So You Are in a TIE Fighter?


So you are in an Imperial squadron. You start out in TIEs and if you survive you might get a TIE interceptor and progress into a Advanced X1 then TIE Oppressor.

You can modify your TIE. Do you pick shields or a torpedo or concussion missile launcer.

Assume it's a TIE Interceptor.

It's for the SWSE RPG but can be applied to D6.

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41st lv DM
Shields. And then more shields. Because despite speed & skill something will eventually tag me.
Somewhere after that I'll worry about upgrading the weapons.

And since I'm already flying my favorite model of Tie (the Interceptor) I do my best to resist any promotion/re-assignment that take me out of it.


Shields shields shields.

Albeit in d6 Star Wars shields are pretty useless for single-seat Fighters, since they require me to allocate one of my dice to shield operation when I could be using it to dodge or shoot better.


Shields shields shields.

Albeit in d6 Star Wars shields are pretty useless for single-seat Fighters, since they require me to allocate one of my dice to shield operation when I could be using it to dodge or shoot better.

Isn't that only when you want to change the shields facing?

My players chose shields as well. They had normal TIEs and I think SR 15 shields were 2k credits. TIE might survive an X wing shot. TIE advanced wore a critical hit from a proton torpedo RIP. NPC death by X Wing.


Depending upon mission profile, torpedo launchers might be useful simply for range (if I'm remembering my SWSE weapons correctly). You're in a pretty fast ship, so if you're up against slower / larger targets armed with lasers or blasters, you could stay out of their effective firing range while bombarding them with torpedoes.


A very OK person
I get another pilot in another tie fighter, thus doubling my survivability. Actually I’ll need about 20 more of these things.

So you are in an Imperial squadron. You start out in TIEs and if you survive you might get a TIE interceptor and progress into a Advanced X1

I can get promoted up from a TIE pilot to Darth Vader? Groovy.

You can modify your TIE. Do you pick shields or a torpedo or concussion missile launcer.

Assume it's a TIE Interceptor.

In all seriousness, none of those. An Interceptor is designed for speed and maneuverability with a short range. Any mass added to it makes it worse at those jobs. If I want a torpedo to missile I want a TIE bomber, and if I want shields I want to be in a bigger ship.
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I can get promoted up from a TIE pilot to Darth Vader? Groovy.

In all seriousness, none of those. An Interceptor is designed for speed and maneuverability with a short range. Any mass added to it makes it worse at those jobs. If I want a torpedo to missile I want a TIE bomber, and if I want shields I want to be in a bigger ship.

In game rules you can put one of them on for no loss in performance.

Not being familiar with either game, I'll go off what I'd generally prefer according to what I remember of the Rogue Squadron novels. So none of the above. I'd go with improved engines. That's the Interceptor's schtick: sheer speed. It's a zoomy little beast. Smaller wings, so harder to see, and stupidly fast/maneuverable. So I'd be highly tempted to go with becoming even more stupidly fast and doubling down on what it's already good at.

By game logic, I'd have to ask what the overall missions are going to be. If it's dogfights, I'm sticking with speed or (in a close second) shields so one X-Wing blast doesn't take the TIE out. If it's taking out capital ships, a torpedo/missile launcher might be more useful.

Honestly, if it's a mix of missions, I'd be looking to get new ships as quick as possible. Advanced X1s are a more multi-role ship, so instead of being really good at one thing, they're pretty good at multiple things.

If it was me playing, though, I'd be talking about raiding Chiss space to steal some Clawcraft. Or I'd be on the lookout for TIE Defenders, because might as well shoot for something awesome.

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