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Spartanburg SC players wanted


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Ok I need some more players for a Sparanburg Area group on Saturdays. The game will probably Rotate between Savage Worlds( Rippers) and Harnmaster with a few one shots of others (chthulhu, C&C, Stormbringer and Deadlands) for the hell of it.
Either reply here and I will send a PM or just send me one. :D

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Allen - I live in Spartanburg and have been running a weekly C&C game since last spring. We just happen to be having a session of CoC tommorow. It seems that our groups have some similar interests. I'm always looking for new gaming contacts especially in SC, where gamers are a rare thing. We play just about anything including war games, 3e, Star Wars d20, WWII d20, etc. I have 4 players that come on Tuesday nights to play C&C - you're welcome to come and join us. In fact I'm looking for two chairs to be filled since we recently lost one member and his nephew. So let me know.

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