Spoilers So, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire? [spoiler thread]

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I didn’t really understand his plan or motivation or why he showed up at the firehouse at the end. Does he even know or care who the ghostbusters are.
This is noted in two lines.

When we learn of tht ghosts origin he had tried to raise an undead army to take over the world. When he’s released again, they mentioned he’s coming to the fire station for the vault full of ghosts to make his army

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is noted in two lines.

When we learn of tht ghosts origin he had tried to raise an undead army to take over the world. When he’s released again, they mentioned he’s coming to the fire station for the vault full of ghosts to make his army
Maybe he should have just gone somewhere other than New York then. I bet London or Tokyo have tons of ghosts but no ghostbusters!


I dunno. I think it’s like Alien, Terminator, etc. A non-repeatable magic which can’t be recaptured no matter how many movies you make.
I agree with your point re. Ghostbusters, but this is a weird analogy. Both of those films have superior sequels, IMO. Even though I love the originals. But Aliens is my favourite film ever, and Terminator 2 is on my Mt. Rushmore of action films.

I actually quite liked the Ghostbusters sequel that had Paul Rudd in it - the one with the kids. I thought it was pretty good. Not on par with the original, of course, but a good time.

I agree with your point re. Ghostbusters, but this is a weird analogy. Both of those films have superior sequels, IMO. Even though I love the originals. But Aliens is my favourite film ever, and Terminator 2 is on my Mt. Rushmore of action films.

I agree the analogy is odd given the quality of the two sequels. I would disagree the sequels are superior though. The sequels are good but I prefer the original movies in both cases


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I agree with your point re. Ghostbusters, but this is a weird analogy. Both of those films have superior sequels, IMO. Even though I love the originals. But Aliens is my favourite film ever, and Terminator 2 is on my Mt. Rushmore of action films.
Yeah, I was more thinking 'since Aliens' and 'since T2' rather than the one specific film. As in they've made 4 Alien (plus a bunch of AvP) and, what, 3 Terminator films, since then? And it has never worked since and I suspect never will again.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I thought a bit more about it and I think one of the big issues is that this film has, what, 12 protagonists? Which means that it's trying to do too much. And the villain has only about 3 lines and is basically a video game big bad. The final action scene in particular has the bad monster facing off against all 12 protagonists.

Some of those characters just shouldn't be in the movie. They don't contribute anything; they just clutter it up and take screen time away from others.

Bill Murray and Annie Potts, both pretty much pointless. Do they even do anything other than just pop up and be there? Podcast and Lucky not only don't really contribute anything to the plot, it stretches credibility that they'd even be in the city at all. They feel forced in. James Acaster I'm not so sure about... I guess they needed somebody talk technobabble, but surely Stantz could have done that? Cutting those five from the script would have made for a better movie, I think. Drop Walter Peck, too. I don't think he really added anything to the movie.

And it clearly suffered from some major editing/rewriting. Ray just appearing in scenes he wasn't in (once at the big lab, once at the Firehouse), there were scenes in the trailer with them in the red jumpsuits which didn't make it into the movie, and the villain must have had more than 3 lines originally. It felt like there were missing scenes, and some jumps didn't work.

Yeah, I was more thinking 'since Aliens' and 'since T2' rather than the one specific film. As in they've made 4 Alien (plus a bunch of AvP) and, what, 3 Terminator films, since then? And it has never worked since and I suspect never will again.

They managed four believe it or not since T2. I didn't mind part 3, but it wasn't a good movie at all (just better than I remembered it was when I saw it again). Salvation was awful and Genysis was a different flavor of awful but still awful. I didn't see the Dark Fate because I was too burned out on the franchise by then.

Can't argue with your taste. They're all great films. It was film 3 when the magic went out of both series.

Yeah I agree. I can watch both of the third installments, but like I said in the previous post they aren't good movies. Also I think the big difference between T1 and T2, is T1 is not an 'Arnold movie' but T2 is (in that it follows a lot of the formula and style of his films from Commando on----which isn't a bad thing as I like those movies but it is a pretty big distinction in feel). I liked the mood, the pacing, and the tightness of the time travel story in the first one (I feel like the opening credits with that music really establishes the overall mood off the film, whereas T2's mood is more encapsulated by the Guns N Roses song in it)

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