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Sic Pixie's Carrion Crown Adventure Path


First Post
Relaxing interlude

The party attend the ceremony at midnight; the whole roof of the temple slides back to reveal a perfect night sky; the High Priest who has recovered from his ordeal earlier leads the service. As the service continues; several of the stars above shine and begin to glow with a powerful inner light; each star illuminates a member of the party who feels the grace of Desna running through them. The lights fade from the sky but each member of the party glows for the remainder of the service.


They all head to bed soon afterwards and awake early feeling refreshed; after a soak in the temple baths they head out.

Grembor heads first to the docks looking for some tattoo supplies and manages to locate a nice set for a vastly inflated price which he pays without question.

Pringle heads to the local school of wizardry and is accosted by a Gnome illusionist who is the doorkeeper. After some mental sparring he is allowed in and purchases a couple of spells which he then heads back to the temple for the peace and quiet to see if he can scribe one of them into his book.

Sayuri and Zordlan wander round town; eat good food and catch a show. The show was not the best but the bar afterwards makes up for it. The performers at the bar actually know how to sing.

They all head to bed relatively early planning an early start the next day.

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First Post
New beginning, new monsters

Riding out of the city they look back and see the majestic towers and walls fade from view as they pass over a hill on the rolling plains of Ardel. The city looks more impressive from a distance as the closer you get the more you can see the disrepair and neglect the city is experiencing. Regardless it was a good place to stop over and restore flagging energies.

The party look onwards and ride over the next hill as the trail leads ever onwards.

Traveling through the day the surrounding countryside becomes more and more neglected; they pass many farms where the fields have been left to fallow and houses which have been abandoned. The further they go from the city the more likely the houses are empty. Traveling down the well worn but less traveled then it has been road they notice suspicious looking mounds of earth beside the road. Grembor in the lead holds up his hand signaling a stop just before the two mounds erupt showering him with earth and sods.

An insectile creature emerges its mandibles clicking as it spits a stream of acid his way; the acid strikes a glancing blow causing minor burns. Across the pathway another creature rises from it’s hole and shoots a stream of acid at Sayuri which misses.

Zordlan pulls out his bow and fires of an arrow at the closest creature while Pringle tries casting a spell from horseback which fails due to the horse moving in terror beneath him. Sayuri fails to keep control of her mount which turns and tries running away from the hideous creatures. Grembor pulls out his bow and looses a torrent of arrows at the closest creature which gurgles and chitters in annoyance; advancing the creature which Pringle screams out is called an Ankeg tries biting Grembor who manages to evade its grasp.

Zordlan calmly fires off another couple of arrows which vibrate slightly as they thunk into the Ankeg’s chitin armor as Sayuri gains control of her mount and fires off a series of force missiles towards one who collapses back into its hole. Grembor knee’s his horse back a step and the calm obedient horse complies as he unloads another trio of arrows into the Ankeg; Pringle follows with a ray of fire that causes it to immolate as it expires with a wheezing chittering sound.

Two more burst from the ground only scant feet away from the party but as the group is prepared they are soon dealt with and the party after poking at the bodies continues upon their way. Maybe these burrowing creatures are the cause of all this abandoned farmland …

As they continue onwards through the day the clouds overhead become progressively darker and more ominous; at roughly midday after passing many more abandoned farmsteads the happen upon an abandoned manorhouse. They consider entering but after they do a reconnoiter they discover an extensive magical presence and signs of powerful hauntings and decide to continue onwards towards their main goal. (Side mission averted.)

The day get darker earlier then usual due to the extensive oppressive dark forbidding clouds as the heavens open and torrents of rain fall. The party not being prepared for this finds themselves out in the open in an impressive thunderstorm as lightning crashes around them. Having no tree’s to hide beneath (not a good idea) they erect to poor tent they have and try to sleep pegging the disgusted horses out in the open to face the full brunt of the storm.

Watches are set and no-one really gets any good sleep as they are all wet, cold and miserable. However Sayuri gets the shock of her life as while patrolling on her watch near the horses a massive bolt of lightning strikes the ground nearby sending sods of earth in all directions and bowling Sayuri onto her back. The horse’s rear in terror and Grembor’s horse manages to break free of its tether and runs off into the night.


First Post
The Horse Whisperer ...

Morning comes with a slight lightning of the sky; several brave birds poke their heads out and start singing as the storm passed and the clouds are starting to clear. Grembor awakens and is slightly miffed to discover his horse has ran off in the night. However being relatively flat terrain he soon spy’s the figure of his horse a few rolling hills away and he sets out to reclaim his expensive horse.

Getting closer he tries his special Ranger trick to calm the clearly agitated beast which only seems to enrage the horse more; trying again with a clump of freshly picked grass it seems like the horse has had enough as it starts running away again. Grembor very annoyed now after walking all this way; having a sleepless night wet and cold takes out his bow and unleashes an arrow at the retreating horse. The arrow sinks into the horse’s rump bringing it to an almost immediate halt.

Turning the well trained warhorse charges at Grembor with eyes a furious red colour; Grembor unleashes some arrows in it’s direction and the last arrow sinks to it’s fletchings in the horse’s eye and kills it mid charge. Earth is thrown all around and the horse comes to a shuddering halt a few inches from Grembor’s surprised form.

Shaking his head he takes out his knife and starts butchering the horse for meat.

DM Note: Grembor plays himself very well here. Impatient CN with anger issues; he tries twice to make the horse friendly and rolls a natural 1 on both his rolls causing the horse to drop it’s attitude from neutral to hostile. It tries to leave but Grembor shooting it makes it angry so it charges. Typically on the rolls to hit his own horse he rolls a nat 20 taking it in the eye and killing it instantly. There goes a very expensive horse. We all had a good giggle at this one.


First Post
Never trust the trees

Walking back to the camp with horse meat thrown over one shoulder the rest of the party share looks before getting the frying pans out to cook the meat.

Sitting eating hot horse mixed with the usual fruit and oats of breakfast they can see a smudge on the horizon. Grembor fishing out his looking glass gazes at it intently for a while before concluding that this may indeed be their destination. The ground from this distance looks to be a brown dusty colour and the buildings of the town look mostly in serious disrepair. There is the smudge of smoke rising from the ruins which were supposed to have been abandoned … that is till recently when the whispering way closely followed by the werewolves of the Shudderwood descended upon the slowly disintegrating ruins.

They sneak to the borders of the desecrated area and find a dilapidated building with a poor innocent tree; hanging from said tree are four dead werewolves still clad in their fine furry hides. Now one would assume that this is fishy as werewolves revert to human form on their death and this did indeed go through Sayuri’s mind. However some powerful enchantment enthralled the others of the party into thinking it was just an innocent tree and nothing was out of the ordinary.

That is until a vine drops from the tree and wraps around Pringle. Pringle then see’s the tree for what it is while the rest of the party (Sayuri excluded) start wondering why Pringle is suddenly wrestling with a vine. This is not the usual playful mannerisms of the serious wizard; and quite out of character. Pringle is obviously in some distress though and requires some assistance so Zordlan wanders to Pringle and assists him by severing the vine with his sword shaking his head at the idiosyncrasies of those of a wizardly pursuit. Grembor gets the inkling that something is going on but just can’t put his finger on it; while Pringle backs up out of the reach of the carnivorous plant and screams at the rest of the group to get back.

The Tree shoots a vine at Grembor wrapping him up in its coils knocking him over onto his back; tightening the vine around his chest as he struggles feebly to release himself. Sayuri starts casting a spell and another vine leaps in her direction disrupting the spell and wrapping strong foliage round her arms and mouth. Sayuri tries struggling free but is unable to extract herself while Zordlan somewhat bemused by the strange turn of events and how did she manage to get herself so entirely stuck in an inanimate object like this. With Zordlan’s assistance Sayuri is freed. Grembor manages to throw off the restricting vines and finally manages to see the tree for what it is while Zordlan is still blissfully unaware due to the Tree’s insidious illusions.

Grembor scoots back several steps and activates his magical quiver making the arrows within it flaming. Pulling one out he fires it at the tree where it impacts with a burst of flame. Pringle follows suit with a spell but he fails to overcome the tree’s magical resistance and the spell splatters harmlessly upon the bark. Sayuri not to be outdone shoots off a lightning bolt at the tree which evades it’s resistance to magic and thunders into the trunk causing it to quiver and scream showing for the first time a toothed maw in the trunk.

The tree attacks the only one left within its reach and wraps vines around Zordlan who laughs as he trips over a branch and ends up laying on his back somehow tangled in some loose vines which seem to tighten as he struggles. It’s amusing how these little accidents happen. Sayuri fires off some force missiles at the tree while Grembor unloads 3 arrows at it’s trunk with a couple of them impacting and one missing completely and hitting Zorldan in the rump with several angry words muttered. Pringle tries a scorching ray of fire which also chars the bark of the creature.

After struggling with the vine for a while Zordlan finally see’s what everyone else does and screams like a little girl as the maw opens wide and he is pulled a little closer. With a shout of anger he throws off the vines holding him and pulls himself to his feet. The Tree lurches forward sending vines shooting out to all in range but the combined efforts and blows from the party soon reduce it to firewood.

They poke around the tree and the cottage but find nothing of interest while Sayuri pulls Grembor’s arrow from Zordlan and returns it to him; Grembor takes the arrow with a nod of thanks.


First Post
Party meet Duristan ... Duristan kill party ...

Soon they are approaching the village and Grembor heads out ahead to scout the ruins. The first house they come to is a farmstead on the outskirts of the village. The ground underfoot is corrupted and wasted. Nothing grows here apart from scabrous lichen and sickly looking weeds; the trees around the village are dead with crooked branches reaching to the skies like skeletal hands bursting from graves.

Grembor sidles up to the first house and peeks through a window noting that the insides seem empty; there is some sort of construction in the middle of the room but apart from that it looks like it’s been abandoned for years. Scooting through the doorway he enters the main room and finds a crude alter to something or other. It looks disturbing due to the blood and what could possibly be a human heart that rests upon it. Motioning for the rest of the party to approach they slowly file in and Pringle identifies the alter as some form of worship to the Demon lord of werewolves Jezelda which they leave well alone.

Traipsing out of the building they spy another building close by which looks mostly intact, Grembor and Sayuri can hear a ringing coming from this building as it a hammer is hitting an anvil. Sayuri casts a message spell upon the Ranger and Grembor being the most experienced at being stealthy creeps up to the building which looks to be a smithy and ghosts through the doorway. Looking around the room he sees’s a figure tapping away on an anvil; it seems to sense Grembor and turns to face the startled Ranger.

Grembor is surprised to see Duristan the noble hunter who they presumed died at the assault on the rest of his group by the Demon Wolves. There seems to be something more intense about his demeanor than noted previously and Grembor is instantly on edge.

Duristan happily greets Grembor as an old friend and asks about the rest of the group. Grembor after stating that they are close enquires to how he got here and why the assault on him and his group did not kill him. Duristan relates that his party was ambushed in the woods outside of the Stairs of the Moon by vicious werewolves who tore them apart; he suffered some serious injuries but managed to escape into the woods for shelter thankfully his scar-ward saved him from the horrible curse of lycanthropy. When he recovered, he set off in pursuit of the Demon Wolves, following them to Feldgrau. Duristan states he has hired a small group of mercenaries who are waiting for him in another building in the center of town and in excitement insists that they all join with him on a glorious assault upon the werewolves of Feldrau. His allies are in the Mill only a short distance away; he was checking out the smithy to see if there was anything we could use for weapons.

Grembor smelling something fishy declines and starts backing out of the building; Duristan follows asking what was wrong and why is he acting so funny. “Don’t you remember me?” as his face erupts into black fur; his mouth elongates into a snout and vicious slavering teeth as his whole body grows and becomes substantially more muscular. Drawing forth his shining silver sword he strikes out at Grembor opening a nasty cut along his ribs. With a squeal he whispers “werewolf help” which Sayuri picks up and they make preparations as Grembor pulls out his silver knife and slices Duristan on his arm causing him to withdraw with a hiss of indrawn breath. Grembor backpedals out of the smithy and back towards the party who are waiting outside.


First Post
Duristan, much harder as a werewolf ...

Bursting out of the double doors of the smithy is a hybrid werewolf; in one hand and exquisite silver sword which glows with blue runes of power; the other hand is wielding a steel shield with a leering wolfhead design. Grinning it lopes after Grembor and lashes out with the sword cutting a thin red line across his thigh which soon starts seeping blood down his leg. Pringle finds himself in very close reach of the creature and backs away to a safe distance before considering casting a spell. Sayuri leaps into action and crosses the distance between them in a flurry of movement even though the ground is strewn with rubble. Zordlan makes it most of the way hampered by his armor and the terrain.

Duristan seems to have evolved from a stuttering inept noble into a truly terrifying combatant as his double strike upon Grembor almost knocking him over with wounds to his upper arm and another blow to his injured leg. Grembor curses Duristan through gritted teeth as his jaws lunge forward and close upon his shoulder the teeth digging deep into the muscle. Sayuri moves up to flank the hybrid and attacks with her pair of silver daggers causing some minor damage while Zordlan manages to make it to the fight, draws his sword and promptly misses his target by a significant margin. Pringle considers what to do and tries shooting a silver bolt at the wolf but also misses.

The Hybrid which is their friend Duristan feeling confidant spreads his attacks around the group as they are having trouble hitting him. Two sword thrusts at Zordlan one bouncing off his armour but causing bruising to his side the other managing to find a weak joint and digs into his elbow; the bite is directed at Grembor which again worries his shoulder as the lovely tasty blood gushes into his mouth.

Grembor taking advantage of the distraction supplied by Sayuri unleashes a series of strikes against the hybrid. Had any of them hit it would have been bad for Duristan however sadly they all missed and some came close to striking Zordlan who apparently did not learn his lesson from the Hangman tree incident and is standing close to Grembor; however he is not able to hit Zordlan either. Pringle tries sending a bar of flame towards the hybrid but it misses as Sayuri steps to the side and sends a bright lightning bolt shooting down between Grembor and Zordlan taking Duristan by surprise as it impacts on his back and sends lightning shuddering down his frame. Turning he eyes up Sayuri hungrily. Zordlan stepping into Sayuri’s position swings and connects with a solid hit sending Duristan reeling as the silver scimitar slices off a piece of his hide.

Growling Duristan is distracted from Sayrui and opens up on Zordlan scoring a nasty blow on his shoulder further denting the armor there; the following bite however misses as the teeth snap together an inch from his face. Gulping Zordlan is relieved he still has a face to call his own. Grembor tries attacking again but his silver knife seems to have a mind of its own and does not want to hit Duristan. This is possibly as the knife once belonged to Duristan and it feels it should not harm its owner. Grembor however does not know this so he just blames himself. Sayuri casts a series of force missiles towards the beast which impact causing a pained whimper from Duristan as Pringle follows suit with some of his own. Zordlan opens up a nasty cut on his face as his scimitar connects and peels off his cheek.

Duristan knowing that his immanent death is rapidly approaching steps away and changes into the form of a wolf to make his quick get away. Grembor is not having any of this and drops the opinionated knife and pulls out his bow; unleashing arrows practically point blank into the Duristan Wolf impales it to the ground as its life’s blood starts to seep into the hungry earth. The party descend upon the dead body hungrily stripping it of all it’s items most of which Grembor appropriates as they are more suited to him. The one item of particular note is the exquisite magical silver longsword.


First Post
Having tea with the werewolves ...

After some serious applications of the cleric in a stick they progress into the smithy to search it for anything to help them. They find nothing of any use and proceed to the next building which they soon discover is a chandlery; this is empty although the three that go inside feel something assailing their senses and each has an urge to place their heads in the pots that was used to heat the wax. They all resist this urge and then leave.

As they explore the next building Grembor heads out to scout; he finds it locked and the door barred from the inside. After some attempts to leaver the door open which fails he tries to find another way into the building as a locked door is something he has to find a way around. Finding another door he tries it and finds it locked also from the inside; trying his luck he is startled by a gruff voice on the other side telling him to piss off.

Questioning the person on the other side of the door Grembor figures out that it’s the Princes Wolves and brandishes his token from the packleader of the Princes wolves; after some sweat talking from Grembor the door is unbarred and he is let in to see the leader of this group. He finds that this group is holed up in a dyers shop and that there are several of them there; sitting down to talk they quickly find out they have similar goals and that these wolves have some information they could use. The other door is opened to allow the rest of the team entrance.

They sit with the wolves for a couple of hours as they go over the layout of the village; identifying each of the buildings and what they know about them. They pinpoint the location of the Demon Wolves in the old Mill; a collection of skeletons which are being raised in the village square by a pair of crazy female clerics; the supposed location of the packloards heart in the armory and the location of the instigator of the theft which is in the remnants of the tower. They have a basic map of the village to work with; they are warned that there is something haunting the inn and that there are several roaming patrols of undead and Demon Wolves scouring the village and having sporadic skirmishes.


First Post
Sleeping with the enemy and a new player

Enter Nashkar Male Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae (new player Angel)

They also advise the party that they found someone else when they came to the village who seemed to be trying to lay the restless village to rest. He was actually based in this dyers shop when they came to take it over. They didn’t kill him as they thought he would be useful but they think he should join with them to help out. They are shown to the back of the shop where a Dwarf is sitting stirring a pot of stew; he is dressed in polished full plate armor and a battleaxe is propped up beside him which has sparks constantly running down its blade. His white hair and beard are neatly combed and the long beard is plaited while his bright dark eyes look upon the newcomers with interest. The party sit down across from him and he introduces himself as Nashkar a cleric of Sarenrae here to rid this village of it’s horrors to atone for his sins against the faith. The party readily agrees to him joining them as they have not had a decent healer since Hursk and only Sayuri remembers that.

They sit up for a few hours discussing each other and introducing themselves to the newcomer; sounding out his strengths. Afterwards they come up with a plan of sending Grembor under the cover of invisibility to scout of the village to gain first hand knowledge of the terrain. They spend the night surrounded by the slavering jaws of the resident werewolves; not trusting to their seemingly good intentions they set a watch and sleep fitfully. However they are not disturbed in their rest and awaken to the small of roasting meat; several of the party take part of the breakfast which they are assured is actually pork.

Grembor after receiving the invisibility spell heads out to quickly scout the surroundings. Skirting the village he makes a roundabout route to the village square noting the signs of previous vicious combat scattered around the village; approaching the village square where he finds a shop being ransacked by some black robed figures; avoiding this he finds a vantage point to the side of the village square where he can see the building where the Demon Wolves are holding out; the skeletons being raised in the square and the buildings the whispering way are residing. Noting the state of disrepair on the roof of the mill he swiftly retreats luckily missing out on meeting any of the roaming squads in the village.

Finding himself back at the dyers shop just before the spell of invisibility runs out he relays the information he found out. Coming up with a plan they intend to split up the party into three groups; Grembor and Pringle will spider climb to the roof of the inn which abuts the millers and fire a fireball into the top room which should hopefully cause an explosion within the mill. Sayuri and Zordlan will head to the only door and use some Grease spells to keep them busy as Kat and Nashkar stay back and keep an eye on things. (Kat emerged from a bush just that morning having been following the party; player way busy elsewhere.)


First Post
How not to sneak ...

DM Note: What follows is a confusing long battle where the party trigger several encounters at once. The planning leaves much to be desired …As I write all these by memory this may seem a little disjointed

Grembor and Pringle after being blessed with the power to climb walls like a spider run up to the Inn and scale up to the roof. Grembor checking out the surrounding building sees a cloaked figure loading a crossbow while looking their way across the small square. Shrugging they walk over the roof so they can’t see them anymore; (here is the point they should have stopped and re-considered) approaching the roof of the Millers they try sneaking but the roof of the Inn is also in poor repair and several tiles go skittering away causing some heads to pop up through the Millers roof. All of these heads are lupine with one slight exception; one has some goat horns on his head with burning red eyes. Pringle sticking with the plan looses a fireball which speeds past the startled eyes of one of the lupines into the attic space behind them which explodes with impressive force in the enclosed space sending roofing tiles flying in all directions.

Two of the Demon wolves leap from the attic through the damaged Mill roof onto the Inn roof and descend upon the pair; wielding wickedly falchions they charge the pair of adventurers and strike out with their blades. Pringle takes a nasty blow as one of them opens up a cut across his chest which cracks some ribs and possibly splintered more. This starts hemorrhaging profusely as Pringle staggers back his hands leaping to his chest hoping against hope that it is still there; his hands just about holding his chest together (nice Crit). Grembor is more lucky as the blow the werewolf hits him with is less impressive which only slices a deep gouge on his side. Pringle retreats backwards and scrambles down the wall to the ground below leaving bloody handprints all the way down while Grembor attacks the Demon Wolves with his new sword scoring a minor hit which does not seem to bother it in any way. Grembor suffers another pair of blows before running away; aware he can’t take on these two alone. He drops down next to Pringle who had just activated his tattoo to stop the bleeding and repair some of the damage imposed by the werewolves Falchion.

Sayuri and Zordlan under the effects of invisibility while dusting off bits of the roof act in accordance to the plan casts Grease before the only door out of the Mill; two Demon Wolves burst out from the double doors from the Mill and one of which is caught in the Grease and finds itself on the floor, the other skids through it and gains the stable footing on the other side. However it can’t see anyone as Sayuri and Zordlan are still hidden by the invisibility spells. Raising its nose to the winds it tries to scent those it can’t see but fails so it moves around sniffing the air.

Kat and Nashkar staying back notice the crossbowman that Grembor noticed; mainly as a crossbow bolt flies past Kat’s shoulder and buries it self in the wall behind her. Turning she sends her wolf before her to drag the poor unfortunate out as she runs across the small square; the wolf runs up and trips the human in the doorway who is a female wrapped in a dark cloak. Backing up the wolf is dissuaded by something past the now prone human on the floor. Walking out of the doorway are a pair of skeletons which appear to be more than just normal skeletons; casting, a bright beam of light springs from Nashkars palm striking one of them turning it to dust while the other falls prey to a ray of fire from Pringle.

Kat spying something large looming behind the tripped figure in the doorway casts a column of fire which encompasses the fallen robed figure and the lurking monstrosity behind it. Highlighting it in flame Kat gets a glimpse of the creature but can’t make out what it is. Backpedaling they retreat and meet up with Grembor and Pringle who are now not too far from the invisible forms of Sayuri and Zoldan.

Sayuri keeps casting multiple Grease spells confounding the werewolves as they keep falling over; behind the werewolves the skeletons seem to mobilize and are walking this way surrounding the pair of female clerics who created them. One of the werewolves gets the scent of Zoldan and gives him a solid cut across his bicep. Zoldan not aware of the locations of the Grease spells falls victim to its effects and ends up on the floor next to a struggling werewolf. Sayuri casts a lightning bolt at the werewolf unaware that the invisible form of Zoldan is in the path and he takes the brunt of the spell saving the werewolf from a lot of the damage.

Grembor unleashes arrow after arrow at the werewolves causing little damage as they seem resistant to normal silver weapons (possibly due to their fiendish heritage) and is getting increasingly irritated as they seem to bounce off. However the werewolves both succumb to the effects of the Grease spells and are both prone on the ground; Grembor taking advantage unleashes three arrows into one of them sending a pair of arrows deep into it’s throat causing it to gurgle and shudder before expiring and reverting back into a naked man. Admittedly a naked man sporting several black fletched arrows buried in his throat.

Out of the shop where the prone figure was (now standing) emerges a horror of large size; pulsing pustules of poison and disease cover this horrible ogrelike undead being; loping across the square it leaps on Kat and rips some flesh from her shoulder gulping down the morsel as a few of it’s burns heal in response. The cleric following it casts a spell and Grembor feels the muscles of his body tighten and freeze locking him in place just yards from the flesh eating monstrosity. His eyes show fear as his helplessness becomes apparent; there is a gleam in the eye of the controlling cleric as he wonders what delightful undead this group of adventurers will bring. However out of the shadows of one of the building steps Nashkar who holds his holy symbol up high and shouts out a blessing upon his fellows and a benediction upon his foes. A blindingly bright light erupts from him blasting the diseased flesh from the undead ogre collapsing it to the ground; the power of Sarenrae healing the party gathered around him.

Kat calls down lightning upon the wolves and cleric in turn causing them damage but keeping herself out of the fight and possibility of damage. The female cleric runs up and tosses some gems over the body of the dead ogre and brings it back as a skeleton; this is promptly dismissed and destroyed by Nashkar who turns it to dust while Kat pins her to the ground with another lightning bolt from the sky. Grembor recovers from his paralysis and fires off some arrows towards the cleric ... some even hit.

Zordlan finally manages to regain his feet; his wounds somewhat alleviated by Nashkar’s channeling. Stepping up he levels a heavy blow at the last remaining werewolf and manages to sever its head cancelling the invisibility even as the smoke from Sayuri’s lightning bolt raises from his burnt skin; looking Sayuri in the eye she gulps knowing that there would be words said later on regarding the responsible use of magic.

Approaching from the distant square before the whispering way’s hideout come a pair of female clerics surrounded by a hoard or skeletons; Pringle to everyone surprise including the pair of clerics levels the skeletons with a fireball as they were expecting this from Sayuri not the peasant at the back of the party which they assumed was there just to carry spare gear. Leaving the pair defenseless they soon fall to blows of lightning bolt, arrows, call lightning and scorching rays. The party breaths a huge sigh of relief as this was one of the most intense battles they have had; definitely the longest …

DM Note: Zordlan got to single figures, Grembor would have been in dire problems had he not made his save vs the hold person spell from the cleric who was approaching scythe in hand. (Coup de Gras from a scythe is nasty.) Sayuri was unscathed but she and Zordlan (the best blaster and fighter in the party) hid invisible for most of the fight. Pringle was almost killed by a crit by one of the Demon Wolves in the first hit of the battle. Only running away and healing saved him and later on channeling by Nashkar saved many of the party. This battle took the whole night and it will continue next week with the party already down on spells but ok on hits. Probably missed quite a bit in this battle but I think I got the far ranging and confusing fight down ok. :)


First Post
Now for something completly Different.

Well folks thats the story up to date, updates from now on will be on a more weekly note instead of most days. We play on Thursday evenings and I plan to have the updates by the following Wednesday.

Hope you gain some amusement from these I know my players enjoy them but then it helps to have played through the events.


PS woohoo for my 100th post :)
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