The 5e Battlemaster's maneuvers, OTOH, are all essentially 3rd-level abilities, even if he doesn't get to pick some of them until high levels. Not only that, but the obvious thing to do is pick the best abilities, first, so those latter picks are much more marginal, making advancement less meaningful. .
This is my biggest problem with the 5e Fighter. If we had gated higher level maneuvers, I think we could have had a fighter that 'complex' types liked well enough.
I find the 5e Fighter really interesting because it seems to have adopted all the big design characteristics that people who hated the 4e Fighter didn't want:
1) martial healing (Second Wind = not just temporary hitpoints or something but actual regaining HP!)
2) abilities that aren't at-will (action surge, maneuvers, indomitable)
3) 'narrative control' (commanders strike)
But then executed on them very poorly.
I just don't get it.