyzes your foe.
Umbral Mind
Enemies in Close Burst 5, Int v will. 1d8+Int psychic damage. Until the end of its next turn a target hit by this attack will not voluntarily enter a square that is dark or has shadowy illumination.

3: Shadow Bind
You pull your foe's life energies into his shadow, so that you may more easily extinguish them.
Shutters and Mirrors
R10. Int v fort. 2d6+ Int necrotic damage. Until the end of your next turn, any power which can target a space within Cha spaces from this opponent may be used to target the opponent itself. This includes melee attacks.[/sblock]

Level 5 Daily Powers
[sblock]5: Aura of Shade
You channel the power of shadow into an ally.
Dark Metamorphosis
R5, yourself or an ally. The target deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on all hits until the end of the encounter.

5: Murder at Nightfall
You and your allies slip silently through the shadows, stalking your foes.
Darkness Unbound
Zone, Close Burst 8. Shadowy illumination. Sustain: Minor. You and your allies gain a bonus to stealth checks equal to your charisma modifier while in this zone.[/sblock]

Level 6 Utility Powers
[sblock]6: Bolster
Dark energy sustains you.
Daily, Minor action
R5. The target may spend a healing surge to gain temporary hit points equal to two healing surges.

6: Piercing Sight
You see with more than mere sight...
Daily, Minor action
Gain darkvision for the duration of the encounter. For the duration of the encounter you can also see invisible creatures. Every round, take one point of damage for each invisible creature you can see. You may dismiss Piercing Sight as a free action.

6: Sight Eclipsed
You warp light and darkness around yourself, and vanish from view.
Encounter, Minor action
Make a hide check versus your opponents' passive perception scores. Any creature who's passive perception you exceed cannot see you until the end of your next turn. You count as if you have total concealment from these opponents.[/sblock]

Level 7 encounter powers
[sblock]7: Life Ends
Each death opens the door to the afterworld a little further.
Elemental Shadow
Enemies in close burst 5. 1d6+int necrotic damage. If this power kills one or more foes, deal your charisma modifier in damage to the other foes hit by this power for each enemy killed by this power. If this causes another enemy to die, repeat the process.

7: All Sides Besieged
Your enemy flees from both friend and foe.
Umbral Mind
R5, Int v Will. 2d8+int psychic damage, and the target moves its speed until it is no longer adjacent to any other creature, friend or foe. It avoids opportunity attacks if possible. On its next turn it will not voluntarily move adjacent to any creature, but it is not obliged to otherwise flee.

7: Dark Echo
Anything you can do I can do better.
Shutters and Mirrors
Immediate Reaction. Trigger: A foe targets you and only you with a ranged or melee attack. The foe immediately suffers an identical attack using the foe's stats. Resolve the echo attack first, and if the foe is incapable of using the initial attack afterwards (because it is dead, unconscious, etc), the foe's original attack is negated. If the attack against your foe requires decisions to be made (such as what direction to slide your foe on a hit, etc), you make them.[/sblock]

Level 9 daily powers
[sblock]9: Flicker
You merge your body with the darkness, flickering from shadow to shadow.
Dark Metamorphosis
Minor action. Teleport 5. Sustain: Minor. When you sustain this power, you may teleport 5 spaces.

9: Sudden Rift
You tear a hole in the fabric of reality between this world and the Shadowfell, and dark energy pours through, overwhelming your foes.
Darkness Unbound
Close Blast 5. Int v Ref. 3d6+int cold and necrotic damage, and daze. Miss: half, no daze.[/sblock]

Level 10 Utility
[sblock]10: Step into Shadow
You step into one shadow, and emerge from another.
Daily. Move action. Teleport up to 5+cha spaces. You only need line of sight to teleport with this power, not line of effect, meaning that it is compatible with powers that alter your line of sight.

10: Dancing Shadows
A foe's attack strikes only the shadow of the true target.
Daily. Immediate Reaction. R5. Trigger: Target is hit with an attack. Negate this attack, and the target MUST shift one space. This power only works against blasts, bursts and zones if the one space shift places the target outside of their area of effect.

10: Shadow Investiture
Invite the darkness to stay awhile...
Daily. Standard action. R5. Target gains +2 movement, +2 attack rolls, +2 ac, and +2 reflex until the end of the encounter. The target loses 3 hit points at the beginning of each turn. The target of this effect may terminate it as a free action.[/sblock]

I want to use this class in my own game. May have your permission to convert it into a PDF? You will get full authorship credit.

Have you also finalized your class feats and multiclass feats?


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If you wait until Monday afternoon, I'll upload it as a pdf myself and save you the trouble.

There's no such thing as "final" in the world of home brew. Right now, the only change I know needs to be made is to the fundamental Mystic Reflections, because it kind of doesn't do anything. So I'll put the feats into the pdf, but there's no guarantee they won't change.


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Here's the pdf. Its got some changes and rebalancing in it, and some feats as well.

Its the most current version.


  • Shadowcaster Heroic Tier.pdf
    43.9 KB · Views: 236


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Great work here... Everyone interested in shadow magic should take a glance at this.

Did you ever post this over as the WotC site? If not you should.

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