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Sir Kendrik's The Misty Isle Chronicles.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Chapter 2

When we last left our Hero and his brave companions they had just slain the son of the Evil Legion God Virakus and defeated the huge animated statue of Virakus. One of the rogues in the party, Callin, had gone to look for the stolen holy relic, Perdita Mortua. Though seriously wounded (1 hp left) in the fight with Caligulus, he went in the sleeping chamber alone. Little did he know that as he investigated the room an imp had popped out of an ink bottle. Before he could react the imp attacked and Callin dropped unconscious to the floor. The other rogue in the party, Cain, hearing this alerts the party and as Sir Kendrik and Lady are still embracing. Sir Kendrik told his beloved that Callin needs his help and she should stay here and he will be back shortly. Sir Kendrik was also badly wounded from a deep stomach wound inflicted by Caligulus as it was bleeding heavily, the knight’s face was white and his progress was staggered. However Kendrik.Br Arton and the Ranger Jon come to Callin’s aid and is healed by Arton but thee was no sign of what had attacked him.

While in the other room Br Arton takes Sir Kendrik aside. Br Arton suspects that one of the two maidens we have rescued is Marianna, the witch who helped Caligulus capture Lady Elanor. At first Sir Kendrik doesn’t believe it could be true but Br Arton convinces him to be wary of Anrod the other maiden we have found. Kendrik returns to Lady Elanor and fusses over her. He was imbued with spell like abilities by Br Arton and had one Cure light wounds spell left that he had planned to use on Lady Elanor if the worst had happened or if she was wounded. She refused his healing saying that she was only lightly wounded and Anrod was the one who really needed the healing. Sir Kendrik accepted this and healed Anrod. While this is happening Callin has found a secret door that needed a key to open it.

The two rogues decided to go and investigate a room near the altar. The room was trashed but they found a secret door here too. This time they could open it and found a room full of treasure. They took some small gems to show the others and we decided to leave the treasure and collect it later. The party decided to head to a bathing room in the temple complex so the ladies could freshen up. Sir Kendrik ever the gentleman guards the entrance to the bath with his back turned.

Refreshed we headed for the sleeping quarters they found the last time the heroes had been there and rested up before thinking of finding a way out. On the way Ranger Jon discovered that there were tracks of skeletons down the passageway that looked like a patrol. As we moved along the passageway we found more tracks down to a prison cell that we had investigated before. The smell from the room was awful and we found somebody in there. Br Arton, Sir Kendrik and Callin went in to help them. It was a pacifist friar that they had liberated from the same very cell the last time they had been there. The sight that assaulted them was truly horrifying. Caligulus had tortured poor Br Quinn terribly. He had ripped out his eyes and tongue and removed his fingers, thus rendering him useless as a cleric. Br Arton tried to comfort the poor man as Kendrik returned to the rest of the party.

Lady Elanor asked what was the matter and where was Br Arton. Kendrik said that the Brother was healing a brother that had been kept in the cell. Elanor asked if she could help him. Kendrik said to her “My Lady it is no sight for a Lady to see” This sets her off and she lets Kendrik know in no uncertain terms that she is a noble woman and she is more than capable of helping Arton, a noble woman is trained to tend to her lord’s wounds and look after the castle when he is away. She made it more than clear to him that he should stop mollycoddling her. Sir Kendrik at first surprised by her outburst and apologised for slighting her, but was pleased to see that the Lady that had won his heart was a strong woman, not the mindless giggling girl he sees usually saw behave around the court.

Sir Kendrik decided to take the rest of the party minus the Ladies and the Bard Halbaen to find the sleeping quarters. We find it and on the way back we have to fight the skeleton patrol. They were quickly dispatched and we head for the quarters. After collecting the others that had remained at the cell we headed for the sleeping quarters.

Once we set up camp there the two rogues were set to investigate a crypt room that next to the sleeping quarters. Surprise Surprise another secret door is found. They open it and investigate it They find a body in the passageway leading down from the door and as they tried to pass it Callin trips on it and releases a cloud of yellow mist from the body, this doesn’t affect Callin but Cain couldn’t breathe and they return to have the problem fixed by Br Arton.

After this occurred the rogues decide that they want to investigate the first secret door Callin found as it may lead to a way out. They leave with Br Arton and Jon the ranger. Sir Kendrik decided to stay to protect the ladies with the bard Halbaen.

The other door lead to what those involved were soon to find out was a Labyrinth that took over an hour and a half of game time no doubt longer for the heroes for them to find a way out of.

In the mean time the deep wound to Sir Kendrik that had been only been patched up was weakening him, since he had received the blow he had felt fatigued, yawning regularly. After talking to Lady Elanor his will to stay awake failed and he fell into a deep sleep. Unfortunately the bard didn’t think that this was strange considering Sir Kendrik’s sense of duty and didn’t alert this to Br Arton when the others finally returned.

The next morning Br Arton wakes Sir Kendrik who claims that he was so tired it was if he hadn’t slept. Br Arton asked Sir Kendrik when did this feeling hit him and he said when he was fighting Caligulus. If not for Sir Kendrik’s armour holding his guts in they would have been spilled on the temple floor. Br Arton asked Sir Kendrik to remove his armour, which he did after the ladies left the room. When Kendrik’s abdomen was exposed they were bloated and red. The wound had healed on the outside but had festered underneath. Br Arton was just about to cast a restoration spell on Sir Kendrik when……….

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Hmm. I must say that your writing have progressed a lot since these first journals. I'm in two minds about the merit of rewriting them. It would slow down the story, but on the other hand you could make them much more compelling by working a bit with them.

As it is they are quite dry and does not contain the flavour of the later posts. Anyway I guess it is entirely up to you.

Whatever the decision, don't stop posting !

Voidrunner's Codex

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