• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



First Post
I enjoyed the movie. Some parts I found hard to swallow like the media and things like that. For the most part it was an enjoyible movie. WEll worth the 6$ price.

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Good Movie?


Aliens invade Earth to make food out of humans. Except that H2O is the equivalent to acid to the aliens.


75% of the planet is H2O and the human body is over 90% water. That isnt a plot hole that is a pathetic story.


First Post
Ya, but that really doesn't matter for the story. Plus, it isn't definant what they wanted us for. The point of the movie was the suspense and the faith. Sometimes the details really are not important.


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More spoiler discussion...

DocMoriartty said:

75% of the planet is H2O and the human body is over 90% water. That isnt a plot hole that is a pathetic story.

I really hoping you are kidding..

Under your .. logic:

1) Every time a shark eats a person, dolphin, or any mammal; then it is pretty much killing itself. (Salt water fish don't do well with fresh water)

2) People and animals caught in fires must be doing their part in putting it out

Even if they wanted to eat the human body- what suggests the aliens would eat them raw?

Besides, that whole 90% claim is just junk science that makes little sense. The human body is a lot more complicated then that.

Anyway, it makes a lot more sense that the aliens came here for man then aliens coming to this planet for almost any other resources.

Water, metal, and different gasses; they all can be harvested from uninhabited planets without any fear of resistance.

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I merely pointed out the most obvious item. You can have the whole list if you want.

1. Aliens who are melted by water like it is acid yet do not wear protective gear. They better hope like hell it never rains out while one of them is walking around.

2. Aliens so advanced they can travel across the stars yet are so dumb they need to use crop circles to mark landing sites? That is just stupid.

3. Aliens so strong they can make a standing jump to the roof of a house but then are so weak they cannot kick down a kitchen pantry door.

4. Aliens who are incredibly advanced and invading the earth but don't bother to carry sidearms.

This movie is just dumb and so filled with holes that even I cannot suspend that much belief.

BTW, you obviously do not understand much about salt water vs freshwater fish. Sharks have been known to swim a pretty good distance up rivers and they don't die instantly. Fresh water is not long term healthy for saltwater fish but that is because their bodies have adapted to salt water. Either way it matters not because we are talking about digestive systems vs breathing systems.

Go take a look at a water leached mummy from the Andies some time. Without water our bodies are little better than dust.
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I agree completely, but when there are too many items you have to ignore then you spend more time telling yourself to enjoy the movie than you actually spend enjoying it?

Crothian said:
Ya, but that really doesn't matter for the story. Plus, it isn't definant what they wanted us for. The point of the movie was the suspense and the faith. Sometimes the details really are not important.


First Post

More spoilers..

DocMoriartty said:

1. Aliens who are melted by water like it is acid yet do not wear protective gear. They better hope like hell it never rains out while one of them is walking around.

2. Aliens so advanced they can travel across the stars yet are so dumb they need to use crop circles to mark landing sites? That is just stupid.


4. Aliens who are incredibly advanced and invading the earth but don't bother to carry sidearms.

I think you are making this off the assumption that they are using high technology.

Two possiblities-

1)Their technology revolves entirely around bioengineering- from the ships to everything else.

2)The aliens we actually see are just a servant race for a highly evolved species. They gave them such a major weakness to control them, and do not waste resources on equipping them.
You do hear two different voices on the baby monitor- a clicking and the moaning.

As for the crop circles- another possiblity beyond navigation-

It is a further way for the aliens to test the defensive capabilities of the species they plan to harvest. They pull attention to areas and then leave the scouts there to examine how the target reacts.

3. Aliens so strong they can make a standing jump to the roof of a house but then are so weak they cannot kick down a kitchen pantry door.

You are talking about a heavy wood pantry door that is barricaded.

The species seemed to revolve around speed and dexterity- more then strength.

Besides, the two times you had seen signs of the jumping- it involved high speed (on to and off the house).

BTW, you obviously do not understand much about salt water vs freshwater fish.

I was being absurd- to show the absurdity of your suggestion that the "90% water" humans would not be of any use to the aliens.


Go take a look at a water leached mummy from the Andies some time. Without water our bodies are little better than dust.

That is from loss of bodily and cellular fluids- very little of it is h2O.

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All human fluids are based around water. There is not a single fluid in the human body that would remain a fluid if all of the water was removed from it.


First Post
This is one of those movies you can't look to close or get to caught up in these questions. The reason you can't is becasue there are no answers. We are making assumptions about why they came to earth (we know for people, but not why they wanted the people). We have no real idea on their tech or what they could do. Maybe they never developed sidearms. They do have ths poisonous gas, they might use that instead. The purpose of the movie was not the aliens. Keeping the watcher in the dark about their cababiliities adds to the suspense.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Re: *******spoilers**********

Furn_Darkside said:
Two possiblities-

And a third possibility that nobody seems to have caught on - they aren't "space aliens".

Think for a sec - the movie is actually about faith, and a man's relationship with God. So, are the likely antagonists here space aliens.... or demons?

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