[Shop] di Senzio's Magical Shop


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"You want an armor too. These are at 940 gp each. so with a rapier, it would do 2790 gp. Does that sounds good. You can take a look." She grabs one of the studded leather armor and hand it to Devlin so he can take a look at it.

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Devlin examines the armor. "Well, it's not as practical as a ring in my businesss, but it is better than what I currently possess. I will take both items for that price."

The rogue counts out 279 platinum pieces and sets them on the counter.


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Valeria takes the 279 platinium. "I hope they will bring you good luck. If you ever need anything else, or if you need to sell some magical item, you can always come here."

She hands the magical rapier and the magical studded leather to Devlin. She walks to teh back room, handing the money to someone who is there behind before coming back to teh counter. "Have a good day sir."


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Walking into the shop a shortish Elf in a dark robe seems somewhat distracted as he looks around at the wares. He carries what appears to be a neatly folded and bundled set of studded leather armor.

The Studded Leather in the display catches his eye, as does a few bundles of scrolls.
"Magical? the priest inquires of the armor.


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As teh elf enter, he see a man and a woman speaking behind teh counter. The men seems to explain some arcane theory and is holding a starnge item. The women quickly spot teh elf. "Welcome sir, how can I help you?"

"I'll be back in a moment." tells the man to the women and he leaves by the backroom door.

As the elf asks for the studded leather. "Yes. All items you see on this shelf." she tells pointing the shelf behind the counter. "are magical."


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Velmont said:
"Yes. All items you see on this shelf." she tells pointing the shelf behind the counter. "are magical."

"Very well, how much are you asking for the studded leather please?"


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"We are asking 940 gp for it. It is the best price you can have on the market for such good." tells Valeria. She grabs the armor and put it on the counter. "You can inspect it if you want."


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Velmont said:
"We are asking 940 gp for it. It is the best price you can have on the market for such good." tells Valeria. She grabs the armor and put it on the counter. "You can inspect it if you want."

The less than 5' tall priest looks over the armor, the fit looks like it will be a bit too large for his diminutive frame, though perhaps...
"May I try it on? Do you have a room in the back perhaps?"


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"No, the backroom is off limits for customers, but you can try it here. You can use teh straps here and there to adjust it to your size. I'm quite sure you can be confortable in it." answers Valeria

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