A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Hi all, I'm running a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e campaign, but this question isn't really specific to the system.
For those who are interested with the system-specific mechanical background read the text in the spoiler tag.
For everyone else, I just want some ideas of things that could happen, organized by:
You could have one result that is better or worse based on the success level. Or just bespoke results that are fun and make sense for the success level. I currently have a mix of both.
For those who are interested with the system-specific mechanical background read the text in the spoiler tag.
In WFRP4e there are rules for "Between Adventures", i.e., downtime. I'm not going to go over the entire subsystem, but part of it is to engage in "endeavors." There are a number of general and career-based endeavors provided in the core book and additional endeavors introduced in subsequent expansion books. One of my players is playing an Ogre Butcher. As an endeavor, he wants to spend week on a binge of drinking contests throughout town (Ubersreik for anyone who cares). There is not existing endeavor that captures what he is trying to do. So I am created a "carousing" endeavor.
The endeavor is resolved by the player making a Difficult (-10) Consume Alcohol test. Based on their success level, they roll a d10 and I consult the result on the appropriate table for their level of success.
I thought of having a more complicated system where the player would make multiple Consume Alcohol test and add up the success levels. Or that they would select a difficulty level and the higher difficulty level they select, it would give them some bonus. But I opted to keep it simple, in line with the other endeavors published in official books.
The endeavor is resolved by the player making a Difficult (-10) Consume Alcohol test. Based on their success level, they roll a d10 and I consult the result on the appropriate table for their level of success.
I thought of having a more complicated system where the player would make multiple Consume Alcohol test and add up the success levels. Or that they would select a difficulty level and the higher difficulty level they select, it would give them some bonus. But I opted to keep it simple, in line with the other endeavors published in official books.
For everyone else, I just want some ideas of things that could happen, organized by:
- Astounding Success
- Impressive Success
- Success
- Marginal Success
- Marginal Failure
- Failure
- Impressive Failure
- Astounding Failure
You could have one result that is better or worse based on the success level. Or just bespoke results that are fun and make sense for the success level. I currently have a mix of both.