Siberys Seven: Heroes of Eberron

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BARRAKAS 19, 999

Dura is an Elderich. As possibly the richest dwarven family on Khorvaire, she and her grandfather, Kim, have had little for want. But their family name lives in infamy. Several hundred years ago the Elderich family were well to do but not nearly as rich as they appear now. Even then, many tried to give the family space. They were all adventurers and explorers. Very unsavory for the race known for properness and tradition.

All save for the Noldrun clan. And they were the richest and most powerful non-Kundarak dwarven family. Some of the youngest members traveled with the Eldeerich. Some say to watch and enjoy the activities- others say they even joined them. Especially the youngest- Kim. All have suggested the Elderich family had something to do with Noldrunhold’s downfall. Their treasures were lost to creatures that tunneled in from underground, possibly Khyber, and have never been found ever since. Then shortly after Dura’s parents disappeared, Kim revealed moneys and wealth he had discovered and hoarded. Immense treasure.

Ever since then, Kim ir’Elderich ( some think of them as nobles but the government has never given them a title) has continued to travel the world and explored things that many believe are best left alone. Only The Wayfinders Foundation and possibly Morgrave University, are more active than he in exploration and research. At any given time he may have six major explorations going at any time. He also tends to be very flashy with his money. Most recently he built the world’s largest airship- The Siberys Heir. He was last seen months ago traveling to Xen’drik on it.

He has many contacts that he uses to research and investigate his many interests. One is listed several times in the notes about this series of underground tunnels she and her friends have decided to explore. The gnome Jenna Brightcup.

Dura climbs off the air coach and pays the pilot. The tower is two buildings over and requires a short walk. The tower alleyway has a few vendors within it. Some dwarves and a human in armor is discussing the purchase of magic potions. She walks around them and finds the door marked as “Cup of Information” and knocks.

“Enter.” Comes a soft voice from inside. Dura enters and finds herself before a gnome wearing a cloak aiming a crossbow at her. The cloak makes her appearance shimmer and blur. It bothers the dwarf’s eyes to look directly at her. “Name.”

“Dura. You are expecting me.”

The gnome looks her over and considers the options. “Okay.” And she motions her to enter and to have a seat at her desk.

“My grandfather, Kim Elderich, hired you a year ago to investigate some rumors of secret tunnels in Eldeen. Do you remember the case?” asks Dura certain the paranoid gnome wouldn’t.

“The rod. I remember it. I remember the case. I remember the rod. Can not forget. Will never forget.” Quickly stampers the nervous gnome.

“What can you tell me of it? My grandfather’s notes were sparse on your work.”

“He decided to find the Creation Schema instead. Or the Schema found him instead. Heh.” The gnome hopes up and hurries to a drawer. He looks over his shoulder then pulls it open. He rifles through many scroll cases and thin boxes. “Carson Papers…..Book of the Dead…Book of Vile Deeds….Draconicon….ah! oh…no wrong bag…. Here!” and the gnome turns with a case file (leather bag sized for books and papers ) and sets it down with a clunk.

“I have unpaid expenses…….”

Dura pulls out a few coins from her vest and sets them down on the desk. “Travel expenses….. Eldeen and Yrlag….. Mad Woods in Karrnath…..” She places a few more coins down on the desk.

“What has driven your grandfather to research….. this place? It is not only evil but….eh….effects one’s mind…. One’s sanity I have been told.” Dura rolls her eyes but it goes unnoticed as the Inquisitive’s eyes dart from corner to corner…. Ceiling and floor.

“It’s what he did. Your notes were thin but hinted at a lot. Can you tell me what you found?”

“Heh. Yes. Yes I can.” A gentle breeze ruffles a few pages. The gnome’s eyes go wide and he shakes his head. “Began more than two years ago. Kim had returned from the Dragon lands. Argonnessen. He found scrolls and strange writings within a cave. Believed them to be Draconic in nature. Heh. Thought that funny since they came from the island of dragons. So obvious. Read like a riddle. We both translated it but his had additional insight. Said he had visions that night. Crazy. Still, I took his coin and began to research.”

“What was researched? Where?”

“Riddle….. a play on words I’m sure.”

“Day of Nines?”

“Ah! You know of it! What is it? I must know. It is soon- I am certain of it!”

Dura is becoming uncomfortable with gnome. He is crazy. “Don’t know- some words I read in his other notes.”

“So close….. so so so close. I can feel it!” and he moves some other case files and this week’s Korranberg Chronicle aside. “So close”

“Started with Morgrave. Helpful warforged there. Books. I think I peaked its interest. That led me to Zilargo. Lead me to Arcanix. Got me kicked out by some stupid dragon person. Followed another clue to Mad Woods to the far north. Spoke to some unsavory types there. Creatures whom lived underground and believed dreams and nightmares were real and exist in another plane. Remember that.”

The gnome’s eyes are intense when he says that. “Found myself in Yrlag. Swampy little town that seems so boring and unlikely. The orcs there didn’t like me poking around. Grotto, a tavern keeper there…. Nice guy….. convinced me to move on. I was going to return to Sharn but ran intotrouble…. The Emerald Kind.” The gnome winks. Dura has no idea why. She knows little of the terrorist group from the war known as The Emerald Claw.

“Met a gnome named Gussa from Karrnath. If not for her, I would have skipped Eldeen. Never would have found the map or…. The Rod.” He reaches into the bag and pulls out a red glass or marble rod. “Don’t know what it is or what it does but I was attacked twice by the Claw and once by simple-minded forest creatures trying to get it. Its important.” He hands it over and a strong breeze outside howls hauntedly.

“Anything else?”

“Details inside. Including the map.”


“Entrance to where this goes.” And he rolls the red rod within his slender fingers.

She stands up and gathers the notes and lastly- the red rod. “Here are a few more coin. Keep in touch.” And she leaves.



“So this professor you’re here to see….what is his name?” asks mania as he looks out from the garden patio on the outer edge of the Morgrave University.

“Her name. Ezmarilda Flowfeau is an elven professor here. She teaches ancient history. [DM NOTE: See Morgrave Adventures Segment 028] My family knew her before she even left Aundair to teach here.”

“Her?” and Mania smiles teasing her.

“She is not your type.”

“Elves are nice. I don’t mind.”

“She doesn’t like males.”

“Oh. Well I…. really?”

“Stop being so pre war time and grow up.”

“Yess’um” he says and watches as a sky coach soars by- much closer than it ought to be.

“Leeya? Leeya! It is you.” Comes a happy voice with a thick Aundarian accent. Mania turns and sees a tall graceful elf dressed in emerald thin glowing gown with a headpiece containing several blue and purple feathers. Obviously she has hung out with the gnomes too long.

“Professor Ezmarilda Flowfeau, I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine- Mania.” Mania is uncertain but she seems to hesitate greeting him.

“Mania…. Such a strange name.”

“Its what I answer to.” The two smile and remain pleasant to each other but it is obvious that neither seem to comfortable with the other.

“You said something about a Prophecy. You do know most of these prophecies are made-up and false.”

“As you said- Most.” Says Mania then he shuts up as Leeya steps on his foot.

“Yes but I am curious still. It had a strange phrase or two and I thought maybe with your studies you have heard of it or know something about it.”

“Go on.” Offers the elf.

“Day of Nines.”

“What a bizarre and obviously unlikely name for a prankster’s creation.”

Mania instantly knows she is hiding something. Leeya is too caught off guard at a blatant disbelief.

“The ‘Day of Nines’ may refer to the murder of the Nine Brothers in the area now known as Q’Barra. There were three of them, Marck, Jonesy and Finch. They were pirates that were killed by a rival group from an island in the Lhazaar Principalities. I believe it was around 675…. Maybe 678.”

“Did they ever travel beyond that area?” Leeya asks hopefully finding something of meaning.

“No. They stayed close to the coast.”

“Khorvaire’s coast? What about other coast lines?” asks Mania.

“Other coasts? No. No I don’t believe so.”

“So they never traveled to Argonnessen?”


“The term ‘Dragon’s Fear’ was used. I thought maybe the brothers fought a dragon then.”

“REALLY ! You should know better than this. Forget about the Nines and the Dragon Fear. It is merely stories told to frighten children.”

Dragon Fear…. Not Dragon’s Fear wonders Mania.

“I’m sorry Ezmarilda. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“You would do better to not hang out with these…. Ruffians, You are a noble’s daughter.”

“Ah-Hey Look lady-“ Begins Mania……

“She means Dura. I have overheard her speak poorly of Kim. ‘always meddling in things he could never understand’ was the usual line. I am sorry. I should not have bothered you. Have a good day.” And Leeya takes Mania’s hand and pulls him along Once out of the direct sunlight he easily stops her.

“What was that all about?”

“She seems to not want us to look into this ‘Day of Nines’.”


“Let’s go back and pack.”

Mania watches her storm away helplessly. Surrendering he whispers- “We don’t even know where we are going.”


BARRAKAS 20, 999

Incarnum is many things. He is a warrior. He is a Warforged. He is an explorer. He is one of The 87. He is also a spy.

He was created by his ruler and master- The Mighty Lord of Blades.

The Forge that acted as his mother was damaged from the day Cyre was killed and the Mourn Lands were born. In his wisdom, The Lord and his artificers came and tried to repair the Great Forge. 87 warforged were born here. Each unique and more powerful than a normal warforged.

Several crystals were bound into his form. It was believed to be psionic in nature but this has been proven to be false. The crystals whisper to Incarnum. They are not magic as most know it nor psionic. It is something between the two.

Now he finds himself in Sharn. He was sent here to spy on the city. When he met Dura Elderich, he was then asked to watch her as the Lord and her grandfather, Kim, were in direct conflict locating The Creation Schema. It is a powerful artifact connected to creating intelligent magical items. With it, The Lord of Blades hopes to bring his people, the Warforged, to new heights of power.

It has been a very long time since he has had any contact with his people. Now, as he learns of new possible artifacts sought by Kim they have reached out to him. Are they spying on him? He pushes the thought out of his head as he takes the long way to the meeting place.

He is to meet them on the 67th floor near the Lift. His contact will meet him on the 15th floor at the Lift.

At the lift, Incarnum steps onto the lift. A warforged is already here running it. “Floor?” the warforged asks in a monotone voice.


“copper per level. 52 coppers……”

Incarnum gives him 6 silver. “Not 55?”

The Lift begins to rise. “Report Number 55.”

Incarnum, #55 of the 87, begins his report. He has traveled with the grand daughter of Kim for months now. Including her home which lies in near abandonment in the Mhor Holds. How she was found to have no money and forced into paying her grandfather’s debt until her lost inheritance was found. Part of this included his notes on artifacts. He briefly describes what he saw for the Creation Schema. Six parts that when assembled created a means to project foreign magic, possibly explanar, into inanimate objects. He then speaks about the “Halls” where they are going.

“Good #55. Continue to travel with her. Take this…,” and the spy hands Incarnum a small metal orb. He takes the “fake” docent out of his own chest and places this one in its place. “…. Send The Messenger when you feel you need to reach us.”

Then the two stand there like statues, like warforged, for another 20 levels.

At level #45 a broad bugbear steps onto the lift. “Which floor?” asks the attendant.

“Deepest.” Says the bugbear. “Level one.”

“45 coppers.” The money is handed over. “Level #67 then one.”

And they travel in silence.

Meanwhile- near the 67th level……

“Drake. Samual Drake. He was once a part of the Aundarian Army that went into Eldeen. He has some information possibly for us and also has been working for me on a tool…. A magical tool.” Answers Dura as they cross a bridge connecting towers.

Bora nods to the answer as she accepts it. The six of them continue to travel looking around. Leeja notes Mania seems preoccupied.

“Something wrong?”

“Thought I saw something. Just my imagination I suppose.”

“Don’t be like that. You are our best lookout.”

“At night sure…. But now….. in the direct sunlight I’m just….. ah hell. It’s Sharn. Flying winged women are common enough. I’m just paranoid.”

And with that Leeya subconsciously watches the skies herself.

Back at the Lift-

“How high?” asks the bugbear looking over the edge. “There are no rails.”

“Do not fear friend Goblinoid. That is why we limit travelers on this lift.”

“Sounds… unsafe. What do you think?” he asks Incarnum.

Incarnum looks up and to the bugbear. “I am sorry. I was…lost in thought. What did you say?”

Suddenly the bugbear pushes the Lift operator over the edge. Incarnum goes into defensive mode but then a new figure arrives- a Harpy!

=Ski-shinkt != The warforged pops both of his fore-arm blades. He briefly peers over the edge where the lift operator was thrown. He can be seen. “The city-watch will not like that. That was cold-blooded murder.” States Incarnum.

“My bad.” The bugbear smiles and pulls out a morning star. “Worse- I am a repeat offender.”

“Stop playing with him Fruul. I have other business to do.” Grumbles the flying monstrous woman.

Incarnum springs to the attack before the Harpy attacker can grab and lift him. His twin short swords stab and pierce the bugbear repeatedly (crit!). Snarling the bugbear strikes the warforged to drive him back. The flyer tries to strike but can not get an attack with the moving combatants.

The lift continues to rise. Incarnum kills the bugbear then turns to face the flyer whom drops off the lift. She begins to sing. It is quiet at first then increases in volume and power. Incarnum pauses and listens to the sound. It urges him to walk to her to better hear it. He pops the twin short swords back into the built-in sheaths and stands up right and firm.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Why restart or why 5th edition?
Sorry, I meant why 5th edition. If I understand correctly, you're writing without the game group. So effectively, you're writing a story. Why change the system? I will keep reading whatever, I've read about Mania in Darksun, I've read this, whatever you do, I'll read it. I'm just wondering why change it?

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