You should talk to your doctor about being evaluated for short term memory loss. Either that or you should consider disengaging since you are conviniently ignoring my early posts with that information.
Sure, (have done, not necessarily currently do) I think a simple review of RPG artwork, such as Deviant Art and published books, will show a overwhelming influence to either D&D 'topics' or to early D&D artists. Artists who got paid for creating their artwork by D&D (TSR, WotC). Therefore, D&D has been the strongest influence in RPG art.
I've no interest in DDB bundles, but would love for WotC to look at increased portabiltiy.
There are content management systems that would allow for D&D products to be produced on one platform and then auto-magically converted to numerous formats (print, pdf, epub, vtt, etc) but they are expensive and time consuming to setup. And then you have to have all your creators be trained and to use the system. Currently a multi-million dollar investment. Someday the price will come down, and then hopefully (if I'm still living) I will see format just be a consumer choice of the moment.