Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)


*Grabs the Thread, drags it up to the highest Floor of the Tower Arcane in Ghenna, puts Metal Rods in it and summons a Storm while chenneling Necromantic Powers to ressurect the Thread* ^^

Raise Thread, Raise Storyhour, RAISE TO SERVE YOUR OINOLOTH!

*looks if this is sufficient or if it needs the sacrifice of 200 Elves and Shemmis whole Jewelry* ^^

[in-character]Hands off the jewelry...[/in-character]

A lot of dust here, for so a good story. Whit so many open Questions. I hope that it gets updated again somewhere in the Future. ^^

What has happend if Shylara could become Oinoloth...and was she at least shaved from head to toe before that? *g* And what has happened to your namesake Shemeshka, is she really dead or just vanished? And why does Fyrehowl not life with Akin, because one of their daughters is Insane from the mixed blood?

And how did you build Paedra as an Arcanaloth/Lupinal Hybrid? And this Arcanaloth/Ultroloth Hybrids or what they are, as they dont seem to be just Unique Fiends but now there is a bigger number? If I unterstood it correctly. ^^

I don't want to spoil too much of the 1st Storyhour.

Fyrehowl and A'kin ended up with three children, who are each essentially unique beings given the bizarre mixed blood. You can really assume that they're the only three in existence. Phaedra was neutral, one was CN and arguably insane (and a Xaositect), while another was LG in a complete rejection of pretty much both parents.

It's been so long since I looked at Phaedra's character sheet. She was rather overpowered actually. She had a mixture of guardinal and 'loth racial traits, some racial hit dice, and some racial sorcerer caster levels. And pretty crazy stats. I was young and very bad at balanced crunch at the time. :)

Shemeshka's fate you'll have to wait to see what exactly happens in SH 1, which will fill in what's going on in SH 2.

As for how/why Shylara ends up being the Oinoloth in SH2, again that's pretty late stage events in SH 1 that fill that in.

However this:
excerpt for SH2's first post said:
”I hear Him, though but dimly at times. He whispers to me in the darkness of my heart and I am afraid. I am afraid that I will not hear Him clearly, and that I will ere in my actions. I fear that my interpretation of those commands may be false, and He demands and deserves better from his chosen. But I do not speak this to my flock, to His faithful. No, no I do not. Truth and control do not matter, only that their illusion exists.

I listen to the darkness and there He rages! His fury at Her is ceaseless! Who is She!!? Who does She think She is to deny both birthright and destiny? What does She hide and what does She want? She fears us, She fears my Love, but why?”

That's spoken/thought by Shylara. Interpret as you wish.

And for a number of questions, the one statement by Anubis in SH2's opening, "There is no such thing as a quiet death." holds remarkably true.
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After reading the first SH I took the plunge and read this one - fantastic stuff!
Can't wait to find out what happens to Shemeska and the Ebon.
Quick question - what level were the party when they went to the barrow on Faerun?
Oh, and bump :)


I sometimes forget out was years ago, it's all fresh for me! If you remember level five then I guess there were a few template levels floating around. The part I was curious about had lots of undead, up to a lich :)

I really liked the setup, but it's always hard to judge the difficulty of these things when using stories as inspiration.


I sometimes forget out was years ago, it's all fresh for me! If you remember level five then I guess there were a few template levels floating around. The part I was curious about had lots of undead, up to a lich :)

I really liked the setup, but it's always hard to judge the difficulty of these things when using stories as inspiration.

Yeah the lich was above the suggested CR for the party, but at the same time they had a Red Wizard (who himself aspired to be a lich) helping them. It was a challenging fight to be certain, and the PCs had a fun time with it all. Years later I'm still proud of the atmosphere I was able to build into the great barrow just based on the slender details in the 3e FR book that covered it in like a half page or so.

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