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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Alric sits down awkwardly in the offered seat being fully clad in his armor and shield slung across his back. He nods appreciably when accepting the watered wine from Ser Adelsburg. He listens intently to the half-elf Knight's explanation of the religious contention.

"I agree with you. Bringing them to common cause is the goal. All within Seaquen must be united or it will fall to Ragesia when they come. But is common cause enough when dealing with zealots? Could fear of the Ragesian army be enough to bring them together? Or do they have something in common other than proximity that might bring them to cooperation. Methinks I would see more clearly of the solution if I spoke to the leaders of these groups involved. Can you give me directions to them? Tell me of their names?"

Alric takes a draft of wine, then speaks after considering for a moment, "I've been to towns where religions have thrived side by side, why are they so fervent on fighting each other over having to share a roof for their temple? They have nothing now, do they not? This task seems quite difficult, but I gave my word to Simeon and thus to you, I will try to end the strife."

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Bannock stops Kirio before he walks off.

"Hold on Kirio, I got an idea."

Bannock pulls Kirio into a clearing and finds something low to stand on. He then starts bellowing at everyone around, in debased and accented Orcish.

[sblock=If you speak Orcish]"Attention! Attention! Look here now! To all Ostaliners and mercenaries, all fighting orc and man with honour. My Elf master, here, seek one called Kubla! He let it known that Kubla steal from him and run from service! He declare Kubla COWARD! Kubla WEAK! Noble Elf master, called Iyriko, he challenge Kubla to fight! He demand Kubla show face in Seaquen, at Inn called 'Scholar's Respite', day after tomorrow, at sunset. There Kubla can try to prove honour, if brave enough to face master! If he not there, let it known to all that Kubla is worthless dog! Remember: Day after tomorrow, sunset, at 'Scholar's Respite!'"[/sblock]

Then, without wasting further time, he hops down and begins to leave.

"Okay, let's go. That might get his attention," he says to Kirio, grinning broadly.


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Order of the Aquiline Cross

"What you must understand Alric, is that there are extremely limited resources here in Seaquen. Most are allocated to ensuring housing and preparing infrastructure to provide water and sanitation to reduce disease. Beyond that, the rest are needed for military reasons. Thus, were any single group granted the ability to construct a temple, the others would take affront and could not be able to construct their own in response due to insufficient materials. Ergo, either all are accommodated in one construction, or none are. I fear that the latter will lead somewhere bad as it will only be a matter of time before religious rhetoric leads to daggers in the night."

She pours herself another drink before finding a blank sheet of parchment below her journal and preparing to write upon it. "I will give you the names and some background of each religious group. I would strongly suggest you take as many of your friends with you as possible, for this is something one person cannot complete on their own - I personally have been unable to convince them by myself. Also, it would not hurt to spend some time amongst the camps and try to learn what you can about these leaders, anything you find could potentially help you in your discussions." She begins to scribe neat notes down on the paper while she speaks aloud to you.

"There are four groups from Ragesia, one from the Kingdom of Dassen, one from Ostalin, one from Sindaire and lastly, a group of locals from Seaquen." She takes a draught of watered wine.

"The first group are philosophers from Ragesia who worship Milil, the god of poetry, eloquence and insight. Their high priest philosopher leader is a half-orc named Gilbesh."

"The second group from Ragesia are a group of hospitallers, a knighthood committed to healing before battle who give worship to Lathander. They are not too dissimilar from my own Order of the Aquiline Cross. Their priest captain is a human and her name Sir Daedra."

"The third group from Ragesia are a grouping of half-orc and human barbarians with shamanic beliefs tied to Uthgar, the lord of barbarians. Their leader is Aela Whitebear, a hulking human woman who wears the skull and pelt of a slain polar bear."

"The fourth group from Ragesia are a cluster of druids who worship Shaundakul, the master of winds and travel. Their leader is a gnome named Feylorn."

"The fifth group comes from the Kingdom of Dassen and they are dwarves who worship their chief god Moradin, the leader of their pantheon. They are an honour bound lot and their leader is Dagmar of Basalt Reach."

"The sixth group hails from Ostalin and they are primarily mercenaries who worship Tempus, the lord of battle. Their warrior cleric leader is a human named Khalim."

"The seventh group came here from Sindaire and are a group of exiled human and gnomish arcanists. They curiously worship Selune, the goddess of the moon, stars and prophecy. Their leader is a human named Taelun."

"Lastly, the eighth group are a number of locals from here in Seaquen. They worship Umberlee, the goddess of oceans, currents, waves, sea winds. Their group can be found near the ports where they have camped out to be close to the ocean. Their leader is a salty old human man named Pael Daedrick."

She fans her hand over the drying ink and hands the parchment to Alric. "I warrant that if you are able to convince the vast majority of the groups, the others will follow for fear of being left out. I wish you luck Alric."


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"Okay, let's go. That might get his attention," he says to Kirio, grinning broadly.

Kirio sighs... "I speak orcish fool; that's were I eat and play... Bah! Arnir and his stupid vendetta..." Kirio starts grumbling to himself in elven as they make there way back to the house.

The Bashar

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After Hrimr finishes checking the main room out he notices Lars staring at a particular part of the blood stained floor Not wanting to push Lars, considering he nearly died today, Hrimr decides to check the doors for traps himself.


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Clerk's Row

Hrimr, you don't find any traps on the doors. They are old and can barely close properly due to being warped and weathered. Merely checking them for traps causes them to swing inward slightly.

Both rooms appear to be crude sleeping areas. Old bed frames covered in hay-filled mattresses fill both spaces, along with older looking wooden chests at the foot of each.


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Clerk's Row

Hrimr, the chests are not trapped. They are old and warped, much like the doors to these old, run down and decrepit rooms in the equally squalid building. Mostly there is nothing of interest inside them, changes of clothing, bits of armor such as a leather elbow pad, or a metal bracer, some waterskins, whetstones and packages of dried meat. One of the chests also contains some sheets of blank paper, some bottles of ink and a few quills. There is also a rolled up sheet of parchment with a broken red wax seal.

The parchment, when unrolled and viewed, reads the following:


Your instructions are clear: eliminate the mark and then leave word at the embassy with the contact. Once word is given, return to the lair. The contact will report to the lair with payment representing the end of the contract.

Additionally, should you encounter the priest, your orders are to avoid confrontation. His abilities are beyond you.

All glory to the Lord of Three Crowns.



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Alric rises and bows once again, "I understand Ser, I will likely return with my companions if there is something to ask or to report. Good day." And with that he turns and leaves the chapel making his way back to the house.

Upon making it back to the house he relates the task that was given to him by Simeon and Ser Adelsburg to Kirio and Bannock, explaining that the completion of the quest is payment for the scrying spell and he has promised to attempt a resolution.

He also relates that the scrying spell failed. Likely because the dagger was not a possession of Merrywinter and/or the name of Merrywinter is likely an alias.


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Lars snaps out of his daydreaming and listens to Hrimr read the letter. He whistles, "Wow, Merrywinter was sloppy. Maybe my bells weren't such a bad idea after all. It forced him to flee and leave this behind."

"I wonder who the Lord of the 3 Crowns is, and who would know? Somebody at the Guild? The Lyceum?"
Lars pales as he remembers what happened with Father Dusk less than an hour ago.

"And who's the priest?" Lars shrugs, "Anyways, we clearly need to get some info at the Embassy. The Elven Embassy I am sure. We should bring this to Arnir and Kirio."

Voidrunner's Codex

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