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Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book II: Of Rocks and Red Eagles


Guest 11456

Jillian Wolfrunner : current HP -2/14; current AC 14

Jillian lays where the worg pulled her down, not moving.

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Nathaniel Frost

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Nathaniel grimaces as the javelin hits him. The fear that a moment ago seemed it would overtake him is still apparent, but he fights it down. He begins to bellow an old battle song from the days of the Darkrhune invasions. At the same time, he picks up the javelin that grazed him, and readies to throw.

(ooc) Standard action: Inspire Courage, +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls, as well as saves vs. fear and charm. Move action: pick up javelin.


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Nottus, positioned a little behind Larren, loads his crossbow with trembling fingers and fires at an entrapped orc to which he has a clear line of sight.

[sblock=OOC]HP:16, AC:14, +3 attack, 1d6 damage[/sblock]

May 10, 1106 CR, Late Afternoon
Southern path into Vale of Mallon

Jillian's blood stains the ground, as the two large canines thrash and struggle over her. Nathaniel's song brings hope and courage to the adventurers, as he sings of great deeds on the fields of battle. The worg that Ralph is battling snaps at the war dog, but his teeth clash in the air. The worg standing over Johanna bites down at her, teeth closing on her arm. (-9 hp Johanna) Nottus' bolt flies true, thunking into one of the entangled orcs, bringing a roar of anger and pain. (Att 14 hits, 4 dmg) The entangled orcs struggle to free themselves, and one of the three actually succeeds in doing so. The one that is un-entangled forces his way to the near edge of the wildly thrashing undergrowth, drawing a wicked looking spiked blade as he does. An instant later, two arrows stab into the worg chewing on Johanna's arm, as Maris' bow comes up with fairly astonishing speed.

Then lightning flashes over the battle, as small bolts of electricity cascade over the orcs, and the worg gnawing upon Johanna. All four orcs roar in agony, and fall, cooked and smoking. The worg yelps and then collapses in a heap of meat and burnt fur, atop the warrior woman. (Dmg 15)

In the next moments, the remaining worg is chopped and chewed and beaten to death, leaving Jillian bleeding out her life, and Johanna badly injured on the ground.

Nathaniel Frost

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Nathaniel quickly drops the javelin, seeing no more use for it, after the impressive display from the psion. He pops open one of his many scroll cases, pulling a wand from it, while rushing to Jillian's side. His song comes to an end, as he utters the elvish command word, bathing the girl in a faint glow of positive energy.

(ooc) song is still active for 5 more rounds, if it's applicable. the wand won't go off til next round, if the fight is still going on, but healing her will be my action.


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'Pauli' The Psion

YES!” Shouts the mind mage in glee. The left over electrical energies form his manifestation leap playfully over his body before vanishing harmlessly into the air. There is a small innocent smile on his face which quickly turns into concern as he too rushes over to his companion’s aid.

OOC: Pauli helps with any and all healing as best as he can. Plus he could use some too. He is FRA-GIE-LIE.
(PP: 14/17, HP: 9/16, AC: 15)
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Johanna, HP 9 of 31

Johanna had not seen the lightning flash across the battlefield, and the acrid tang of blood covered the lingering scent of ozone. But she could hardly miss Pauly's reaction, and she gave him a curt nod of thanks as she finished off (or perhaps delivered an unnecessary but fulfilling smack to) the worg that had had her pinned down mere moments before. She hardly seemed to notice how badly she was bleeding- at least until she was sure the fight was over. Then she slumped clumsily to a sitting position and began taking stock of her injuries...
"We got off lucky that time," she muttered through clenched teeth as her hands checked the ragged bloody bite marks on her leg. "We need to start being more careful."
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Redbeard waddles over quickly to those still hurt, while pulling out a small pearl of his belt pouch. After a moment he replaces the pearl in the pouch, and pulls out and says to Larren, "you be havin' that wand we bought right? I don't be seein' it in me pack." He touches Jillian on the shoulder, murmuring a brief prayer, healing some of her minor wounds. "We wanting to be usin' the wand on the wounded or save it's power for later?" Once Redbeard sees that Larren is attending to the wounded, he and Ralph go to investigate the tracks of the worgs and orcs trying to see the general direction they lead.

[sblock=ooc]Redbeard uses pearl of power to recover entangle. Do we want to use some of the wand's charges now? Or do we want to rely on Larren and my own healing magic and hope we don't have any more encounters today? Search for tracks: +2, Survival +11. BD, I don't know if it was just a way you described the action or what, but Ralph doesn't have the imp trip feat, he just can make a free trip attempt after a successful attack. For all, in your opinion did entangle work well or should I switch it out for something else? I think it worked well. Bloodweaver1, good use of energy missle. That power was a pain in my butt when I DMed, that is until Complete Psionics came out to nerf it. :D [/sblock]


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"No sense in using the wand while I've still got spells left," Larren mutters. Seeing that Nathaniel is already doing his part for Jillian, Larren only applies a light blessing, the same as he does for Joanna.

[sblock="OOC"]Cure light wounds on both, burning inflict light wounds and disguise self.[/sblock]

EvolutionKB said:
[sblock=ooc]Redbeard uses pearl of power to recover entangle. Do we want to use some of the wand's charges now? Or do we want to rely on Larren and my own healing magic and hope we don't have any more encounters today? Search for tracks: +2, Survival +11. BD, I don't know if it was just a way you described the action or what, but Ralph doesn't have the imp trip feat, he just can make a free trip attempt after a successful attack. For all, in your opinion did entangle work well or should I switch it out for something else? I think it worked well. Bloodweaver1, good use of energy missle. That power was a pain in my butt when I DMed, that is until Complete Psionics came out to nerf it. :D [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Good eye, on the trips. It's always been a sort of house rule of mine, since 3.0 came out, to use the free trip ability most canines have the way it was just used. Basically, their special ability, in my games, is actually a bit nastier then the improved trip feat, since they attack normally, try the trip, and then get to chew again if the target goes down. Mechanically, it makes a canine a bit more dangerous, especially in the initial attack. Thematically, it goes back to my experience with a former attack dog I had as a pet, and what I saw him do. If doing that truly deeply offends someone, we can talk more about it, but otherwise, just be aware of what to expect, now that you've really seen it in action.[/sblock]

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