I hope I wasn't phrasing this as "everyone in Gen Z likes this kind of fantasy, and nothing else." I was answering the question of "has fantasy actually changed in the past decade." Look through fantasy bestseller charts and you will see lots of new authors' names -- many of them women and POC -- writing about things like "a retired half-orc adventurer and her best friend open a coffee shop."
Gen Z folks can and do love more traditional styles of fantasy, but the rising tide of cozy fantasy -- which certainly owes a debt to Mercedes Lackey and other romantic fantasy (which is not the same as romance fiction, it should be noted; fiction genres are weird), as well as Tumblr -- is a new thing in the past decade and is largely read by younger readers.
If you are a Gen Z reader who likes other forms of fantasy fiction, I did not intend to erase you or try to tell you what you or your generation should be reading. This was a purely reactive post, based on watching this interesting new wave of fantasy climb the bestseller charts, along with what's in fantasy TV shows.