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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Despite his best attempts to dodge the bolt of lightning, the spell catches Merrywinter in the shoulder. In a gruesome display, the bolt ignites clothing, rips through flesh and scorches the wound with blackened blisters that immediately weep pus. The bolt continues on into the old masonry of the wall with an audible snap. Merrywinter drops his dagger and falls to one knee as he grips at his mangled and oozing shoulder. "Gahhhh!" he cries.

The now awake thugs begin to rise to join the fray. Omark pushes himself off the cobbles with blinding speed, jumping from a push-up position and placing his feet under him. He then tumbles into the room acrobatically (E4) and upon seeing Lars, he thrusts forward with his rapier. The tip of the blade catches Lars in the lower belly, puncturing his leather armor and the flesh beneath in a bloody stab.

Thurl rises more slowly and moves forward to stand just beside Omark (D3).

From his kneeling position, Merrywinter curses at Arnir through a clenched jaw: "I ... want ... my ... platinum ... you son of a whore and I mean to collect it!" He raises his free hand, speaks arcane words and lets fly another ray of flames towards Arnir. The ray of flames clips Arnir in the thigh, blazing through his pants and charring flesh.
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Round 4


1 - Lars
2 - Kubla (DM)
3 - Arnir
4 - Omark (DM)
5 - Thurl (DM)
6 - Merrywinter (DM)
7 - Bannock [unconscious and stable at -2]


Round 4


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Lars as you begin to move your hand in an attempt to cast your spell, Omark seizes the opportunity and stabs forward again with his rapier. The tip of the blade pierces your shoulder in another bloody wound, which distracts you enough to fumble your somatic movements and fizzle your spell into nothingness.

After dispatching Bannock, Kubla stabs forward with his falchion, aiming the tip at the lower back of Arnir. The blade drives through flesh, cracks ribs and sinks into the elf's back. From Merrywinter's perspective, five to six inches of crimson-stained steel emerges from the belly of Arnir. Gouts of blood spill from the wound and Arnir is lifted into the air by the hefty arms of Kubla. Arnir's hands tremble with disbelief as they grasp the razor sharp steel emerging from his stomach and he vomits black blood and ichor. His eyes roll back and his corpse is tossed to the ground without ceremony, its bulk sliding audibly from the falchion. Kubla wipes his brow and barks: "Elf dead master, we go now, guards come!"
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With Arnir dispatched, Omark and Thurl attempt to make quick work of Lars. Omark sidesteps over the bloody form of Bannock (5-ft to F5) and Thurl slides into the entrance (5-ft to D4). In a well coordinated move, the two rogues have their rapiers and kukri's positioned and they stab and slash furiously at the cornered Lars.

One rapier catches Lars in the sternum, while the other punctures his underarm. Blood runs down Lars' black armor from many wounds. He slumps back into the corner and raises his blade to block the next strike. Unfortunately, the kukri slashes downward, over his guard and slashes a long gash along Lars' neck. The walls are painted by a jet from his jugular and he slumps down to the ground, leaving a bloody smear on the masonry.

The last words Lars hears as his vision blacks out are the stuttered and pain-filled grumblings of Merrywinter: "Hurry now ... take whatever of their things you can carry, packs, weapons and lets be off. Bowflight is dead and we need to make contact with the embassy ... lock up and run ..."
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GM: Arnir, Bannock and Lars are effectively 'dead'. However, the party enjoys the benefit of Indomitability's Boon. Thus, Bannock is stable at -2 and Arnir and Lars are stable at -9. The three of you know nothing beyond being cut down.

For the rest of the party, you can assume that your friends did not return home. For quite some time. Whether any of you know where they went and what they were doing is another story...


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Alric wakes early in the morning from an extremely restive sleep and relishing his reacquantance with a good bed. He casually, yet mechanically goes through a routine of breaking his fast, making some obscenely strong tea for himself, meticulously polishing and adjusting his armour and honing the edge of his sword (though he is very surprised to find that it is still pristine to his own eyes). He's somewhat surprised and annoyed to see that Arnir, Bannock and Lars are still out from the previous evening.

Let's get this Lowduke affair under our heel.

When Kirio happens upon the main living space of the house, Alric has donned his armour, buckled his weapons, and draped his cloak. He then queries Kirio about the missing party members, "Any idea when Arnir, Bannock and Lars will be returning? We'd best hit Lowduke soon."
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The Bashar

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Hrimr stretches as he gets out of bed in the morning. Nothing like a good night's rest after a long day of potion brewing. He heads in to the kitchen and hears Alric talking to Kirio.

"I didn't even realize they left. They probably went to a bar to celebrate Bannock's restoration."

With a light chuckle Hrimr says: "They are probably hung over waking up in some strange Inn. Hopefully, they aren't walking up in the same bed!"

Hrimr grabs some cheese and bread from the pantry. He grabs a seat and begins to break his fast.

"Give them until noon to get back. If they're not back by then we can go out and have a look for them. I will be going by the Lyceum to grab some potion supplies. Did either of you want me to make some divine potions? I can make more powerful healing potions now, but it will take all day to do. Tricky process."


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GM: Just to be clear, Alric and Hrimr have advanced the clock by a day. Thus, Arnir, Bannock and Lars have been gone for about 24 hours at this point.


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Kirio practices for a few hours after Arnir leaves on his foolish errand
"Honestly, why walk into an obvious trap?? He is young I know but still"

Once evening begins descending, Kirio head over to the Inn, finding the walk in the rain strangely pleasant. He pauses a moment outside the door letting the rain gently tap the side of his tilted head, enjoying the simple pleasure of the sensation... Once inside he eats a quick meal, a bowl of deep fried, lightly battered whitebait, served with lemon and a cream based dipping sauce. He washes this down with a large mug of unfiltered cider, then makes his way to the stage.

After the lengthy performance, focusing mainly on norther ballads... Kirio feel rectified a little as he thanks the audience
"ah, better, needed the practice I suppose..."


Kirio wakes shortly after Alric, and makes his way downstairs to break his fast with the strange warrior.

Kirio sits down, helping himself to some of Alric's obscenely strong tea. He takes a sip and almost instantly spits it out "Dear GODS man, what is wrong with you!?!"
"Any idea when Arnir, Bannock and Lars will be returning? We'd best hit Lowduke soon."

Kirio frowns deeply... "Oh for the love of Malar's massive hairy balls, the stupid little c:p;):-S! They didn't come home did they. Arnir tried to drag me along, I think they walked into a trap set by the half elf Lars told him about. For reasons that I will let Arnir explain if we manage to find the stupid little c;):cool:s alive, someone who is very highly placed in the elven court wants him ill, and I think our brash young friend walked right into a pile of sh:.-(t. Kirio sighs and takes the time to chew on a large chunk of hard cheese before continuing "Arnir came to me yesterday asking me to come along. He wanted to confront the half elf, a certain Edwin Merrywinter, who wanted him to come to an address on clerk's row; and fool that he is he managed to drag along Lars and Bannock and went over there." Kirio runs upstairs and quickly comes back down with his bow and armor "well come on you two, let's go see if the fools are still alive..." Kirio heads out the door and heads to Clerk's Row to try and find Merrywinter's office...

OOC: for those of you who are interested, this is Malar Malar - The Forgotten Realms Wiki - Books, races, classes, and more
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Voidrunner's Codex

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