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Shaff Vs. Boron (Rathan Judging) [Chat Match]


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[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Shaff
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Green Belt 2
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Dojo Styles: Thunder
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Record: 14-10
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Yen 0
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[20:04] [ Shaff ]: ty
[20:04] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Name: Boron
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Rank: Copper Sash 1
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Record: 2-0
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Powers: Arena fighter, Profiteer, Golden Touch, Crowd Pleaser
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Signature Styles: Manticore
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Yen: 9
[20:04] [ DarkElf ]: Yeah...you take forever to find your stats =P
[20:04] [ Rathan ]: woah how did shaff get 10 yen for a mastery??
[20:04] [ Shaff ]: umm wats kal's sash?
[20:04] [ Rathan ]: ratasal??
[20:04] [ Shaff ]: i had a match with his sash
[20:04] [ Shaff ]: yep
[20:05] [ Rathan ]: you beat ratasal??
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: the stips were he would give me 6 yen, which would get me 10
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: even if he won
[20:05] [ Rathan ]: damn..
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: he won and gave me 6
[20:05] [ DarkElf ]: That's low...
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: hehe
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: hey, he is like tier 6
[20:05] [ DarkElf ]: I mean, 2 would have been generous...
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: im only tier 3
[20:05] [ DarkElf ]: But that's LOW!
[20:05] [ Shaff ]: he has over 30
[20:05] [ DarkElf ]: ...
[20:05] [ Rathan ]: na..... kal will do anything to get that sash up in ranks..he never gets fights anymore..
[20:06] [ Rathan ]: gray have something like 130 yen....*lol*
[20:06] [ DarkElf ]: Rath, that's because the world hasn't gone insane yet...completely
[20:06] [ Rathan ]: heh....
[20:06] [ Rathan ]: still 6 yen is a nice bargining chip... he he offered rathan that very same deal...I'd take it....
[20:07] [ DarkElf ]: Ok. Lets fight
[20:07] [ DarkElf ]: !mb ybmaster
[20:07] [ MechaMeowth]: DarkElf: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the plain north-west of the Altar of the Rainbow Circle on the dusk of the fist.
[20:07] [ DarkElf ]: Axck
[20:07] [ Shaff ]: yea
[20:07] [ DarkElf ]: Too used to it =P
[20:07] [ DarkElf ]: !mb ybinsult
[20:07] [ MechaMeowth]: DarkElf: I find your hero to be exactingly a tramp, your temple to be empty, and your moves to be child-like.
[20:07] [ Shaff ]: i mean its pretty much, 6 yen to lose
[20:08] [ Shaff ]: i was willing to let him advance, me lose 1 rank, and complete my item
[20:08] *** DarkElf is now known as Boron
[20:08] [ Shaff ]: !mm insult
[20:08] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: I find your kin to be shabby, your beloved barn to be unnecessary, and your arm to be child-like.
[20:09] [ Rathan ]: hmmm..
[20:09] [ Rathan ]: boron has the insults..
[20:09] [ Rathan ]: choose your poison
[20:09] [ Boron ]: Arsenic, please =)
[20:10] [ Shaff ]: alchohol
[20:10] [ Rathan ]: you know what I mean...type and lenth of match please..
[20:10] [ Shaff ]: how long of match?
[20:10] [ Shaff ]: okie
[20:10] [ Boron ]: Hehe. I thought you'd let me poison 'im and end the fight fast =P
[20:10] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:11] [ Boron ]: Uh, 5 flag speed, oh mighty and honourable judge
[20:11] [ Shaff ]: im first
[20:11] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:11] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The snake rides upon the paradise; shreds the chaos of the wind!
[20:11] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:11] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:11] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The confidant dragon penetrates the peaks; dominates the aggression of the spring!
[20:11] [ Boron ]: Hrm...
[20:12] [ Shaff ]: :):):):), forgot
[20:12] [ Shaff ]: o well
[20:12] [ Boron ]: Forgot?
[20:12] [ Boron ]: Anyway, I'll call upon my power of pleasing the crowd!
[20:12] [ Shaff ]: nothin
[20:12] [ Boron ]: (Crowd pleaser)
[20:12] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:13] [ Rathan ]: you Crowd pleasering or no????
[20:13] [ Shaff ]: he said ya
[20:13] [ Rathan ]: k...
[20:13] [ Rathan ]: Point and 4 yen to boron..
[20:13] [ Boron ]: WOO!
[20:14] ( Boron ): gets money thrown at him
[20:14] [ Rathan ]: 1 flag boron; 0 flags shaff target 5!
[20:14] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:14] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The thunder leaps over the cliff and so it insanely obliterates the sands; dodges the gaze of the blade!
[20:14] [ Boron ]: 0_0
[20:14] [ Boron ]: I'm screwed...
[20:14] [ Shaff ]: chi strike!
[20:14] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:15] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:15] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The kama falls in the midst of the beach; averts the slash of the flame!
[20:15] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:15] [ Rathan ]: Poing
[20:15] [ Boron ]: ...
[20:15] [ Shaff ]: dman it
[20:15] [ Rathan ]: point and style to shaff
[20:15] [ Rathan ]: 1 flag boron; 2 flags shaff target 5!
[20:15] [ Shaff ]: now i wish i would have done FoF
[20:15] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:15] [ Shaff ]: ur first now i think
[20:15] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:15] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The tsunami destroys the ricefield; defends against the slash of the crevice!
[20:15] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:15] [ Shaff ]: lol didnt u do something like that before
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: like the tsunamy drowns the ricefield
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:16] [ Boron ]: I think =P
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: tsunamie*
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:16] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The lightning appears through the atoll; unfailingly dodges the foray of the reptile!
[20:16] [ Boron ]: tsunami
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:16] [ Boron ]: ...
[20:16] [ Rathan ]: hmmm..
[20:16] [ Boron ]: Damn sig style...
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: hmmm lightning is amplified in water
[20:16] [ Shaff ]: o
[20:16] [ Rathan ]: lightning has the habbit of appering out of thin air.. so point boron for a suprise attack..
[20:16] [ Boron ]: Yeah, but the water's on your ricefield =P
[20:16] [ Rathan ]: 2 flags boron; 2 flags shaff target 5!
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: ummm
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: ??
[20:17] [ Boron ]: That was Shaff's attack...
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:17] [ Rathan ]: really...
[20:17] [ Boron ]: I'm honest too, y'know =P
[20:17] [ Rathan ]: well..point shaff then... sorry..
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: lol, its okie
[20:17] [ Rathan ]: 1 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[20:17] [ Rathan ]: continue please..
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: i thought u were just being suffisticated and i was too dumb to know what u menat
[20:17] [ Boron ]: 4 Shaff
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: 4?
[20:17] [ Boron ]: Lightening
[20:17] [ Shaff ]: thunder is my style
[20:17] [ Boron ]: Oh, wait
[20:18] [ Rathan ]: what he has thunder not lightning
[20:18] [ Boron ]: That was Thunder =OP
[20:18] [ Boron ]: lol
[20:18] [ Shaff ]: np
[20:18] [ Boron ]: Your move, Shaff
[20:18] [ Rathan ]: continue
[20:18] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:18] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The foot moves before the atoll; grasps the throw of the bone!
[20:18] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:18] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:18] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The rat painlessly splits the ocean; defends against the stab of the maze!
[20:18] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:18] [ Boron ]: Heh...rat...maze...heh
[20:18] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:18] [ Shaff ]: foot bone...
[20:18] [ Boron ]: lol
[20:19] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:19] [ Boron ]: Too...much...synergy!!!
[20:19] ( Shaff ): wheeps
[20:19] [ Shaff ]: waaahhhh
[20:19] ( Boron ): whoops
[20:19] [ Rathan ]: hmmm..
[20:19] [ Rathan ]: yea point boron
[20:19] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:19] [ Rathan ]: 2 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[20:19] [ Shaff ]: o well i tried
[20:19] [ Boron ]: WOO!
[20:20] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:20] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The crane silences the tundra; waves away the speed of the pole!
[20:20] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:20] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The mace flips before the village; removes the push of the stone!
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: oooo
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: my mace goes crazy on u
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: it flips out
[20:20] [ Rathan ]: hmmm...
[20:20] [ Boron ]: Flipping involves speed, which I block =)
[20:20] [ Rathan ]: after carefull thought.. oh wait no.. point boron..
[20:20] [ Rathan ]: lol
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: not really
[20:20] [ Boron ]: Not to mention the fact that a mace is a spiked ball on a pole =)
[20:20] [ Rathan ]: 3 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: damn
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: lol DE
[20:20] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:20] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The snake tracks facing the brush; avoids the motion of the ledge!
[20:21] [ Shaff ]: omg
[20:21] [ Shaff ]: done
[20:21] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:21] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The phoenix crushes the peaks; negates the edge of the garden!
[20:21] [ Shaff ]: i wish i could get a good move
[20:21] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:21] [ Shaff ]: ive gotten 1 really good move
[20:21] [ Shaff ]: thats it, lol
[20:21] [ Boron ]: And I just got a kick-@$$ move >=)
[20:21] [ Rathan ]: hmmm...
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: u crushed peaks
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: i avoided it
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: lol them falling is a motion
[20:22] [ Rathan ]: snakes do track.. but phoenix crush really well as well...point boron
[20:22] [ Boron ]: WOO!
[20:22] [ Rathan ]: 4 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: damn.....................
[20:22] [ Boron ]: !mb ybmove
[20:22] [ MechaMeowth]: Boron: The diamond hammer vanquishes the prairie; conceals the stab of the venom!
[20:22] [ Boron ]: Done
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: omfg
[20:22] [ Boron ]: WOW!
[20:22] [ Boron ]: What a move!
[20:22] [ Rathan ]: dayum..
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: do i even need to go...
[20:22] [ Boron ]: Might as well
[20:22] [ Rathan ]: yes..
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:22] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The fist sweeps within the pillar; waves away the blood of the grave! *yen*
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: omfg
[20:22] [ Rathan ]: yen for boron....
[20:22] [ Shaff ]: hey lets give em yen too!
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: ummm
[20:23] [ Rathan ]: Point and match boron....
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: hey
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: i wasnt done
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: :p
[20:23] [ Rathan ]: boron moves to silver sash 0
[20:23] [ Boron ]: WOO! 6 Yen!
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: hey hey!
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: .....
[20:23] [ Rathan ]: shaff down to green 1
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: wtf
[20:23] [ Shaff ]: i wasnt done yet
[20:23] [ Rathan ]: oh...I'm sorry shaff..continue..
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: Mastery: Ki-rin
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: FoF
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: !mb ybmove
[20:24] [ MechaMeowth]: Shaff: The trident storms the ricefield; shreds the quickening of the isle!
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: ok, now im done
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:24] [ Rathan ]: hmmm..
[20:24] ( Shaff ): sticks his tongue out
[20:24] [ Boron ]: Doesn't matter
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: LOL
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: i know...
[20:24] [ Boron ]: You only get an extra point if the move was succesful
[20:24] [ Boron ]: And we know it wasn't =)
[20:24] [ Shaff ]: its a... 4 point move
[20:24] [ Rathan ]: I'm tring to make your move have a little more weight shaff... but I just can't see it so...the judgement stands..
[20:24] [ Boron ]: WOO!
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: lol
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: i know, i just wanted to use emn
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: god damn it, i cant even beat lower tiers...
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: :p
[20:25] [ Rathan ]: k.... I really did try to make it work shaff.. but it still didn't seem good enought to overcome that awsome move by boron..
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: "meh, good match kinda"
[20:25] [ Rathan ]: I'll have your silver sash power in one min boron..
[20:25] [ Shaff ]: "i cant believe u beat me, it wont happen again"
[20:25] [ Boron ]: Already found it
[20:26] [ Boron ]: I've gotta get cal to sticky that thread...
[20:26] [ Boron ]: Silver sash: Signature Location, Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[20:26] [ Boron ]: I gain Prarie as a sig loc =)

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