D&D (2024) So what happened to the new and classic campaign settings? (and what's next?)


Weren't there somewhat solid rumors about WotC re-issuing a classic setting this year, to go along with the 50th anniversary? With the lead candidate being a true Forgotten Realms campaign book? And what about the new settings they were talking about a couple years ago? And while we're at it, are they done with Magic setting books (it has been 3 years since the last)?

I'm also wondering if there might be a surprised book announced later this year. With Eve of Ruin,Quests, the PHB and DMG, this will be the first year since 2020 that they've "only" published four game books. I know MM was pushed back, so it was originally five. But it does make me wonder if they'll sneak something else in that was planned for early 2025, or just wait to go back to five books then. And of course with the Making of OD&D and Worlds & Realms, there are more D&D-related major products.

BTW, I'm not complaining about no news or a lack of more product, just curious about what the plan is beyond the revised core rulebooks. I mean, they announced the known current schedule some time ago, so we haven't had an announcement of anything new in quite awhile...unless I missed it.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Weren't there somewhat solid rumors about WotC re-issuing a classic setting this year, to go along with the 50th anniversary? With the lead candidate being a true Forgotten Realms campaign book? And what about the new settings they were talking about a couple years ago? And while we're at it, are they done with Magic setting books (it has been 3 years since the last)?

I'm also wondering if there might be a surprised book announced later this year. With Eve of Ruin,Quests, the PHB and DMG, this will be the first year since 2020 that they've "only" published four game books. I know MM was pushed back, so it was originally five. But it does make me wonder if they'll sneak something else in that was planned for early 2025, or just wait to go back to five books then. And of course with the Making of OD&D and Worlds & Realms, there are more D&D-related major products.

BTW, I'm not complaining about no news or a lack of more product, just curious about what the plan is beyond the revised core rulebooks. I mean, they announced the known current schedule some time ago, so we haven't had an announcement of anything new in quite awhile...unless I missed it.
Greyhawk is getting a full Gazateer in Chapter of the new DMG, which is what Winninger was talking about for a returning Setting in 2024.

The new Settings might still be cooking, or might have been shelves. Winninger isn't around anymore, so he won't drop any hints.
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Greyhawk ia getaway full Gazater in Chapter of the new DMG, which is what Winninger was talking about for a returning Setting in 2024.

The new Settings might still be cooking, or might have been shelves. Winninger isn't around anymore, so he won't drop any hints.
OK, makes sense - thanks. I knew Greyhawk was in the 50th anniversary, but didn't know it was getting a full chapter gazetteer. I can see why people are saying "odd choice."


The new Settings might still be cooking, or might have been shelves.
Yeah, this is why developers are so reluctant to talk about future releases very far in advance. Lots of players take those words as a sealed pact that will absolutely be delivered on. When in reality, sometimes plans change, sometimes projects get scrapped or altered late in development, and sometimes people read way too much into what were off the cuffs and imprecise words.


Book-Friend, he/him
OK, makes sense - thanks. I knew Greyhawk was in the 50th anniversary, but didn't know it was getting a full chapter gazetteer. I can see why people are saying "odd choice."
Based on Winninger's hints, the options were Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realma or Eberron. Once it became clear the vehicle would be a chapter in the DMG, Greyhawk became the obvious choice...because Hreyhawk can be fully detailed in a DMG chapter.

Other than that, the release rate of books is about one a Quarter: Deck of Many Tbings came out at the beginning of the year, Vecna is out tomorrow, Infinite Staircase in Summer, the. The PHB and DMG. Knowing the MM is coming in February means we know the RPG game products for the next year probably, and we will likely start hearing about the next year by around Christmas-ish.


Based on Winninger's hints, the options were Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realma or Eberron. Once it became clear the vehicle would be a chapter in the DMG, Greyhawk became the obvious choice...because Hreyhawk can be fully detailed in a DMG chapter.

Other than that, the release rate of books is about one a Quarter: Deck of Many Tbings came out at the beginning of the year, Vecna is out tomorrow, Infinite Staircase in Summer, the. The PHB and DMG. Knowing the MM is coming in February means we know the RPG game products for the next year probably, and we will likely start hearing about the next year by around Christmas-ish.
Oh, I thought Deck came out last year - but you're right, it was in February. Did it get pushed back?

So it looks like five this year, four last.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh, I thought Deck came out last year - but you're right, it was in February. Did it get pushed back?

So it looks like five this year, four last.
Ot was scheduled for last year, bit there was a quality control issue that pushed back the physical release. Honsetly, 4 a year is probably about the sweet spot.

As to Magic Settings: I think the alignment of the stars that allowed those to happen in WotC office politics has passed.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
OK, makes sense - thanks. I knew Greyhawk was in the 50th anniversary, but didn't know it was getting a full chapter gazetteer. I can see why people are saying "odd choice."
It's not getting a full chapter gazetteer. It's getting used as the example setting in a chapter primary about making settings.

Voidrunner's Codex

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