Smaller publishers' take on OGL on Shane Plays podcast

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Book-Friend, he/him
the big confusion is that there are several different groups within wotc. Only one is made of the creators and the tt makers. That's Kyles group. They were only a small faction in all this.

And to me that's very sad. The ttrpg creators had a small, dismissed, voice in the one of the largest issues the game has had.
I mean, that's been the case since ar least the 80's.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh so it’s all good then?

And no. Jim Ward was a major part of the management team.

Kyle apparently wasn’t, not for this.
No, not "all good," but not really a surprise, either. Jim Ward's stories that I've seen speak to constantly struggles: the more things change, the more they stay the same.


I crit!
No, not "all good," but not really a surprise, either. Jim Ward's stories that I've seen speak to constantly struggles: the more things change, the more they stay the same.
He also had the opportunity for those. Looks like Kyle never did. And Jim Ward level struggles are what he just won. Maybe. Yea it didn’t improve. And maybe worse than it was .


Book-Friend, he/him
He also had the opportunity for those. Looks like Kyle never did. And Jim Ward level struggles are what he just won. Maybe. Yea it didn’t improve. And maybe worse than it was .
Doesn't strike me as likely that the timing of a new leadership team being put into place when this all goes down is coincidental. Time of uncertainty when power moves can be made.

Voidrunner's Codex

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