Spoilers So, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire? [spoiler thread]

Good or bad?

  • Good

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • Bad

    Votes: 4 22.2%


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Saw it last night. It… umm… wasn’t good.

I think for me it’s the move from dry humour to frantic madcap humour. And it’s not creepy at all. More zany action with witticisms. Though the action scenes didn’t feel well-directed to me and never quite landed as action scenes either.

The OG cast are really just extended cameos. Aykroyd is in it the most, just tends to pop up in scenes he wasn’t in and just talk like he was there all along. Murray has under 10 lines I’d guess.

Big bad ... immune to proton packs but vulnerable to fire and copper. Felt a little underwhelming. I didn’t really understand his plan or motivation or why he showed up at the firehouse at the end. Does he even know or care who the ghostbusters are.

I dunno. I think it’s like Alien, Terminator, etc. A non-repeatable magic which can’t be recaptured no matter how many movies you make.

Nice to see Ecto 1 in action again though. It’s as much a character as anyone else. Weirdly despite it being in New York, and NY being practically a character in the original films, the city didn’t feel like that this time. Did they film somewhere else?

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In America I see an insurance company pushing it in a commercial.



I dunno. I think it’s like Alien, Terminator, etc. A non-repeatable magic which can’t be recaptured no matter how many movies you make.
Alien and Terminator managed quite respectable sequels. But the sequels sort of prove your point; both changed style and tone considerably, shifting toward action rather than horror. They didn't try to catch the same lightning as the originals. Instead, each used the original as a springboard for something new.

(Of course, both franchises degenerated into garbage after that, but that's the inevitable fate of any franchise that goes on long enough.)

Agree with Morrus. Saw it last night and it was bad. Acting was terrible. Paul Rudd was painfully flat. It was just kind of dull and completely missed the spark of the original movie. To be honest the cast in general was not good.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Nah, it was good. Basically a long, live-action episode of the cartoon series
Then I find myself glad I never watched the cartoon.

I never get on well with cartoons anyway. Confirmation that that's basically what this is tells me why I didn't like the film. And also confirmation that--like most cartoons--I wouldn't like the cartoon.

Nah, it was good. Basically a long, live-action episode of the cartoon series — which is exactly what a Ghostbusters sequel ought to be.
I went with 4 other people. Three adults and two teens. Four of us thought it was bad and one average. One person fell asleep. All five of us universally agreed the cast was lackluster. For a ‘live action’ movie there wasn’t a lot of action.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Nah, it was good. Basically a long, live-action episode of the cartoon series — which is exactly what a Ghostbusters sequel ought to be.
Depending on your age, I guess.

The cartoon was after my time, and the idea that the live action movies would follow along that path completely turns me off.

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