So gonna buy "Of Sound Mind"


[Hypnotic Stare]

You believe that Of Sound Mind is the best adventure you could possibly buy. You want Of Sound Mind more than any other d20 product. You will camp out all night in front of the store if necessary to ensure that you get a copy.

[/Hypnotic Stare]


OSM is fun, fun, fun.

The module will kill the hell out of your players if they're stupid. It will kill slightly less hell out of them than the first version I saw, but most dead PCs won't notice a difference. It's not a particularly fluffy adventure . . .

There are more than a handful of interesting ideas, monster set-ups, locations and hooks that you could pillage wholesale (like I have for my game already, *ahem*) without ever inserting a single bald, heavily tatooed body-building mentalist into your quiet, unassuming, traditional game.

But taken as it presented, the module is fun, and if you're one of those GMs who loves to roleplay creepy scenes and NPCs with many varied goals and motivations, I think you'll dig OSM.

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So OSM might be out tomorrow in some stores? Cool. I have to drive to Stillwater tomorrow for my job(closest comic/gaming store is about 40 miles away). Hopefully, it will be there! :)

I like the 3E Psionics rules better than any previous version, and I just bought Bruce Cordell's ITCK (now I just need to print it out..) After getting hooked on PCat's story hour, I have got high hopes for this adventure! :cool:

FD James, I am looking forward to getting some of your(Fiery Dragon) upcoming products, like the Psionics Toolkit and the rest of PCat's series. I was going to pick up an early copy of the Counter collection at GenCon last year, but I couldn't find where you were. D'oh! Even with your distinctive Maroon shirts! :D
(I saw you at the EN meeting, early on, but had to leave when everyone moved to the tables. Didn't see you on the show floor afterwards.) :(


First Post
Fiery James

-Fiery James

Does this FDP game get the same distribution as SSS products do? If so I think I may be able to find it at the local book store.....

FDP Mike

First Post
Altalazar said:
So where can I read about this and when is it coming out?


The best place to go is the Fiery Dragon website, where you'll find a "product spotlight" on Of Sound Mind.

There's also a link in this "product spotlight" to an excellent interview that Kevin "Piratecat" Kulp did with the folks at Ps3E, in which Kevin explains a little more about what OSM is all about.

We've also set up an OSM discussion forum at the FDP message boards, which should see some more activity in the coming weeks.

As for OSM's release, Fiery James has mentioned that it should be this coming week, I believe.

I have my copy in hand, and I should say that it turned out beautifully! :)

I hope this helps.

FDP Mike

First Post
OSM available for order!

I was just checking the Sword & Sorcery site, and OSM is listed as available for order -- and as in stores today, Monday.

Here's the S&SS site.

Here's where to go for ordering OSM from White Wolf.

Thanks! :)

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