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Shadows Descending - Part 1


First Post
First a few posting rules.
Dialogue in "quotes and bold". Colors here is fine as well, try to find a color that fits your character, if that make sense at all.
Thoughts in intalics. Colors here is fine as well
Actions in *asterisks*.
OOC: [sblock]Preferably in a spoiler block![/sblock]
Colors are ok, but use colors that are readable. Also, red I'll be using for combat information, so please do not use it.

I'll do the die rolling. Also, when in combat situations, I'd appreciate all relevant info in your first combat post, marked as OOC. Info such as AC, saves, attack bonuses etc are relevant.

And lastly, more important than all the above, have fun!

Our cast:
Siam, male Catfolk Warlock9, played by Elocin.
Anderos Trelliard, male Human Bard2 / fighter8 and Karst the bastard sword, played by EvilHalfling.
Slizz, female Lizardfolk Druidess9 and Zim the Viper, played by Krug.
Torsak, male Human Cleric10 of balance, played by Mista Collins.
Grymsnarl, male Blink Dog Rogue4, played by D20Dazza.
Bendith Caerphilly, male Pixie Rogue3 / Ninja3 and Gravestrike the Long Bow, played by Hypersmurph.

Nac’Ssissa, Male Reptilian Human Ranger4 / Fighter 4, played by Scotley.
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First Post
Intro - Placeholder.

Balance never ending – or so it was believed.

The inhabitants of land of K’ruli’ana has ever believed that dragons are the true rulers of the world, the gods and goddesses. Although most of you have never seen dragons in life, you know they are out there, somewhere, keeping the balance.

Until now.

Rumours of a Shadow is burning in the streets of Mokmael, the capitol of K’ruli’ana, a rumour about the usurping of Light and Darkness. Someone, or something, is trying to topple the balance of the pantheon. The priests themselves have closed their mouths to anything about the Shadow, choosing to ignore the whole issue. The whole city is holding its breath, waiting for a public announcement, either from the priests or from the government.


"... and your harvest will be good," said Slizz, as she read the fortune of yet another farmer. She sighed inside.

"Oh thank you," the woman responded, "and here is my payment. Are you sure rats are fine?" She handed over a half dozen of rats, all in a wicker cage.

"Yes YES! I-I do trade with the Sultans of Markipor, and they treasure rat fur! It is an exotic fashion item!" replied Slizz, trying to suppress the urge to lick her lips.

"Hah... all those folks to the east have strange tastes," replied the farmer. "Well I must be getting along. Thank you once again Madam Shaszak," as she left the hut.

Slizz smiled and turned to the newest acquisition. She was still in human form, and scratched herself, still unused to this flesh after three months. At her feet, a snake darted around. "Now now Zim, be patient. Besides you've been putting on weight," she chided her companion.

Still there was something in the air, and she knew the Earth God did not want her to tally too long in the city. She missed the swamps, but knew she had a higher purpose. She opened the wicker cage, took one of the rats, and dropped it next to Zim, who promptly jumped upon it and devoured it. "Chew slowly now..." she said, as she waited for her next customer...


First Post
The introductions


Your eyes are starting to water. How long have you been sitting here now? You decide to take a break, and you head for the library gardens. The evening air is refreshing after all those hours in the dark and dry part of the library dedicated to what the Keepers refer to as Dark Arts.
Early this morning you came back, picking up the same book you put down yesterday, continuing where you left off. You found a passage in a tome named "Shadows of the Forest", a treatise about monsters of legends from the woods. For a time you thought that it might hold some clue as to what happened all those years ago, but the path proved false. It was nothing like what you remember.
Sighing, you head back inside, thinking of calling it a night. As you enter the reading-chamber you are currently using, you see that you've got company. A feline woman is sitting on your desk, legs crossed, grinning at you. She is black as the night, her eyes shining a bright yellow, eyeing you as you approach. "Hello there Siam. I am Kilana. I see you are still searching for answers..." Her tail is making a soft noise as it gently curls around her left arm. You also notice that she got a pair of black-feathered wings, now folded across her back. She continues: "I am sure you won't find what you are looking for in these dusty old books. I know where you can, though." She finishes with a broad, warm grin.



It has been a rather slow day. Only a few kids so far, all wanting to know where to find hidden treasures, how to be rich when growing up and similar silly questions.
You are about to head out for a tasty snack when a strikingly handsome man enters your tent. "I hope I am not too late for a reading, am I?" he asks and takes a seat. There is something... off... about this man, but you are unable to pin-point what it is exactly. He smiles and extends his paw - for that is indeed what it is. "There are rumours about. A shadow is said to be descending on the world, and I would like to know if this shadow, whatever it is, pose a direct threat to me. I would so hate to experience something nasty now, just before my wedding and all." He finishes and winks at you. You might as well let the rats wait, they are not heading anywhere, and you weren’t that hungry anyway.



"Balance seeker. I would like a word, if you please." The cloaked 9 feet tall man approached you on the street just outside one of the temples dedicated to Darkness. He waits for you to approach before speaking again. "Like you, I believe in balance. The balance, however, is about to be toppled. I am sure you know of the threat I speak of. My master would like your assistance in fighting this shadow. Your absolute faith in balance is perhaps our strongest weapon against the Shadow, but we are few - yet." His hood is shrouded in darkness, but you can faintly make out a pair of golden reptilian eyes.



What a nasty pack of dogs. It was their territory? Bah! You were, after all, not after a fight. All you wanted was a lonely stroll in the park, but no, not tonight. True, you could easily outsmart those mangy mongrels, make them look like pups in a box compared to you, but why even bother? You decide to head back to the Whistling Gale; hopefully Windwhistle will have something tasty for you at your return.
The city has been strange lately. Whispers and murmurs of something, a shadow, is playing in the streets. You do not know why, but somehow you feel that whatever it is in those rumours has something to do with the wiping out of your old pack. Silently contemplating what this might mean to you, you hardly notice the large, bulky woman waiting in an alley a few blocks away from the Whistling Gale. When you are about ten feet away from her, she sees you and smiles. "Oh, what a nice doggy! Who's 'e nice doggy then? Come here boy, wanna play?" As you stop and look up at this small hill of a woman, your eyes widen in shock. Where her nose is, she now has a foot-and-a-half long trunk, and she also got two foot long ivory tusks sticking out from her mouth. Her ears are HUGE! Like two big plates, just waiting to be filled with something yummy. This is no ordinary woman, but she seems nice enough, if somewhat simple.



When you return to Tut' Keldir after a rather wet night at the Whistling Gale, he waits for you in the door. He looks at you concerned when you stumble in, and says in a low voice: "So, you are back... You had a visitor. He didn't say much, but he wanted me to hand you this letter." He hands you the envelope and turns away, heading for his own quarters.
You stumble around your room, trying to undress, light a candle and open the envelope at the same time. Somewhat relieved, you finally set down on the bed, the candle lit, the envelope opened, and yourself somewhat undressed. Reading the letter you quickly sober up.

Dear Anderos.

I hope you are well. As a matter of fact, I know you are. Your kids, however, are not.
Acrovare and Gillian. Such lovely kids indeed. I am pleased to tell you that they are in dire danger. As of this morning, they are doomed to die. They have both been subjects to a slow-working poison. I assure you, taking them to a priest or a mage will not help you - this poison is of such nature as only I and my colleagues are able to detect and remove.
Now, for the important part. I will be happy to provide you with the antidote for the poison, providing you do as you are told. Tomorrow at noon, seek out the old abandoned tavern previously known as the ShadowDancer. Oh, and do bring Karst, you are sure to need it.

Sincerely yours.



Laughing merrily, you see Anderos leaving the tavern, no doubt heading for his bed. Shaking your head in mirth, you turn back to your own tankard, only to find someone almost your own size staring up at you from where it is sitting. This small antennae-headed man eyes you up and down with a smirk before speaking. "So, I am not the only Fey here. That is good. My master is always looking for someone with a mind for adventure, and you sure look like you can handle yourself..." the grig finishes and nods at Gravestrike.
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Lurker (sort of)
AmorFati said:

Your eyes are starting to water. How long have you been sitting here now? You decide to take a break, and you head for the library gardens. The evening air is refreshing after all those hours in the dark and dry part of the library dedicated to what the Keepers refer to as Dark Arts.
Early this morning you came back, picking up the same book you put down yesterday, continuing where you left off. You found a passage in a tome named "Shadows of the Forest", a treatise about monsters of legends from the woods. For a time you thought that it might hold some clue as to what happened all those years ago, but the path proved false. It was nothing like what you remember.
Sighing, you head back inside, thinking of calling it a night. As you enter the reading-chamber you are currently using, you see that you've got company. A feline woman is sitting on your desk, legs crossed, grinning at you. She is black as the night, her eyes shining a bright yellow, eyeing you as you approach. "Hello there Siam. I am Kilana. I see you are still searching for answers..." Her tail is making a soft noise as it gently curls around her left arm. You also notice that she got a pair of black-feathered wings, now folded across her back. She continues: "I am sure you won't find what you are looking for in these dusty old books. I know where you can, though." She finishes with a broad, warm grin.

"I'm sorry, Kilana is it? My thoughts seem to be jumbled, what with all this studying, but for the life of me I do not remember seeing you before which makes me wonder how you know my name." My hand moving to rest on the hilt of my dagger, "And more importantly, what answers do you think I am searching for and why should I believe a stranger can help me?"


Slizz looks at the proffered paw. "Well the situation ahead does look... hairy," he says. "It appears your fortune will be.. fortunate, and the shadow does look... shadowy enough. Which may cloud your wedding," says Slizz, wondering who this stranger is.

Inspecting the paw, Slizz tries to discover exactly what creature this man might be. Perhaps some form of lycanthrope?


AmorFati said:
Laughing merrily, you see Anderos leaving the tavern, no doubt heading for his bed. Shaking your head in mirth, you turn back to your own tankard, only to find someone almost your own size staring up at you from where it is sitting. This small antennae-headed man eyes you up and down with a smirk before speaking. "So, I am not the only Fey here. That is good. My master is always looking for someone with a mind for adventure, and you sure look like you can handle yourself..." the grig finishes and nods at Gravestrike.

"Far more frequently than anyone as gorgeous as me should need to," Bendith laments. "But I fear you're not my type, young Jiminy, so I don't imagine that will be changing any time soon."

"Tell me more of this 'adventure'," he continues, with a grin.


Anderos sits and stares at the letter, for a long time.
Karst - Im going to need some backup. Someone calling himself Moybau is threating my children. He says we need to be at an abandonded tavern tomorrow.

Your not going to give into threats are you? the steely voice replies.
Anderos stands up and moves very carefully and slowly taking Karst off the chair it was sitting on. He straps the blade on, carefully dresses and heads out. He moves with exaggerated slowness.

Stopping by Tut'Keldir he will question him closely for a description of the messanger, then returns to the Whistling Gale.

Your not going to get Bendith are you? that idiot, he isn't a good influence on you, think of your anchestors!

It will be some minutes before he arrives.

Mista Collins

First Post
AmorFati said:
"Balance seeker. I would like a word, if you please." The cloaked 9 feet tall man approached you on the street just outside one of the temples dedicated to Darkness. He waits for you to approach before speaking again. "Like you, I believe in balance. The balance, however, is about to be toppled. I am sure you know of the threat I speak of. My master would like your assistance in fighting this shadow. Your absolute faith in balance is perhaps our strongest weapon against the Shadow, but we are few - yet." His hood is shrouded in darkness, but you can faintly make out a pair of golden reptilian eyes.

At the mention of "Balance Seeker", Torsak's ears perk up and he must see what this gentleman wants.

"I have sensed this threat you speak of, and it does concern me. What also concerns me is you are quite tall and hide your face. Who is this master you speak of? It has been years since my last endeavor and I do enjoy it, but my bones itch with wanting to look further into this matter," Torsak says as he stares into the shadows that hide this mans face, hoping to make it appear he knows what is hidden underneath.


First Post

Kilana sighs and smiles at your caution. “It is no wonder you haven’t seen me before sweetling, because I just arrived here today. You are known to my masters though, and I assure you that they know more of what happened to your tribe than any one of these dusty old tomes. And perhaps most of all, what your role was in its destruction was…” she smiles sadly at you before continuing. “I am afraid that this is the extent of my knowledge of the matter. However, if you would like some questions answered, be at the Whistling Gale tomorrow, one bell before noon.” Wings flapping, she jumps up on the table and turns towards the only window in the room. “Do you have any last questions before I depart? I have such a busy schedule tonight.”



The man smiles at your rather stumbling attempt at a reading, and retracts his hand (paw?) “Ok, I’ll cut the crap then. Galrus is dead. He was slain a few days ago by something far more terrible than himself. Your tribe is not faring well, I fear, and they need your help. My masters intend to fight this Shadow that is descending on the country, and whatever it was that kill Galrus is part of this Shadow. They would like your help and co-operation in bringing this Shadow into the light. No pun intended…” he finishes and chuckles at his own witticism. “Now, you are not the only one currently being brought into this war. Be at the Whistling Gale one bell before noon tomorrow, and you will know more of what is waiting you, us, these coming days and weeks.” He stands and heads for the exit, then stops and pulls a small bag out from one of his pockets and throws it at the table. You can see the outline of several medium-sized rats inside the bag. “For your trouble ma’am. Fairly fresh.”



The grig snickers at your keen interest in this unknown adventure. “As you know, a Shadow is coming, and coming fast. My masters will do everything to fight it, and they need your expertise. A gathering of like-minded individuals will occur here tomorrow, one bell before noon. If you are still interested, be sure to be here. Now, I am thirsty!” the small fey flies over to the bar, gets a small tankard of ale and returns. “My name is Kallenvor by the way. Nice to meet you.” He then takes out a small fiddle and start to play a jolly tune, to the enjoyment of the patrons of the tables close by.



Tut’Keldir has not much to say about the stranger. He was of average build and height, cloaked and hooded, so as to hide his face. After getting everything you can out of your friend, you head back towards the Whistling Gale. As you enter and quickly locate Bendith, you see that he is not alone. He is accompanied by an even smaller bug-like creature, this one playing a fiddle. A few minutes later you get to talk to him one-on-one and you’ve explained the situation to the Pixie, when all of a sudden a voice speaks up just behind your left ear. “I am sorry sir, but I could not help but overhear your conversation. Quite a predicament there.” You turn around, and see the fiddle-playing bug. “I might be able to help you though. Moybau is a creature of the Shadow, and my masters are willing to do almost anything to bring him down. You should come here at the gathering tomorrow, one bell before noon. You might be able to get their help with the poison and all!” it finishes with a sad grin.



"My appearance is not important. What is important though is our goals – we both want to find out more about this Shadow, and restore the balance. My masters have begun gathering people like you, adventurers able to fight what is coming, and will speak to all of you tomorrow at the Whistling Gale, one hour before noon. I myself will not be able to be there, I got other tasks to see to, but my masters know you well, and would like to see your face among the gathered. My time here grow short and I must need depart, but if you have any more pressing questions, I will try to answer them as best I can before I leave…”

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