Some posts showing as empty in app


This is new since the forum change. I use the app (on an iPad running iOS 12) a lot, and some posts have been empty. I thought folks had just deleted the text until I ran across it in a play by post thread and checked the website. In that case, the empty post was in color in the thread. The post is question is: [IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble

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I didn't fix the post at all. I had no idea the background was dark on some platforms.

And that link refers to a feature of the old site: themes.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I’m not seeing any blank posts in the app there. Which post number is it that’s blank for you?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
They said the light blue post was blank. #948
Ah, right. Found it.

I guess that's an app bug. Doesn't make sense though. I assume the forum engine is basically surrounding the entire post in a DIV with color attributes. No reason not to display it. Unless the app receives the raw post data, in which case it is definitely an app bug.

I'm going to edit the post to put some text before the blue text. Tell us if that changes the display.

EDIT. I went to edit the text and found [color=rgb(41,97,171)]. That is not listed as valid on the xenforo bbcode help page. I've change that to use #2868A8 (close enough) instead.


Now I can see the note jmucchiello posted about edit reason, but the rest of the post is still invisible to me in the app. I can see it fine via a browser.

Voidrunner's Codex

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