I figured I'd start a general question thread for SolSpace - Spartan Gambit.
My first one is about origins for the USF officers as presented. Since Spartan Gambit is a setting supplement and "requires the use of a What's OLD is NEW core rulebook", if I selected the 2000AD (I much prefer to call it that than Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD since we will be getting Rogue Trooper and Strontium Dog in the close future) core book and picked Clone as my race (either from 2000AD or GSC difference is 1 exploit) could I reasonably pick the judge origin Cadet before finishing the traditional route of Academy>Branch>Cruise>Tours?
SolSpace has a huge gap when it comes to the militaristic [combat] skills. The setting isn't presented as a Star Trek utopia, and in fact does discuss the militarized and corporate nature of the setting. However, marines/marine officers don't have a proper representation for tour of duty. No advancement offers [combat] as a choice, in fact using the standard progression in Spartan Gambit the highest your rifle skill could ever get is 4. Three from Security Branch School (picking rifle as a skill choice), one from SBC curriculum, not taking race into account. The same applies to [melee] (2 chances to pick) and [unarmed] (4 ranks if Security Branch School an opted for on Cadet Cruise).
My first one is about origins for the USF officers as presented. Since Spartan Gambit is a setting supplement and "requires the use of a What's OLD is NEW core rulebook", if I selected the 2000AD (I much prefer to call it that than Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000AD since we will be getting Rogue Trooper and Strontium Dog in the close future) core book and picked Clone as my race (either from 2000AD or GSC difference is 1 exploit) could I reasonably pick the judge origin Cadet before finishing the traditional route of Academy>Branch>Cruise>Tours?
SolSpace has a huge gap when it comes to the militaristic [combat] skills. The setting isn't presented as a Star Trek utopia, and in fact does discuss the militarized and corporate nature of the setting. However, marines/marine officers don't have a proper representation for tour of duty. No advancement offers [combat] as a choice, in fact using the standard progression in Spartan Gambit the highest your rifle skill could ever get is 4. Three from Security Branch School (picking rifle as a skill choice), one from SBC curriculum, not taking race into account. The same applies to [melee] (2 chances to pick) and [unarmed] (4 ranks if Security Branch School an opted for on Cadet Cruise).