Dragonlance SotDQ: Introducing Kansaldi Earlier


Filthy Casual (he/him)
So, I'm thinking that I'd like to introduce Kansaldi earlier in the game by making her from Vogler. Basically, I'm going for a Kitiara situation, here. As is, she just comes across as a distant, impersonal threat that the PCs don't really interact with, and it reads to me to be a little anti-climactic when they're able to finally confront her.

I'd like for the human characters in the group to have known her as kids--maybe even been friends. Either an urchin, trouble-maker, and/or kid from a rough family, she probably lost her eye in a tragic accident (involving Bakaris the Younger?). When everyone split to find their destinies (Tower of High Sorcery, Knight of Solamnia), she became a merc and eventually joined up with Highlord Verminaard.

I think she could be there for Ispin's funeral--in part to see him off and in part to do some recon. I think I might need to use a pseudonym. Like, Kansaldi is the name she took during her merc career?

What do you all think? Any suggestions?

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So, I'm thinking that I'd like to introduce Kansaldi earlier in the game by making her from Vogler. Basically, I'm going for a Kitiara situation, here. As is, she just comes across as a distant, impersonal threat that the PCs don't really interact with, and it reads to me to be a little anti-climactic when they're able to finally confront her.

I'd like for the human characters in the group to have known her as kids--maybe even been friends. Either an urchin, trouble-maker, and/or kid from a rough family, she probably lost her eye in a tragic accident (involving Bakaris the Younger?). When everyone split to find their destinies (Tower of High Sorcery, Knight of Solamnia), she became a merc and eventually joined up with Highlord Verminaard.

I think she could be there for Ispin's funeral--in part to see him off and in part to do some recon. I think I might need to use a pseudonym. Like, Kansaldi is the name she took during her merc career?

What do you all think? Any suggestions?
That's not a bad idea, actually. There's already one future NPC in town doing the same thing, after all. It would also explain why the Dragonarmy would attack right then, knowing how to exploit the anniversary mock battle.


I will echo the others and think this is a great idea. Unfortunately I am not familiar enough with the adventure to give you any ideas on how to pull it off.

It's a good idea - both Kansaldi and the Red Ruin kinda just show up at the end of the campaign as climactic bosses with no way for the PCs to really get to know and hate them before the final combat, which might already be an anticlimax after Soth. I've wondered how to best do that myself.

It's a matter of taste, but the childhood friends thing might even be TOO reminiscent of the Kitiara story, unless there's an obvious NPC candidate in a PC backstory. Ispin's funeral is a good idea though (she needn't have been actually invited to the funeral, perhaps she learned of his death magically). Personally, I'd have her legitimately there to grieve the guy. After all, Ispin travelled everywhere and met everyone, maybe he had some sort of encounter with her beforehand too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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