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Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book II: Of Rocks and Red Eagles


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Larren grumbles in his head, but decides to be more tactful. He still didn't trust these thugs, but they outnumbered their small party, so it would be best not to enrage them. "Well, we'd be more than happy to come to your camp, although understand that we have to leave as soon as we can."

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Kanek and the dwarven soldiers decide to push on, since their orders are to push on to Bright Rock with all speed. So it is that a few hours after meeting the riders, the group parts company with their travelling companions, heading up a narrow defile, which snakes up a mountainside away from the pass.

Various people in the group note pairs of bow-armed sentries here and there, in the rocks above the narrow trail, as they climb. The riders are afoot now, leading their mounts, which Redbeard can tell are exceptional examples of horseflesh. (Mostly war-trained light horses with Elite Array stats)

None of the riders seem all that interested in chatting, though they don't seem particularly hostile, either. Eventually the trail ends, in a small valley, but one watered by a small waterfall and brook, with a good bit of grass. A large herd of horses can be seen, in the distance. The camp itself has the look of something semi-permanent, though it also looks like almost all the dwellings are tents, and most of the camp could be knocked down and packed away in a very short time.

Roughly speaking, there are probably a hundred men in the camp, with maybe half that many women, and a scattering of children. In front of the largest tent, is a rough pole, on which a tattered white banner hangs. As the wind catches it, the banner unfurls, to reveal a well-stitched crimson eagle.

The Crimson Eagle is well-known, at least locally, as the symbol of the Men of Mallon Hill, the banner they fought under, and a tattoo each man wore on his right arm.

It is that tent to which the adventurers are led. Only the leader of the riders is with them when they enter. He bows low to a figure seated in the shadows. "Old Father, I have brought the interlopers for your judgement."

There is a low, dry chuckle from the shadowed figure. "Osric...you are a fine warrior. But your social graces..." There is a another chuckle, followed by a rough cough. "But my own manners are lacking...have wine brought for our guests. We have few enough of them in these sorry times. And lanterns...I'd look upon them in the light, with apologies in advance for my own appearance."

Two young women, neither of whom looks like a servant, but who willingly enough light lanterns, lighting the tent more fully. The man speaking is quite old, in his late seventies, at the least. His body shows the ravages of age, though in his prime he was probably quite a strapping sort. His eyes show a mixture of hardness and amusement, as he gestures to seats around a long, low table. "Be welcome, servants of the Stone Thane. I am Edran, last of the knights of Mallon Hill."


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As Redbeard walks through the tent town he can't help but feel kind of at home. Me time in the forest, training in the ways of the druid, were like this. Moving from place to place, ready for combat(though I never be seein' it). These men be carryin' swords and lances and be wearin' chainmail, it is very different than our staves and spears and leather. I can be tellin' that that these men be accomplished riders from the horses.

When the light is lit, Redbeard is not all startled to see the husk of a man in front of them. The voice did match the body after all. As the man introduced himself, Redbeard nearly choked on his wine. "I be Redbeard, and this be Ralph," he managed to sputter out.


Broderick bows low and greets the elder in formal speech: "Greetings Edran, Knight of Mallon Hill. Broderick Bvarizak, Warrior of Stone Mountain, servant of the Stone Thane, at your service"

Nathaniel Frost

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"And i am Nathaniel, until recently a simple shopkeeper and minstrel of the city of Stone Gate. You say you are of the Knights of Mallon Hill...I believe we have found a record containing lore of great interest to you, and perhaps your fellow armsmen in the camp. At a time more appropriate, i would enjoy the opportunity to share this with you, a meagre thank you for your hospitality." Nathaniel bows deeply, showing the respect befitting one of such station.


Guest 11456

Jillian Wolfrunner : Female Elf Rogue 3

Once they are within the tent and given the warm welcome from Edran, Jillian at last relaxes and takes one of the offered seats. However, she allows the ones with more eloquent speach to do the talking.


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Nottus bows deeply to Edran, then takes a seat with a grateful sigh. Still unused to extended travel, even half a day's worth has tired him more than he'd like to admit.


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Johanna bowed carefully to Edran, trying to show respect without looking too submissive- the Men of Mallon Hill were famous for the deeds and valor, true enough, but so were the Jotun... She had been trying to get some sense of how these folk might view the oddity of a woman warrior, but she could sense that these rough folk would follow the lead of the chief. "I am Johanna of Birka, daughter of Esric, and like my companions, I am honored by your notice." Then she stepped back and looked for a seat, content to let the more practiced speakers handle the negotiations.

Edran nods as each person greets him, and when all are seated, with a battered but clean goblet of wine before each, he smiles. "It is good to see outsiders here amongst us again. There was a day when warriors of reknown came from all around the Shattered Sea, in hopes of being chosen by the Lord of the Hill for service. Old oaths were kept, and all knew that the men...and the women, of the Vale were loyal...even to the last. Indeed, to the last." He looks down the table, to where Osric sits, and says, "Now, there are no knights left, and none to swear Oath and Fealty to. Our young men are reduced to something little more then brigands, and our numbers fall year by year."

Then he chuckles, and says, "Enough of sorrows and faded glory. Tell me of your mission for the Thane. I am told you are on your way to Bright Rock, to aid those there against a plague of orcs and the like?"

Nathaniel Frost

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Nathaniel drinks from the goblet, savoring the wine, and choosing his words. He sets down the goblet, an idea obviously having dawned on him. From his pack, he pulls the record found under what was left of the Towers, and turns to the section on the demonic orc. He reads aloud about the terrible power of the hoards and their fiendish leader, as well as the valor of those who faced them at the Towers of Gard, including the men of Mallon Hill.

"We face a similar foe...though admittedly on a much smaller scale. Our assignment is twofold. First, thin the orcish numbers, as well as eliminate this new demon orc. Second, find out how such an abomination has again come to this island."

Voidrunner's Codex

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