Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)


joshhg said:
Very nice, and I like Nerath, though he isn't as much as a *male member* as the predecesor.
Still evil, but not as overt about it.

Just you wait. Trust me. He's just as much a "*male member*" as she was. Also, he's not a major story focus in SH2, more of a frequent tangent, as compared to Shemmy who was one of several major antagonists revolving around the central metaplot. No spoilers, but trust me, you'll like where things go with him.

Eventually you'll meet Nerath in SH1 as well, but not for some time.

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joshhg said:
Whow. I was getting worried about how long it had been between updates, but man, that was worth the wait!

And it is very nice to seen Inva's Player streach his role-playing legs. We don't see Tristol doing too much in the realm of "politics." Besides, he has a stable gf. Well, constant. No. Well, he marries her anyways.

I have to agree here, that Himalaya sized dust pile got swept under the rug in 3 fell swoops ;)

and it was a lovely read..


joshhg said:
And it is very nice to seen Inva's Player streach his role-playing legs. We don't see Tristol doing too much in the realm of "politics." Besides, he has a stable gf. Well, constant. No. Well, he marries her anyways.

I still have a fondness for magic. I doubt you'll find me playing too many characters that don't cast in some way shape or form. Doing the fighter thing, not really my style. I may however, wander out into a paladin at some point. I think I could do religious zealot rather well. But, in this case, I wanted to do something distinctly "not Tristol". Inva is pretty far from Tristol. Female, evil, touch of chaos, uses shadow magic and not the weave. Lots of stuff going there. She is certainly a fun character to play, almost as much fun as Tristol. She just lacks some of the background and history, and a clear direction to go, but what else do you expect from chaos?

As far as Nisha is concerned, yeap. That's about how it went. Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe maybe. It all turned out well in the end for Tristol though. Inva on the other hand, well, she looks at sex from a 'it's fun, and if I play may cards right, I may get something out of it' standpoint. And being an evil backstabbing tiefling, it also meshes with her moral standings as well.

You can probably look forward to a good bit of the turmoil in Phae and Inva's relationship. Inva sleeps with people for fun and profit, Phae has a more traditional view on it. And if not more traditional view, she at least doesn't like to share (particularly with Shemmie's successor).

Where actual politics is concerned, Tristol kept a pretty low-key attitude. Mostly because of how the character developed. That, and the party already had one 'face' more or less, and getting into too much of the public eye at various points poses problems. So, I kepty away from that to keep things simple.


Admittedly there were other reasons to *not* share with that *particular* loth. ;) Namely the icky vaguely-incestuous Kevin Bacon game.


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Clueless said:
Admittedly there were other reasons to *not* share with that *particular* loth. ;) Namely the icky vaguely-incestuous Kevin Bacon game.

Ehrm.. silent again?, and the other board equally so :( ;)... i am NOT an addict, honestly! :p

Firstly, this deserves a "BUMP".

Secondly, I just finished reading my way to this point and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it just as much as the first SH. Well done, Shemeska. Looking forward to your next update(s).

- Arathyn

Voidrunner's Codex

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