Slivers are evil, Slivers are sly....

Sorry(oops said it again)

when teacher said we learn by asking questions i asked why? and she said thats how you learn and i said how? and she said thats how you gain knowledge(repeating the prior) and i said how and she said Quiet! and i said sorry so form then on i apologize for stupid questions.

so rate my story 1-10 low be bad high be good :p

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This stuff is awsome!

Hey just thought you should know that I joined this forum just to get these rules. I was going to make them myself but with you here, no need. Thanks! And as for the Sliver Overlord, I just heard about it. And it looks to me like it would be one of those King Termite kind of guys. The only male in the hive, usefull for getting 1 female firtile (the queen) and then protecting her at all cost. I would kind of think of it as a genral for the sliver hoards. And since he is a mutant, that would explane the male thing. But thats just my take on it. And I don't really keep up on the new fluff or anything. Keep up the good work! I hope to see more soon...

Well if I recall correctly the Sliver Overlord and the Sliver Queen never existed at the same time. During the Tempest timeline the Queen existed and controled all the slivers (the original slivers in the other thread). At some point worlds merged or something like that and their hive ended up in the middle of a volcano killing them all.

Centuries later a group of wizards started experimenting on the remains of some of the slivers (The Riptide Project). They used what they found and made new types of slivers. This was during the Onslaught cycle. At some point the slivers escaped and were drawn to the Mirari like all the other races. The Mirari was an artifact of extreme power that mutate creatures and stuff like that.

During the big showdown between Akroma and Phage at the Mirari, Kamahl sundered the Mirari hoping to destroy it. The blast wave killed and mutated most of the creatures there. Akroma and Phage morphed into Karona. The slivers that weren't killed were fused into the Sliver Overlord.

The wizards of the Riptide Project never recreated the Sliver Queen.

So while the Slivers were on the world of Domina (I think this one the name of the world) the Queen and Overlord never existed at the same time.

However the origins of Slivers have never been revealed so maybe a Sliver Overlord and Queen exist together on their homeplane.

Sorry if I bored you.

No not at all, thanks. That just about cleared it up for me. I was unaware of how the Overlord was created, and from what you said, I understand now that what I said just isn't going to happen. Thanks man. I've been a long time fan and collector of slivers, so keep up the good work all.

Jasonco2 said:
No not at all, thanks. That just about cleared it up for me. I was unaware of how the Overlord was created, and from what you said, I understand now that what I said just isn't going to happen. Thanks man. I've been a long time fan and collector of slivers, so keep up the good work all.
Then you should be glad to know that I am in the process of updating the slivers to 3.5 (as well as fixing some small problems with them), but unfortunatly I cannot finish them until after I have aquired the revised psionics handbook.

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