BARRAKAS 10, 999
The seven friends eventually reach Zilargo. House Orien is happy to see them off. In Trolanport, they had a short misadventure dealing with a gnome that summons elemental creatures. After defeating him, the team is offered a means to Sharn.
The ship reaches Sharn and they return to where it all started.....
Dura ir’Elderich returns to her apartment and relaxes. It is a decent size so everyone has space to relax. Hot baths and perfumes for the women and cold drinks and hot food for the guys. Mania just likes being in the city again.
BARRAKAS 14 , 999
Nearby, a time displaced John Play awakens and remembers a promise he made for Kim ir’Elderich. He has a note he is to deliver to his granddaughter- Dura. Knowing he may be ripped from time and place by Glyder Freetime at any moment, he leaves to accomplish his mission.
Play takes a skycoach to the tower where the Elderich family have a small mansion. He hopes she is in. He has not seen Dura is years (literally) and wanders what she is up to. He always thought she had that same mischievous mindset her grandfather has. There are no servants. The gardens in the front gate look neglected. But he spots someone in the window. Someone taller than a dwarf.
Sliding a Tonfa to his hand he goes to the door. He knocks and the door is answered shortly. Play is not prepared for what he sees. The door is answered by a human woman that is over six feet tall and very strong looking. Her square jaw suggests Eldeen heritage. “Is Dura ir’Elderich in?”
“and you are?” Demands the woman.
Play spots a strange looking warforged behind her. Gems are embedded in his shoulders and arms. “Play, John Play. A family friend.”
The tall woman closes the door on him. He can hear several people talking then the door opens. A female dwarf opens the door. Her hair is balled up within a towel and she is wearing a Sarlonian cloth robe. “John?” she asks.
The ex-Dark Lantern and at times ally to her grandfather gives her a big smile and opens his arms for a hug. She nearly lifts him off his feet. “John!”
Excited introductions are made. Mania immediately takes a dislike to Play. They have the same charming personality, flirtatious natures and even look like they could be brothers. Also, Leeja is appreciating the looks she is getting from him. Play doesn’t seem to notice Bora’s own body language as she takes stock of the self-proclaimed “Hero for Hire”.
Dura and the others talk about their adventures and House Kundarak’s contract with her grandfather. In turn, Play talks about his time travel adventures. Before he leaves, he hands her an envelope. Within it is a written letter from Kim, her grandfather.
John leaves and the seven friends sit back and talk about him. Eventually, everyone finds their place to sleep- everyone but Dura. She stares at the envelope. After several failed attempts at sleep she gets up and opens the envelope.
BARRAKAS 10, 999
The seven friends eventually reach Zilargo. House Orien is happy to see them off. In Trolanport, they had a short misadventure dealing with a gnome that summons elemental creatures. After defeating him, the team is offered a means to Sharn.
The ship reaches Sharn and they return to where it all started.....
Dura ir’Elderich returns to her apartment and relaxes. It is a decent size so everyone has space to relax. Hot baths and perfumes for the women and cold drinks and hot food for the guys. Mania just likes being in the city again.
BARRAKAS 14 , 999
Nearby, a time displaced John Play awakens and remembers a promise he made for Kim ir’Elderich. He has a note he is to deliver to his granddaughter- Dura. Knowing he may be ripped from time and place by Glyder Freetime at any moment, he leaves to accomplish his mission.
Play takes a skycoach to the tower where the Elderich family have a small mansion. He hopes she is in. He has not seen Dura is years (literally) and wanders what she is up to. He always thought she had that same mischievous mindset her grandfather has. There are no servants. The gardens in the front gate look neglected. But he spots someone in the window. Someone taller than a dwarf.
Sliding a Tonfa to his hand he goes to the door. He knocks and the door is answered shortly. Play is not prepared for what he sees. The door is answered by a human woman that is over six feet tall and very strong looking. Her square jaw suggests Eldeen heritage. “Is Dura ir’Elderich in?”
“and you are?” Demands the woman.
Play spots a strange looking warforged behind her. Gems are embedded in his shoulders and arms. “Play, John Play. A family friend.”
The tall woman closes the door on him. He can hear several people talking then the door opens. A female dwarf opens the door. Her hair is balled up within a towel and she is wearing a Sarlonian cloth robe. “John?” she asks.
The ex-Dark Lantern and at times ally to her grandfather gives her a big smile and opens his arms for a hug. She nearly lifts him off his feet. “John!”
Excited introductions are made. Mania immediately takes a dislike to Play. They have the same charming personality, flirtatious natures and even look like they could be brothers. Also, Leeja is appreciating the looks she is getting from him. Play doesn’t seem to notice Bora’s own body language as she takes stock of the self-proclaimed “Hero for Hire”.
Dura and the others talk about their adventures and House Kundarak’s contract with her grandfather. In turn, Play talks about his time travel adventures. Before he leaves, he hands her an envelope. Within it is a written letter from Kim, her grandfather.
John leaves and the seven friends sit back and talk about him. Eventually, everyone finds their place to sleep- everyone but Dura. She stares at the envelope. After several failed attempts at sleep she gets up and opens the envelope.