Soneillon. Part 1 (Updated 6/15)


Great update, Sep!

I hope we won't have to wait several months for the next update, but we do understand that you need to take space from here for real life, to work on the game, etc.

We'll miss you while your gone, though!

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so i'm sure the question we all want to ask is:

"Why in the world would Eadric wear +5 mithral breastplate (+9 AC) instead of his +4 (+12 AC + invulnerability) Full Plate of Invulnerability??"

"Why in the world would Eadric wear +5 mithral breastplate (+9 AC) instead of his +4 (+12 AC + invulnerability) Full Plate of Invulnerability??"

Because of the max Dex bonus to AC - Eadric was under a heavily metamagicked cat's grace and his Dex was 20. He could benefit from the full +5 to AC, and gained a movement speed of 30 (60 expeditious). Mithril breastplate is considered light armour. DR 5/+1 was essentially traded off for an extra 10.'


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And, RL battles must be waged, we know. But please ignore all of your needs and focus on my selfish desires. . .

Okay, I don't really mean that. Mostly.


Great cliffhanger! Thanks for the update. Your SH is inspirational as always.

I read the whole update to my brother, who was also duly impressed, but he said:

"Man, do those guys ever just go beat up some kobolds?":)

Keep up the great work - at your leisure of course ;)


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Sepulchrave II said:

Because of the max Dex bonus to AC - Eadric was under a heavily metamagicked cat's grace and his Dex was 20. He could benefit from the full +5 to AC, and gained a movement speed of 30 (60 expeditious). Mithril breastplate is considered light armour. DR 5/+1 was essentially traded off for an extra 10.'

thanks for the response and have a nice break. your story hour is probably the main reason i pop my head into ENworld these days...

Would it be considered gauche to put odds on the survival of the heroes of Wyre? Because, da-yum, there is a serious amount of whoop-ass headed their way.

How would Oronthon react to the death of the Ahma?


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Gah, Zhorion got owned! How do his compatriots feel, having the power to bring him back but not necessarily the permission?

I can't wait to read more. Best. Story Hour. Ever!


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The part that amazes me is the way the Dragon shrugged off a majorly heightened Disintegration AFTER getting a huge penalty to its saving throw from the Enervations...


How powerful *IS* that dragon?? Especially when it isn't part of the "real fight".


First Post
Great, great, great, annnnd Great!! Thanks Sep, you just made my week.

Damn, if Shomei survives this, she's gonna get yelled at!!

And what did she mean when:
She turned to the Alienist. "Be very sure that you know what you are doing if you open another gate Mostin. You know what I’m speaking of."

Mostin gurgled incoherently.

Did I miss something?


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