Pathfinder 1E So far not impressed with Pathfinder


But, that presumes that the way Gary and co played was the only way to play D&D. And, if the creators couldn't be bothered to change the rules, or note rule changes in subsequent publications, then those house rules are no more valid than mine. They're just house rules.

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As Bob put it, "I sent him a ream of notes for him to use and most of it formed the basis for the DMG." Where else do you think Gary came up with all those charts and tables? Compare it to the Ready Ref Book. Does any other book look anything like the AD&D DMG?


having played in 3 PF campaigns, I agree with OP.
any fixes made were not worth all the tweaking changes made.
I get tired of being told "you're doing that wrong, its this way now..."


I crit!
As Bob put it, "I sent him a ream of notes for him to use and most of it formed the basis for the DMG." Where else do you think Gary came up with all those charts and tables? Compare it to the Ready Ref Book. Does any other book look anything like the AD&D DMG?

some more about it here at ENWorld.

Though I can't find that quote. I'd be VERY interested if you could point to where it comes from. Thanks!

Though I must say I'm fairly happy with Pathfinder. I think Paizo has done a fine job and continues to do so. The game isn't my favorite, but it is good and it's backed by a great group of people I'm happy to give my money to. Pathfinder society is fantastic and keeps getting better imho. Mythic might have been a 'jump the shark' moment for me if I hadn't given it a real try, now, in the right campaign, i think it's great.


These were in personal conversations with Bob on the phone and in email so no I cannot point to the source. As for this article, Mishler overstates his influence in the Necro/JG project and the 1999 reboot. In 1999 there were 3 of us Bob, Jane McGuire and I that were involved in the relaunch. Mishler came along later in 2000 with 'his own' plans that ended up being his own work he did on his own for C&C. I was Production Design Manager and none of what Misher did ever crossed my desk. That was the biggest issue with the relauch, everyone wanting to do their own projects and no one wanting to work as a team except my JG design team that worked on the Necromancer Boxed Set, players guide and later the work for Goodman. There was far too much in fighting.

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