Solasta is an old school dungeon crawl module, they simply didn't have the resources to hire better voice actors or writers. Having said that, I still enjoyed it. Positioning, including moving around the map by jumping or other means, is important as is light. Even with darkvision, they enforce dim light.
It's not the best in-depth campaign, then again I have pretty low expectations for even AAA games when it come to story lines. Some of the limits - positioning, lighting, attacking ranged monsters, and so on - are part of the challenge. I found it interesting to figure out tactics and options so it works for me.
Nowadays I still fire it up every once in a while and load up one of the free custom modules and play through them when I want to play something I don't need twitch reactions or simply don't want "deep" campaigns.
It's not the best in-depth campaign, then again I have pretty low expectations for even AAA games when it come to story lines. Some of the limits - positioning, lighting, attacking ranged monsters, and so on - are part of the challenge. I found it interesting to figure out tactics and options so it works for me.
Nowadays I still fire it up every once in a while and load up one of the free custom modules and play through them when I want to play something I don't need twitch reactions or simply don't want "deep" campaigns.