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Sharn: Beneath The Towers IC


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Barrakas 27, 998 YK

Summer grows late in the city of Sharn. Looking above, you notice the awe-inspiring sights of the towers of Sharn. From your position, the Skyway is partially blocking the sun, but you can still make out hippogriffs and gargoyles darting from tower to tower. A skycoach comes flying by, with a figurehead of a swan embedded on the bow of the ship, and its wings engraved along the side. Knowing what you know, there are slim chances that the skycoach will be landing anywhere near your current location.

You find yourself strolling thru a section of Sharn known as Deathsgate. Deathsgate, located on Middle Tavick’s landing, is where most neophyte adventurers in Sharn end up at one point or another. While traveling through the streets, you notice all sorts of adventurers, mercenaries, and explorers, all busy with their own agendas. As you are walking, you take notice of some of the newer developments of the quarter: Maynar’s Menagerie, a House Vidalis owned shop which specializes in exotic pets and animal companions, seems to have gotten a shipment of two blink dogs; Bottled Silver, the potion merchant, is running a deal: 20% off Cure Light Wounds potions (limit 2 per party); someone has yet again busted down the door of Karr’Aashta’s Investigations, and it seems Karr’Aashta himself is overseeing the installation of a replacement door; and the other shops, from Ancient Blades to The Labyrinth, to Dark Words, all seem to be enjoying the hustle and bustle of the day. Like wise, the various Dragonmarked houses (Jorasco, Deneith, and Sivis) seem busy, while the temples (to the Silver Flame and the Sovereign Host) and shrines (to Dol Dorn and Olladra) seem empty. The guilds seem to be recruiting yet again, to your frustration, seeing as how you do not meet the requirements to enter either the Deathsgate Adventurers Guild or the Guild of Starlight and Shadow. And while your companion Fixer’s shop is down the road a few blocks, you’re all here for one reason only right now: Redblade’s.

As always, Redblade’s tavern is a hodgepodge of activity. The tavern seems to be catering to its usual host of adventurers, and good old Redblade himself is behind a bar, flirting with a fellow half-orc that seems to be encouraging his advances, if for nothing else than the free ale. As you walk in, Redblade takes note of your entry. "Ah, friends!" he shouts across the loud room "check out the posting board… you might see something that meets your liking!"

Posted on the board is a pristine placard, which seems out of place with the other weathered and worn postings. Written in common, the placard reads:

Intrepid adventurers to help protect the Cogs!

Seeking a party of stout adventurers to investigate the disappearances
of an excavation team in the Cogs!
Protect the remaining excavation team from giving their lives for Ashblack!
100 gp each up front, remaining reward negotiable!

For employment, see Vestan ir’Simul in Platinate, Upper Menthis Plateau​

For Ka’ash:
[SBLOCK]As you and the rest of your party are reading the posting board, Peaches perks up her head and looks at a nearby table. Following her gaze, you notice a group of adventurers watching you. As your party is reading the board, one of them (a human male wearing a chain shirt) seems to shake his head a bit in what appears to be a vague warning. After being assured his message was understood, he turns to his companions and joins them in their conversation.


OOC: When posting here, please put your character's name, race and class in the title. Please choose a color for your character's speech, as it makes it easier for me to skim thru who said what. And for OOC discussion, do what I am doing here. And off we go...

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Guest 11456

Ka’ashawndrah Leelootuu Treeglitter Elf Enchantress

As she enters the tavern and gets the greeting from Redblade she smiles warmly and nods in his direction. "Good day to you, friend. Thank you for your kind help." Peaches follows close behind her mistress. Kah, as her friends insist on calling her, then goes to the message board and begins to read the posting while Peaches rubs against her legs. But then the cat stops and appears to be looking at something. As Kah follows the feline's gaze she notices the man slowly shaking his head. She merely smiles a big smile and nods. Then she returns her attention to the board. As always she reads all of the postings before making an educated descision. Then she taps on the pristine placard, while speaking in a very loud voice. "Well, my friends! This Cogs gig looks like it is just up our alley." Out of the corner of her eye, she watches the table with the human both as she speaks and after. Peaches has returned to rubbing against Kah's legs. The elven maiden reaches down and picks up the black cat and begins to stroke her behind the ears. The feline begins to purr the instant her mistress picks her up. Kah continues to watch any activities from the table.


First Post
For Tyrlaan:
You vaguely remember his name from the Sharn Inquisitive. You seem to remember his name associated with the funding of the creation of a new ore processing site in Ashblack.

For Tailspinner:
The same human that shook his head at you gives an exasperated sigh when you speak aloud. He then takes a swig of ale and continues to talk to his companions in a whisper. Paying more attention, you notice two humans, an elf, and a dwarf sitting at the table. The humans and the dwarf look to be drinking ale, while the elf seems to be meditating.

Listen 25 Though he is talking quietly, you can hear his conversation plain as day, thanks to your elven hearing.

Human #1: "A shame... looks like another party will be lost at Vestan's hands. Thank goodness our guild has blacklisted him."

Human #2: "Ah, but what can you do. Danger's part of our game. Should we warn them?"

Dwarf: "Bah. As you said, danger's part of the deal. It's better this new party learns that the hard way. So, anyway, did you hear that Rethan paid only 50 gold for his new leather jack?"

The rest of the conversation seems to be local gossip and the such.
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Guest 11456

Ka’ashawndrah Leelootuu Treeglitter Elf Enchantress

Kah smiles at her companions. "Shall we find a table and discuss things or should we leave immediately to meet this Vestan ir’Simul?" She notes any further interesting tid bits of information she can hear from the human's table. She continues to stroke Peaches as the cat purrs loudly.


Eldon Splinthollow, Halfling Rogue/Warlock

"Hmmm...'Remaining reward negotiable.' I'm in!"

A devilish smile cracks across Eldon's face.


First Post
As you all are standing there, Redblade calls out to your party: "So, oh grand adventurers... can I get you anything, or are you only here for the atmosphere?"
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Wan-Tan peers at the posting. "Heh. Cogs again. Well, it worked out well last time and the money is decent. I say we go for it." He turns to Redbeard "I'll have my usual for the road!"


First Post
"Right. One Mrorian Ale coming up, though I'll have to charge you for the mug if you leave with it." He gives you a sly smile. "Anything else for the rest o' ya?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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