Show me your dice


Two small selections from the rather ridiculous buckets of dice I seem to have accumulated: one of many Gamescience sets; and the latest addition, to go with my black and green Hero 5th edition dice.



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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
These are my go to dice. Except the Boot Hill ones. I had to finally retire those. View attachment 277360
I like the violet and white ones to the right. Crisp edges and clear, easy to read numbers. I greatly prefer readability from a distance and am not a fan of highly stylized dice or dice with numbers that are not inked in or have poor contrast. Not only because of my aging eyes, but part of the fun is watching other people's die rolls. Having to wait for someone to state the result kinda detracts from the fun for me.


Bearing in mind that I've given away more dice than I currently own (I've probably taught around 30 people to play, and given then each a full set of dice), plus having tossed all generic boardgame dice...

My dice bags... (the green one goes all the way back to the '80's)


My full sets of dice...

2 Chessex sets - blue/gold and green w/ black speckles, Chessex "Pizza Cheese" set, Sophie's Lucky Dice from the Reaper Miniatures Bones V Kickstarter, several "galaxy" pattern sets (blue/purple, red/yellow, green/gold, blue/copper, purple/teal), a red/yellow/blue fade, my own rainbow mismatched set and a blank set that someday I'm going to scrimshaw numbers onto...


My oddball dice of various sizes and random shinies...


Dice sets of random sizes, dice-within-dice, D24, D25, D30 and D100, and dice with unusual stuff on them... Some of the more interesting ones are the D6 with Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons, the rock/paper/scissors dice, and the D6 with the numbers spelled out in Turkish...


The rest of my dice...
Those with a sharp and discerning eye will be able to see old '80s Waldenbooks crystal dice as well as dice from Star Frontiers, Gamma Word, and the Basic Set.



I like the violet and white ones to the right. Crisp edges and clear, easy to read numbers. I greatly prefer readability from a distance and am not a fan of highly stylized dice or dice with numbers that are not inked in or have poor contrast. Not only because of my aging eyes, but part of the fun is watching other people's die rolls. Having to wait for someone to state the result kinda detracts from the fun for me.
Oh yeah. As I've gotten older, I choose my dice based on readability rather than coolness factor. I don't ever use those jade dice, as they are too small. And I'll never get those fancy dice I see people use. No way I could read those.

I go for visibility also, here is in the dark (low light):

black dice.jpg

My poly's are mostly boring, chessex and off brand maybe wiz dice, I used to have the originals, and some game science, except I lost the crown royal bag. Which oddly enough I found another empty one in my stuff? Very weird.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
For a short time I owned the perfect D&D dice set.

A few years ago I custom ordered a set of precision aluminum dice from Gravity Dice. Each polyhedral was in the color of the medieval alchemical color that matched the element that the platonic solid symbolized. I also had a set of d10s. Those were my DM dice when I played in person, they had just the right weight. We well balanced. Had crisp edges and highly readable numbers. spent $20 per die, for a total of USD 140 plus tax. During travels I misplaced them. :-(

I am no longer able to buy the exact colors for each polyhedral from Gravity Dice to replace them. Also, they now bezel the edges, which ruins the near-perfect platonic solid in the hand flavor. As expensive as they were, I wish I would have bought multiples of each polyhedral.


CR 1/8
Most of my dice are in storage right now. In fact, looking through my things, I apparently don't even have my lucky dice bag with me. :oops:
So I've only got a few basic travel sets at hand:


Last summer, I also got a set of resin knucklebones (and red skull die), which I'll probably use for divinations, tavern games, or something:



The EN World kitten
I like to collect unusual dice, the sort that don't get rolled at your average table. Here's a small sampling of what I've picked up over the years:


This little beauty is a d120, which according to the website I got it from is the largest number of sides you can have on a die before it turns into a golf ball (i.e. a sphere with small indentations).


Here we have a bonafide Zocchihedron; a d100 that I actually bought from Lou Zocchi himself at Gen Con several years ago.


Yes, this is actually a d50, and yes, it rolls exactly as poorly as you'd think.

d - Total.jpg

Another of the great Lou Zocchi's creations, this is the d-Total, a die which can serve as a stand-in for almost any other kind of die! It actually comes with instructions telling you how to interpret what comes up on each face, depending on the die that it's substituting for.


Your eyes do not deceive you: this is a d1 in the shape of a Möbius strip. Given to me as a birthday present by a friend several years back, I can honestly say it took me by surprise, as I thought the only d1s out there were spheres.

d - Magic 8-ball.jpg

Last but certainly not least, this is the d20 that's contained in every Magic 8 Ball. If there was ever any doubt that Strength was my dump stat, retrieving this dispelled it, because that Magic 8 Ball did not let this go without a fight!

EDIT: Resized those huge pictures down into something more manageable.


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