D&D General Sir Plane "Not Appearing in this Cosmology"

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I dont know it well enough. There were enough changes, across the board, that I really didnt look at it much.
Here's a quick rundown of the 4e Pantheon. It even includes a list of dead gods!

Few interesting things to note:

-None of the dead gods, or Tharizdun, are mentioned in the PHB. Tharizdun is trapped in the Abyss and is its creator. I thought it was an interesting wrinkle to have a SECRET GOD in the DMG. Really useful for Cultists.

-The story of He Who Was and Asmodeus is a cool spin on the story of Lucifer.

-After Lakal’s destruction, its inhabitant, the Quom, who until then had been healers, vowed to get her back together and began a hunt for her fragment. They are ready to do anything, including killing innocents, to get their hands on any fragment, which they can detect across large distances. They travel in asteroid ships and are fanatical in their pursuit. They kinda look like bald dwarves in blueish-purplish skin tones and the most powerful of them have a SECOND FACE at the back of their head.

Well that is a terrible answer. You have basically just spotlighted your own ignorance.

If you wanted to make this argument, you should probably at least frame it around the planes that are actually like this. Many/most are not.
Oh I'm sorry. I thought this was abuse. Arguments are down the hall.

Here is my argument. City of Brass is cool. The Elemental Plane of fire is filler. Levistus trapped in Hell Ice is iconic. A whole layer of Ice Hell is lazy.
The problem with planes is they are giant sections of blank with cool bits in them. Keep the cool bits. Don't worry about fitting them into a pleasing background palette of sameness. The Great Wheel Cosmology is dedication to an image in the back of the PHB, that is all.

These planes are not just sameness, they just haven't been develop as locations.

The plane of fire is basically a very hot sea, and you can fill it with islands, depths, fortresses, fauna, flora, unique terrain, and so on, as long as you have a way to deal with the heat long enough to adventure in it, like being able to carry a pocket of cool air on your sailboat, and the treasure you seek doesn't melt.

The problem is, almost all the planes, unless you have the conflict Planescape adds to them (i.e. of potentially dragging places to other planes etc.), are INCREDIBLY BORING. Like OMG SO BORING.

If anything Planescape is the only version of the Great Wheel that is boring. Because the Great Wheel cosmology has tons of interesting locations, but Planescape expects you to ignore those and just stick in the one that can be summed up as "New York, but with London accents"

(edit: and neither of those traits in a good way)

Here is my argument. City of Brass is cool. The Elemental Plane of fire is filler. Levistus trapped in Hell Ice is iconic. A whole layer of Ice Hell is lazy.
The problem with planes is they are giant sections of blank with cool bits in them. Keep the cool bits. Don't worry about fitting them into a pleasing background palette of sameness. The Great Wheel Cosmology is dedication to an image in the back of the PHB, that is all.
I mean, sure. But so it goes with every setting - it's individual locations that make it cool. Waterdeep is cool. Faerun is filler. Etc., etc.

The benefit of the larger setting for those cool locations for me is "associative imaginative thought processing" (patent pending). Start with a known and then imagine what could logically exist. Yes, City of Brass is super cool. The Plane of Fire is filler, but it has a sea of literal fire. An island in that sea of fire is kinda cool, but what about an obsidian tower on that island? An obsidian tower with a ruby that can control fire whales that swim in the sea of fire, like a weird lighthouse place? Who controls this Inferno Lighthouse? What did they do to piss off the Grand Sultan of the City of Brass? Why are fire giant cultists of Surtr seeking it? Why would a group of characters care or be involved? What kind of havoc could the Grand Sultan wreak if he could control thousands of destructive fire whales? Could I have this Inferno Lighthouse on Faerun, Oerth, or Krynn? Not to the same level. But on the infinite planes, I can imagine a place for it! Does it have to be on the Plane of Fire? Not necessarily, but it probably doesn't belong on a regular Material Plane setting either.

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