OOC: A new adventure, "Goblins in the Cellar" is now starting. This is the first (short) chapter of a series. I'm taking level 2 characters (and any lurking level 1 characters that may be out there still) and we will fill in the rest with level 3 characters.
Drink and conversation flows freely at the Tower's Shard Tavern, this night like any other. Rather unexpectedly, the man next to you at the bar leans over and whispers: "Wanna earn some coin? My associates and I could use some help with a problem down in the Cogs. If you are interested meet me outside this tavern at midnight." You are a little surprised, having hardly taken notice of him before. A Human of average height and weight, he is about as non-descript as they come. He rises, lifts his drink to you with a nod, and slips into the crowd.
OOC: As usual, announce your departure from the tavern and strike up a discussion is the adventure post. There were will finalize the roster and get started.