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Softwind's Tale: Companions of the Valley (upd 04/01/04) - REALLY!


First Post
Kill the betrayers!

Twenty-first Session (part 2)

Taken aback by the rapid reappearance of the Companions, the guards at first stand agape, surprised. They regain their senses quickly and reach for their weapons. “Ah ah ah,” admonishes Brynn, his own swords at the ready. “You’ll be moving your hands away from blade, nice and easy.” The dwarf sighs as the three ignore him. He calls over his shoulder, “Remember, try to take em alive.”
Skylar launches her blunts, hoping to dissuade the guards from trying anything foolish, like attacking. Stubbornly, they refuse to lay weapons aside, and move towards the Companions. Athena blesses the party, to assure steadier strokes in the coming battle. Grimnyr, disgust evident on his face, rotates his axe 90 degrees, the flat facing the on-coming foe. “Fagh,” is his only comment.

Brynn weaves his blades in front of him, defending himself as he watches for opportunities to buffet his targets with nonlethal blows. Tombit is within his element, his hands and feet a blur as he uses them to hammer the guards into submission. Unfortunately, the plate armor they wear provides enough protection for them to shrug off the attacks. Qonos attempts to armor himself in magery, but lingering images from his month-long stint in the dark of the mines ruins his concentration, and his spell dissipates to no good effect.

Calling upon the spirits of Nature itself, Genoa weaves an enchantment upon the very metal of the armor they wear, to increase the temperature thereof. The success of the casting is shown in the sounds of sizzling, and the smell of scorched leather.

Two of the three guards move in erratic patterns, encased in a shell that is rapidly heating up, struggling to remove it as quickly as they could. Realization hits, and the two of them have a bare moment to look at each other, before the pouches carrying the explosive mix reach critical temperature.

The resulting blast deafens Qonos and Skylar, leaving the rest with just ringing ears and headaches. Taking advantage of the confusion, Tombit tackles the last remaining guard, slamming him to the ground, and perching on his chest. Temporarily deafened, disoriented, and now having his breath knocked out of him, the guard yields without further struggle, and lapses into unconsciousness. The Companions take advantage of this break, and work to heal their deafened party members, but to no avail. Athena and Genoa both sense the power to remove the damage, but have not the strength to mold it to their purposes. Until they can get them to a more experienced healer, they will remain deafened.

When Shemp, the remaining guard revives, he is questioned none-too-delicately. Brynn hammers the prisoner with questions, seeking answers to the reasons behind the Guild guards’ betrayal. He is unsatisfied by what he can learn from the man, but unwilling to descend into torture. Disgusted, he ties the man up, perhaps tighter than necessary, yet gains little pleasure from the cries of pain. He tells his party that there appears to be a faction within the Guild of Miners and Merchants that sought to remove the threat from the mines, but allow no one to survive the attempt. Further information would only be gained from the leadership of the Guild itself. Athena points out that Larry, the leader of this band of guards, still remains on the surface, guarding the horses. Brynn’s eyes light up with the thought of possibly getting more answers.

“First, though, we have a job to finish,” he tells the party. Astonished, they ask why he wants to continue this quest, now that they know there is a bigger picture they can not yet see. “Because we agreed to this task, we were paid for it, and should these things leave here, who knows what harm they could cause outside?” Pragmatic as always, the group agrees, and works on a way to return to the other side of the rubble choking the passageway.

Genoa summons a dire badger, and casts a quickening spell upon it, to allow it to burrow through the rubble, which is conveniently altered by Athena into an earthen consistency. Following behind to cancel the effects of the spell upon the rock, a formed stone tunnel is quickly crafted. By the time the badger breaks through the other side, the summoning spell has run its course, and the animal fades away. The party forms up on the other side, readying themselves for battle. The corpses of the ant-scorpions lay where they had fallen, undisturbed, although further in chamber ahead, the sound of movement reaches the party’s ears.

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First Post
Kill, cut, and run!

Twenty-first Session (part 3)

At Brynn’s unspoken gesture, the Companions of the Valley (plus one) leave the tunnel, entering a vast chamber beyond. Water laps at the edge of the chamber, and spreads across most of the area, save for a few outcroppings scattered about, and the stalagmites. As they approach, creatures rise from the water, and advance upon the group. Familiar in shape, but of a size not seen before, the insects rush to engage the interlopers. The chamber falls into shadow, as interlocking spheres of darkness are created, slowing the party’s advance.

Genoa wastes no time casting blindsight on as many Companions she can reach, while the Rangers, not needing assistance in the dark, stride forward to the last seen location of the insects. Their weapons snake out, possessed by the same hunger as their wielders. Metal hitting chitin draws the others to them, and the group lays in with a ferocity rarely glimpsed. As each opponent is slain, the shadows recede, only to darken again as the insects move about, jockeying for positions in which to rend the party.

The party gains the upper hand for a moment, before something more enters the fray. From a mound upon a sizable island in the underground lake come lengthy tendrils, to trap and entwine the adventurers. For every one that is severed or crushed, another takes its place, an endless supply. For a moment, the party despairs, before being suppressing the emotion with rage.

Focusing on the remnant of the insect guards and destroying them, they can then turn their whole attention upon the creature in the water. Genoa wildshapes into a shark to attack from below, while Skylar, Brynn, and Grimnyr fire arrows at the openings in the mound, hoping to injure the creature. Athena moves between party members, applying a healing touch to each. Qonos conjures arcane missiles and directs them at the creature, while Tombit, his melee talents wasted on long-range battle, prowls the shore, looking for something to do to contribute to the fight.

Soon, the tendrils come less often, and shorten in length. Grimnyr realizes what is occurring, and snatches one of the explosive leather spheres claimed from Shemp. Even as Brynn shouts “NOOO!,” the sphere impacts the mound crater. The resulting explosion has several effects. The mound crumbles, the stones above it pelting downward, and the whole of the mountain seems to shudder.

Stalactites separate from their centuries-long home, to come crashing down randomly upon land or water. The dwarves look to the ceiling with concern, sensing that this time, the collapse will be much greater. Only the equipment and treasure, carried by previous victims of the insects, scattered about the island delays their headlong rush out of the chamber. Stopping only long enough to grab the items, corpse and all, they rush towards the elevators leading to the surface. As an afterthought, they toss Shemp over Grimnyr’s shoulder on their way out.
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First Post

Twenty-second Session (May 03)

Laying down his burden, Grimnyr straightens up and moves towards the mine exit. He quietly joins Brynn, who is leaning against the granite wall, his attention directed downslope, where the last of the guards waits, guarding the horses.

“Whut’s the plan, then?” asks the gruff fighter. “We rush em? Or do that sneaky stuff?”

Brynn chuckles. “Grimnyr, my friend, as much as you decry that sneaky stuff, even you realize it works in our favor more often than not.” Brynn sobers. “We must capture Larry, alive, to find out what is going on. The attack below does not fit into what we thought we knew. We need answers.”

Grimnyr nods. “Aye.” He stands up, motioning to the mine behind him. “I’ll go alert the others.” He grins. “I hope Larry resists, just a little. My axe be itchin’…” At Brynn’s dark look, he amends, “for a good thumpin’, no’ bloodshed. We need him, aye.”

Grimnyr talks in quiet tones to the rest of the group. Qonos seems eager to leave the confines of Silverhall, his prison for a month and more, but restrains his desire to rush outside. He listens intently to the instructions on what they all should do if Larry resists questioning, and mentally readies his spells for casting, should the need arise.

Skylar shifts her arrows within her quiver, bringing blunts to the fore, to her obvious distaste. She makes no complaint however, and examines her bow in silence while she waits for the party. Genoa and Athena discuss their abilities in relation to the upcoming confrontation – neither wanting to use anything directly damaging, but rather thinking towards restraint and compliance. Killing someone as a matter of self defense was one thing, slaying them for actions taken by their fellows was another. Tombit is quiet on the matter, unusual for the normally vocal Halfling. His brows are furrowed as in thought, but he does not share those thoughts with his Companions.

Brynn signals to the party to head out of the mines, and down the slope. No overtly hostile action is to be taken, at least before he can confront Larry. “Perhaps he is innocent in this,” he mumbles, but cannot even convince himself, let alone his friends.

Tombit slips ahead, and to the side, to approach Larry from another direction. Skylar goes the other direction, looking for a position that offers a clear shot. The rest of the group continue down the scree-covered slopes, towards the makeshift stockade built around the horses, and the figure crouched by a small fire beside it. Their movement is not unnoticed, and the plate armor clad figure stands up to face them. They halt several paces away, and Brynn addresses the guard.

“We have need to talk, Larry.”

“I am at your service, Brynn,” comes the cautious reply. “What do you wish to talk about?”

“The actions of your men, in the mines below.”

“I notice they are not among your number. Did they fall in battle then? They must have died protecting you, for I see that you have all returned. Even added one to your number,” indicating Qonos.

“They died, aye. But not in defending us.” With anger in his eyes and voice, he continues, “They sought to trap us below, in chambers containing many creatures hostile to us. They claim to have orders to do so. My question is, did those orders come from you, or someone with in the Guild?”

“Orders? I am unfamiliar with such orders. The only ones we were given were to assist in the clearing of the mines. That you are here now attests to their success, for I assume that task has been fulfilled.” Larry smiles ingratiatingly.

Brynn brushes aside the attempt to redirect the conversation with a negligent wave of his hand. “The task is done, but you have not answered my question. They stated they had orders. They threatened our lives. They paid the price for their betrayal with their own, as unfortunate as that is. We would have sought to question them further, but for an accident. Stop!!” he shouts, as Larry bolts for the corral and the horses therein.

Brynn unracks his bow, and launches an arrow, attempting to scare Larry into stopping. The arrow ricochets against the rocks, and sinks into the hindquarters of a horse nearby. This does not deter Larry, just forces him to choose another animal.

Skylar fires and hits the fleeing guard, but he shrugs off the blows as he makes his way to a horse. Genoa attempts to communicate with the mounts in the corral, but with the squeals of the injured animal filling the air, they are too filled with panic to listen. Qonos staggers the guard with Magic Missiles, but this serves to thrust him forward, rather than slow him down. Athena struggles to reach Larry, to restrain him somehow, as a little blur that is Tombit emerges from the rocks nearby and attempts to spring onto the horse Larry has mounted. The attempt lands him awkwardly on the horses’ rump, and he scrambles to regain his footing as he begins to slide off the animal.

Larry manages to turn the horse around, to face towards the opening in the corral, as Tombit retries to jump on board. Brynn succeeds in hitting the guard with several arrows, which disorients his opponent. This gives Skylar another opportunity to hit, which further distracts Larry, causing him to jerk on the reins, which stumbles his mount. Tombit regains his footing, and struggles with Larry to unseat him. Qonos’ next volley of Magic Missiles is enough to cause the man to lose his grip, and fall to the ground, with Tombit along for the ride.

Athena arrives in time to assist the feisty Halfling in rendering the man unconscious, with a deft swing of her mace. Panting from the excursion, Tombit sits back as the rest of the group arrives, to tie up the guard. Grimnyr returns to the mine to fetch Shemp, who is dumped unceremoniously next to the stripped and trussed Larry, who wakes up and glares at him.

Brynn and Grimnyr crouch in front of the two guards, to renew the questioning. “I’m sure you’re in a more conducive mood to talk now, Larry. Tell us what we need to know, and we’ll make sure you get a fair trial.” They are met with tight-lipped silence. Brynn stands up in disgust. Grimnyr remains where he is, but leans forward menacingly towards the pair, a sub vocal growl rising in his throat. “I’ll no’ make the same promises…” he says, fingering his axe. Larry blanches, but says nothing, yet Shemp does not have the same fortitude of will.

“I’ll tell you what I know…” The guard reveals the orders came from within the leadership of the Guild. For purposes unknown, they were to assure that both the threat and the adventurers were disposed of. The plan had been to wait for the party to kill the creature in the deepest chamber, then turn on the party and kill them, assured that they would be weakened by the previous combat. Curly had been too eager to have the group attack the monster, and none-too-eager to be part of that action. “And that’s all I know,” he finishes, head down, ignoring the murderous look in Larry’s eyes.

“Thank you, Shemp. I’m a dwarf of me word. No harm will come to you by our hands. Tombit, check their bindings, would you? I’ll ready the wagon to transport them to town.” He eyes the deepening dusk. “Er, for tomorrow, then,” he amends.

The party and their prisoners settle in for the night, memories of previous encounters in the area from the mountain and forest inhabitants keeping them on their guard. Genoa summons Nature’s Rampart to add to the protection of the scattered boulders and rocks; the dirt and stone reforms itself to make a ditch and burm surrounding the group. Qonos and Skylar volunteer to take first watch, knowing their reverie will take less time than their companion’s sleeping. The night, thankfully enough, passes without incident, other than Karazak and Timber arriving in early morning. The two animals pad to their respective friends, and curl up at their sides, asleep moments later.

The party rises hours later, makes a quick breakfast from meat gathered by the animals, and foodstuffs from the forest collected by the rangers. The prisoners are loaded into the wagon, which is hitched up and readied for travel, as the party mounts up on the remaining horses. Genoa chooses the one she healed of its arrow wound the night before, sensing thankfulness in the animal, and wanting to keep an eye on the horse as they travel. She turns her mount’s head towards the trail leading off the mountain slope, and gently nudges the gelding into motion. The rest of the party forms up behind her, with Grimnyr driving the wagon behind, the early morning sun at their back.


First Post
Giants! The loss of a friend. Perhaps new ones made?

Twenty-third Session (May 03)

The early afternnon sun streams through the trees, softened by the leaves moving gently in the wind. The party relaxes, enjoying a late meal, and soaking in the sun, after several days in a cold, dark, damp mine. Their relaxation ends abruptly as the forest around them erupts in the raucous cries of birds, as hundreds take to the air in protest. This is followed by a sub audible rhythmic rumbling under foot, and the sounds of trees being pushed aside and toppling. The dwarves look to each other, the same thought running through their heads. Giants.
“Giants!” shouts Grimnyr, a wicked gleam in his eye. “I’d know the signs anywhere. Ready yerselves!” He unsheathes his axe, eyes roaming over the forest in the direction of the disturbances. His motions are echoed by Brynn and Genoa, with their animal companions’ fur lifting and teeth bared. Startled by their companion’s actions, the remainder of the party is slow in reacting, but is ready when the first giant emerges from the trees.

Standing four times the height of the dwarves, the large humanoid stepping out from behind the forest cover is clad in roughly tanned hides, carrying what appear to be a boulder in one hand, and a small tree in the other. Its attention is directed behind it, as if fleeing something. A second figure, the same size as the first follows shortly thereafter, although its gaze drops upon the Companions waiting beside the road. “Hahmmmm,” it rumbles, “foooooood.” It licks its monstrous lips. It strides forward.

Sharper eyes within the adventuring band notice that these creatures have seen some trouble recently, as evidenced by the numerous wounds and bloodstains covering them. The wounds don’t seem to be slowing them any, however, as the first one takes note of his friend’s attention, and follows him towards the party. “DARFS!” he yells, spying the dwarven members, and begins to run.

Grimnyr and Brynn dart forward, rushing to engage the Hill giants, weapons in hand and feral grins on their faces. Skylar rapidly lays shaft to string, and lets fly several arrows, laughing out loud in glee as each shaft sinks deeply into giant flesh. Fresh gouts of blood cover already bloodied hides, and the injured giant slows in its rush towards the party. On the heels of the mundane arrows are several arcane versions, cast by Qonos, as he too runs towards the giants. Unerringly they strike, slowing the recipient further.

Timber and Karazak, working in tandem, race each other to the newly damaged giant, preparing to harry it, allowing the Companions time to drop the creature. Genoa, surprised by the animal’s reaction, cuts off her Entangle spell mid-cast, and instead runs forward, to get a better angle on the monsters.

Tombit runs at top speed, around and behind the giants, in order to take advantage of sneak attacks. Athena follows him, keeping a watchful eye on the impetuous Halfling. “Whatever doesn’t kill him, usually makes him pretty unconscious,” she thinks to herself.

Between Brynn and Grimnyr, and the rapid fists of Tombit, the wounded giant falls to rise no more, but not before using its club to pummel Grimnyr. The second giant focuses on Skylar, as her arrows pepper him every chance she gets. Genoa slows down the second by entangling its feet with magically enhanced brush and grass.

From the trees comes another complication. This milk-white skinned giant towers over his Hill cousins, and the club it wields appears to be of stone. Mists seem to follow it, deadening the light coming through the trees. The air becomes damp as it approaches. Having observed the battle before, it strides for Skylar, seeing her as the greatest threat. Its club knocks her unconscious, and in a follow up swing, it tosses Grimnyr's body like a ragdoll, to fall crumpled in a heap some distance away.

Stunned by the rapid course of events, and filled with rage, the remaining Companions fell the remaining Hill giant, and turn their attention on the newcomer. It doesn’t have another chance to wield the club effectively before it too joins its Hill giant cousins in death. The party does not have time to see to Grimnyr or revive Skylar before yet another interruption occurs.

On horseback, five men ride towards the party, quickly but with caution. They rein up a fair distance from the company, eyeing the remains of the giants, and the bloodied weapons and armor of the adventurers. They bear upon their tabards the symbol of a tower overhung by a crescent moon, a symbol vaguely familiar to the party. With a rush, Brynn realizes a similar symbol was on the Guild guard’s uniforms. He tenses, ready for action, yet is put off balance by the band leader’s next actions.

The leader prods his horse closer, right hand hovering over his blade, but relaxes suddenly with a laugh. “Do you realize how long we have been chasing this group? Ahah! We own you a debt, then.”

The Companions are puzzled. Brynn moves away from the body of Grimnyr and strides forward, to look up at the half-elven face of the band’s leader. “I don’t gather your meaning. Were you after these?” gesturing at the fallen giants.

“Indeed, yes, friend dwarf. Ah, but introductions are in order, for by your expressions, I can tell you know not who we are.” He dismounts, then points to himself. “I am Captain Kendu, of the Argent Legion from Everlund. My men are Cea, Avo, Tharimis, and Morgan. We are tasked with keeping the trade roads clear. Those three represent the last of a group of giants that had come down from the mountains to threaten the caravans. When the rest of their party was killed, they fled eastward. We have been following for days. So, we owe you a debt of gratitude. By what names are you called, and from whence do you come?” he inquires.

Brynn introduces the rest of the party, warily, sidestepping the question about their homeland, and inquires about Everlund, particularly regarding the Guild of Miners and Merchants. He tenses again when he hears the Captain admit that they are familiar with the Guild, but relaxes when the Captain goes on to explain that the Guild is just one of many within the town, and they are not directly connected to it.

In the background, Skylar is brought back to consciousness by Athena. As the gnome moves towards Grimnyr, she realizes that the gruff old dwarf’s body is too damaged to contain life still. Her stifled cry is heard by Brynn, and the dwarf turns to check as well. He knows that their mentor and friend is gone, but is gentle in prying rapidly cooling hands from their grip on the axe, and is just as gentle in closing eyes that see no longer. He notes that the old dwarf went happy, from the grin upon his face. “Rest well, old timer,” he whispers.

“Nooooo! There must be something we can do. We can’t let him go like this!” wails the healer.
“He went in the best way a dwarf could,” Brynn tries to console Athena. “He died, axe in hand, fighting giants. He couldn’t ask for better.”

Athena pushes Brynn’s comforting hand aside. “No, I refuse to let him go. He has so much more to do in this life! We still need to find out what happened to our kinfolk and friends in the Valley.” The rest of the party remains silent, watching and waiting. Athena starts to walk away, and then whirls around to face Brynn again. “The helmet! I can take him to the priestess in Merikest! She can help, I’m sure.”

“Athena, we don’t know if Grimnyr *wants* to come back. He died as he wanted to. We should let him enjoy his reward! He’s probably already drinking and supping with Clangeddin in the Halls of our fathers.” His voice trails off as he sees the determination in Athena’s face. “All right, all right,” he sighs, and pulls the helmet from the magical sack Genoa carries. “We shall wait here, to rest and heal. Please hurry back if you can.” He turns to the Legion soldiers, who have been silent, respecting the Companion’s grief. “We need to make camp here, for rest and food. You are welcome to join us, if you desire.” As Captain Kendu nods agreement, Brynn places gentle hands upon Athena’s shoulders. “Hurry back, lass. We’ll wait for you here.”

Athena’s tear-streaked face nods, and disappears beneath the stylized helm as she moves to the corpse of Lieutenant Grimnyr, Guardsmen of Rivenwall, hero, friend. The two disappear in a blink and a rush of air. Brynn sighs. “All right, let’s get busy. We’ve got a camp to make.” The Companions notice that his eyes never rest more than a moment on the bloodstained ground where Grimnyr fell, although none can say if the shininess in his eyes is from the dust of the road, or some other reason.


First Post
A friend returned, the journey continues

Twenty-fourth Session (Jun 03)

Athena stumbles, her memories of the steps leading to the temple in Merikest not being clear enough for the Helm to place her exactly where she envisioned. She shrugs off the pain of a turned ankle, and shouldering Grimnyr, staggers to the doorway leading inside. There, she seeks out Darla Parsons, the head priestess of Torm, the only one capable of calling the dwarf’s spirit back to his battered body.
Athena is allowed to speak with Grimnyr, when the time comes to determine if he desires to return or no. At first reluctant, he decides to return, having been shamed into it by Athena. “Your work here isn’t done, old man. You can take the cowards way out and avoid dealing with it, or you can come back and fight on, like a true warrior.”

The priestess does not request payment, considering this returning a favor done to the town by the Companions. Grateful, Athena donates a small sum to the temple, grabs Grimnyr’s hand (to his discomfort) and re-dons the Helm. In a blink, they are standing again on the roadway where they had left hours before.

In her hurry to return, Athena had not noticed the time, and arrives to darkness, and Skylar’s warning shout. Identifying themselves, Athena and Grimnyr enter camp to the joyous exclamations of their party members, freshly awakened and happy Grimnyr has returned to them. The old dwarf blushes at the attention, and gruffly accepts the welcome, before looking for his gear. The party soon beds down to sleep, with Skylar returning to guard duty.

The next morning, Grimnyr is introduced to Captain Kendu and his men, and the party decides to take a few days to rest and recuperate, while Grimnyr re-accustoms himself to existence on the Prime. A few days pass before Captain Kendu becomes restless to return to duty. He invites the party to finish his rounds with him, ending up at Everlund. They agree, as they still have unfinished business with the Guild of Mining and Merchants. They look forward to being able to sell much of what they have aquired during their many adventures, as well.

The mountain path eventually wends its way to a valley, where the village Jalanthar (and the ruins of the village’s previous location) rest, overlooking the Rauvin River. A nights rest in a bed sounds appealing to all, but a cry of horror splits the night before rest can be taken. Hideous demon-chicken creatures stalk the night!... but are no match for the intrepid heros. The town militias are slow in coming; and the Argent Legion, encamped at the ruins, are too far away to hear the townsfolk's cry. With fell speed, the party dispatchs the monstrous chicken-like beasts, if only to reach bed sooner. All returned to calm in short order.

The next morn sees the party and the Everlund guards reeling into their saddles, having tried the local Jalathar Amber ale the night before. The trail ahead would shortly meet up with the river that leads to Everlund. Reaching the ferry port, the party encounters a scene of mayhem; the remains of the ferryman, his wife, and daughter scattered in a grisly pile. Many footprints lead away from the crime, into the nearby woods. The party follows, to become the next targets of the instigators' hunger - or the instigator's doom.
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First Post
Beasts within the woods, closure

Twenty-fifth Session (Jul 03)

Brynn takes the lead, followed by Tombit, Athena, and Genoa, with Qonos and Skylar taking the rear. Cautiously, they follow the tracks into the shadow shrouded brush. The trail disappears after a few dozen feet, although the signs of claws upon nearby treebark indicate the creatures had taken to the trees. Brynn quietly states the tracks have been made within the past hour – whoever killed the family leisurely returned to the cover of the woods, fearful of nothing, or so it seems.

The hair on the backs of both Karazak and Timber suddenly stands on end, as their heads whip around to stare at something in the trees a few yards away. Barely sub vocalized growls emerge from each throat, and tails start twitching. Alerted by this alarming behavior, the party is forewarned as strange puma-like beasts emerge from the trees. Gaunt, their strange appearance is compounded by a pair of tentacles rising from their shoulder blades. They are strangely difficult to keep in focus; the Companions’ eyes tend to slide off of the beasts. Knowing the animal companions would not be upset by something that meant them no ill, the party fans out as the creatures continue to advance.

After the first clash, the creatures having taken the measure of the party’s abilities, the two creatures separate and retreat towards trees. As the party follows to deal with the displacers, a loud crashing is heard – something very large approaches, very fast! Uprooted vegetation flies as a large, heavily muscled beast emerges from the brush, its gray hide unmarred by the thorns and bushes in its way. Six eyes take in the party and the treed displacers, and with a roar, it charges.

Grimnyr , Qonos and Brynn focus on the gray creature charging them, as Skylar spies one of the displacers and hits it several times with hastily drawn arrows. Tombit clambers up the other tree, in pursuit of the other. Athena circles around the large beast to take it from behind. Genoa, summoning up power from Nature itself, entices a tree to entwine about a displacer. The thus-trapped creature yowls as more arrows find their mark, easier now that it is no longer mobile.

The Halfling finds hitting his target about as difficult as seeing it straight. Solid blows land on nothing but air. His opponent suffers no such impediment, as tendril lash at the diminutive monk time and again. Fairly wounded, Tombit decides to grapple his opponent instead, getting in close to neutralize its advantage. He succeeds so well that the creature is startled into letting go of its perch, plummeting it and the Halfling towards the ground. Tombit tumbles off the displacer as they hit, negating the fall, but his opponent is not so lucky. The sick crunch of breaking bones reaches his ears, eliciting a grin.

The hugely muscled beast fairs about as well against the four arranged against it. Several telling blows have rained down on the dwarves, but the streams of blood and gaping wounds upon the renderer indicate the battle has not been one sided. Its eyes constantly look towards the displacers, almost longingly, and as the one Tombit faced falls, it makes to move that direction. This is the last action it takes, as in concert, the dwarves, the elf, and the gnome all land solid hits, killing it.

The treed displacer, unable to dodge the arrows while entwined, parishes under a continual rain of arrows. Tombit, with the aid of Brynn, finishes the other. And the battle comes to an end. For all of its brevity, the party finds themselves fatigued by the combat. Three bodies behind at the ferry, with three bodies in the woods, bringing balance. Sorrowed they can do no more than revenge the slain family, they return to the dock and set about burying the dead. Athena says a few words, calling on Garl Glittergold not tease them too much on their journey to the next life.

Having paid their respects, healed and rested a while, the party wonders what else may lay on the road (or river) ahead...


First Post
Rivertown ruins, treasure

Twenty-sixth Session (Jul 03)

Investigating the keelboat reveals damage to the hull; obviously savaged by large creatures. It takes a fair amount of work by the Everlund guards to repair the boat, but by the time the noon sun is overhead, they are done. Genoa, not wanting to abandon the horses, decides to ride while the rest of the party climbs aboard the boat. Lightly encumbered, the horses should be able to keep up with the boat, even as the trail that leads along the river becomes rocky and rough going.

Through the day, the keelboat is guided somewhat rough-handed down the river, none of the party being proficient in its use. As the sun starts it’s descent behind the hills, Captain Kendu begins to look nervously about. The party comes across the ruins of a rivertown, where the river opens up and became deeper. Rumors of a horrific creature abiding within these waters persist, even after many have claimed to have killed it.

The Captain debates the merits of portage past the waters, but debate is cut short by the party’s discovery of the truth of the rumors. A leviathan creature arises from the waters, laying siege to their craft. Only by acting together, both from land and from sea, does the party survive the encounter.

Since the rumor of the creature was true, the party decided to investigate the rumor of a dwarven silver shipment that was drowned within these waters as well. Such a thing is not found, although the party manages to salvage another type of shipment - gold bars, robes, tapestries and the like, meant for a temple of Ilmater that never was created. The other point of note was the tunnels beneath the water where it appears that the creature, a squid of enormous size, emerged from. And possibly it's predecessors....

The smell of carnage greets the party later that afternoon - a caravan, or the remnants of one, lay upon the trail. Investigating the slaughter, the party finds themselves the targets of attack!

While the orcs prove to be not much of a challenge, the strange worg-riding creature and his troll guard prove to be matches with the party, as Grimnyr falls to the blows, again with a grin on his face, but this time never to rise again. The enemy vanquished, or at least chased off, the party takes a few moments to bury the brave, gruff dwarf before moving on towards Everlund.

Captain Kendu sets a grueling pace to make it to town as quickly as possible - many things had occurred that he felt must be communicated to his superiors. And the party, weary as they were, agreed to his pace, for they too were eager to see this city, and partake of its services. Hot baths, weapon shops, learn-ed people of all types to help them expand their knowledge (and open their pocketbooks) - all were looked forward to.
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First Post
Thieves, an encounter, and a quest

Twenty-seventh (Aug 03)

No sooner has the party set foot within the city when they are reminded of the downside of large gatherings of people - thieves. Athena feels a tug at her belt and sees a young human running away with her bag, which contained a fair portion of items to be sold or bartered for operating capital. The Companions give chase, watching the bag pass from one thief’s hands into another, then into and through the sewers. They follow, always just behind the thief, until they lose sight of him.

They wander the dank, noisome tunnels for awhile, when a muffled explosion draws their attention. They rush that direction, until they encounter a nightmare formed of transluceny chaos. The thief had almost escaped the adventurers, but had met his end in an abrupt manner at the "hands" (pseudopods?) of a creature from another dimension. In digesting the thief, the magical Bag of Holding was destroyed, spewing forth what contents were not obliterated by the explosion, and causing serious injury to the creature. Enough fight was left in it however, to challenge the bold, brash country adventurers.

Finding that many of their blows seemed ineffectual, and that one of the creature’s main attacks was to pull the group member into another dimension before digesting, many of them despaired of being able to survive the encounter. Through perseverance and determination, not to mention helpful magical items, the creature is defeated.

At the end of the fight with the creature, half the party found themselves stranded in a land part of yet separated from the place they had stood moments before. These party members sought support from the local clergy, and were able to escape their erstwhile prison with the assistance of Aranthea Siean, the Druidess at Mielikki’s Grove outside Everlund. Once reunited, they seek rest, renting a room at the Scowling Orc and spending time in the tavern portion.

The next day, upon leaving the Tavern, the party is accosted by guardsmen, claiming Skylar is wanted for crimes against the Guild of Mining and Merchants. The party is taken before Submistress Gwynnth, (as they did not wish Skylar to be there alone), the error of mistaken identity is discovered, and the party dismissed. No answers are forthcoming from the Subguildmistress to the party's questions about the Guild’s real target, an elf woman by the name of Shiara.

Afterwards, the party members separate to explore the city, seek out answers to questions, craftsmen to create weaponry, or guild leaders to learn from. The arcane casters get more than was bargained for, as they seek access to the Everlund Guild of Wizardry (with branches throughout the Silver Marches). The Headmaster of the Guild, Gotien, sets before them a quest, the successful completion of which will grant them sponsorship for membership in the Guild, with all the benefits (and requirements) that entails.

A guildmember by the name of Yurace, with an escort of city Rangers from the Green Hall, were sent into the High Forest to speak with Turlang the treant a fortnight before... and were not heard from since. The party is requested to find out what happened to the envoy, and report back to Gotien. The return of the envoy, or his remains, was requested, although not required. From what the party has heard thus far, this quest might not be so easy...
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High Forest, near Everlund

Twenty-eighth Session (Aug 03)

Leaving Everlund, and heading south, the party comes to the edge of the High Forest - and finds the way blocked by brambles, bushes and dense groundcover. While Genoa and Athena have no difficulty traversing the growth, thanks to inherent druid abilities and a Ring of Free Movement, respectively, the others find it slow going until Genoa causes the plants to recede. Passing the half mile of growth, they enter the cool confines of the Forest proper.

Evidence of thick growth, both new and old surround them as the work their way deeper into the forest, seeking answers to the question of what happened to Yurace the halfelven wizard and his elvish ranger escort. They know to seek out Turlang the treant, or at least attempt to track the party, but the forest is reluctant to give up any answers.

Some time after entering the woods, they encounter a battle scene being enacted - several creatures attacking a mobile tree! Discovering the tree to be a young treant sprout, the party leaps to the aid of the beleaguered plant... Gleefully as it turns out, since the attackers are some bizarre blend of gnoll and goblin - neither of which are much liked, especially by the dwarves! The clash travels some ways, as the attackers seem intent on killing the young treant, even to being less than effective at attacking the party.

When the foe is defeated, the party attempts to heal the young treant as it "collapses" into hibernation due to injuries received. Upon "waking" the next morning, it greets the party and gives thanks for its timely rescue. The party volunteers to escort the one sprout back to its "home" glade for rest and recovery. In return, it tells the party a little of the Forest it calls home. Unfortunately, that is not much, as it is young yet.

After taking their leave of the treant in its stream-fed glade, the Companions continue onward to the east - the probable location of Turlang. The party is in good spirits, although feeling a little discouraged at finding out just how large the forest really is...

Nonetheless, they continue on, enjoying being within Nature's auditorium.
The feeling of elation fades as they come to a blighted area in the forest - trees withered and dying, plant life sickened. None can say why this is so... no cause seems evident, that is, until they reach near the other end of the blighted area, a distance of about one half mile.

From the ground rises an armed warrior...an undead one!!! The party quickly circles the figure, intent on slaying it and sending it back to whatever pit spawned it. Unfortunately, it seems resistant to most of the damage inflicted upon it, even so far as to resist the Turning effect of the party cleric!
The battle is grim, as its touch seems to carry the feel of the grave, sapping vitality from its victims, but with an even grimmer determination, the party perseveres and vanquishes the foe. With its demise, it leaves behind the equipment it carried, and weakened opponents. Disturbed, the party leaves the area, seeking a safe haven for the night.

The night passes uneventful, thankfully, and the rest seems to renew some of the flagging energy of the party. After morning ablutions, with jaunty steps they head deeper into the woods. No one, not even the druid, seems to notice the eyes upon them, watching from the trees.
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Hybsils & treants

Twenty-ninth Session (Aug 03)

Being surrounded by green, growing, healthy forest proves a boon to the party members of the rangererly, druidic, or elvish persuation - even the halfling seems to enjoy the trip. The party notices something is different though, as the Forest sounds increase in volume for a short while, then hush. They spy the reason why as creatures emerge from the trees around them.

Looking like a small antelope, but with a humanoid torso arising from where the neck and head would usually be, the Hybsils (for that is what they name themselves) carry bows, but none threateningly. The largest (relatively speaking, they are only about 3 feet high) comes forward, curious as to these interlopers in *his* forest. After many questions, they seem mollified and relax somewhat. The leader of the band, named Aviril, offers to take the party to a wild elf settlement nearby, to ask after the treant Turlang.
Questioned about the undead warrior, they party finds out only that it is a "bad place" that the hybsils avoid. At the other end of the forest is another "bad place", even worse than the small tainted one in their guarded area. The elves may know more, they state.

And, indeed they do. It takes some time - two days in fact - to reach "Trees Whispering", the wild elvish settlement, comprised of scarcely a handful of trees and a few score of distrustful elves. Only one, the leader Turil, was willing to talk with the party - the Hybsil Aviril's presence being the main reason. Topics discussed included where to locate Turlang, or another who would know how to contact him. The party is directed northward, to where another treant, Duthroan, was known to last be. The party sets off, with dried foods and elvish waybread gifted upon them by the settlement, to seek out this Treant. Along the way, they muse upon what was told to them of the history of a place called Hellgate Keep, to the far east of the forest.

Perhaps it is that musing that prevents them from realizing the danger, or perhaps the foes were really stealthy, who can say. All that is known is that during Genoa and Athena's watch, enemies came upon them quickly, bringing darkness to part of the camp. Genoa's warning wakes the party to the conflict to begin. Ogres and gnolls close in to attack, while some invisible foe beleaguers the sleep fogged adventurers.

Tombit, his attention focused on seeking out his hidden foe, comes under attack several times, being pelted by alternating freezing frost and burning fire. A Lightning Bolt comes near to ending his life, and he decides discretion is the better part of valor, as he slips into the shadows and tall grasses.

His companions are busy with the ogres, as the gnolls harry them from the trees nearby. Brynn is in his element, as these near-giants fall somewhat easily before his blades. Genoa calls upon the Forest itself to hold fast their opponents, causing the plants to entwine them, and grow thorns to pierce them as they struggle. The areas of impenetrable darkness do little to hinder them, having experienced that very thing within the Silverhall Mines. The same cannot be said of their foes, as ogres stagger about, lost in the inky blackness.

Athena busily runs from party member to another, bringing healing touches and supportive words. She seems to strengthen the group with her presence, as her team mates recover and press the attack. She lends her mace to the fray occasionally, providing a much-needed distraction for foes hard-pressing her companions. Skylar, bow comfortably in hand, puts it to good use, providing distraction, and being responsible for the single-handed slaying of a gnoll or ogre that had yet to engaged her group.

The conflict comes to an end abruptly, with all other opponents dead, as they seek out the last remaining attacker - the mysterious invisible foe - and hear him disappear into the night, laughing. Athena spends a few worried moments looking for her Halfling friend, until the very injured Tombit crawls from his hiding spot beneath a bush. She tsks at him for taking such risks, but her hand is gentle as healing warmth treats burns, and closes wounds.
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