D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Barrington finds himself alone in the Captain's Lounge. This is not the result he had hoped for. Still, he knows he will continue his pursuit of La Gloriosa, but that will be tomorrow's task.

He takes the key and returns it to the barmaid, thanking her. He sits down alone at a small table, and buys himself a drink, with no plan for the evening except to spend as much of the coming hours in her company as she will permit.

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First Post
Nia drifted over to where Kat was busily recruiting crewmembers and looked on silently. She was only half-watching. Her mind was on other things as she fit new pieces into the puzzle and let it all come together in her head. Nia wasn't really a planner, though it often seemed otherwise. She wasn't meticulous enough for it. What she excelled at was perceiving the situation, and getting a broad sense for where it might go.

And there was a man watching del Corazon. Of course, any man might do that, given her beauty and manner of dress...but no. This one was different. He was being sly about it. Far too careful for casual interest. And that blue cap seemed familiar. Had he been at the inn before, when Nia had first heard about this voyage to the Le Gloriosa?

She thought he had.

Nia kept her eyes forward, as if watching the brewing arm-wrestling match, but her attention was on the corner of her field of view, where that blue cap made it easy to recognize the sailor in question. If he moved away, she could trail him. If not, she would be at Kat's side to stop her from revealing too much by accident.

One thing was sure, she wouldn't now discuss the Coral Curse in the open. One man with a torch and some pitch could end that plan in minutes, and she had no real backup.


Varlock had said his piece, then moved off quietly to stand outside and look towards the sea. He had considered speaking to the Financier and Katarina himself, but the pull of the sea brought him outside once more. The sound of the waves carried to him through the air, and his heart and mind were enveloped by the sense of the immense, endless depths, and the one who waited for him now.

When he recalled himself, he moved back into the Inn and watched his new captain go about her business of recruiting crew and finding a ship. He had not heard the call to the room above, but returned after that meeting had occurred.

While Varlok had a strong persona, he found it took time before others accepted one with his looks and "talents". In recruiting a crew, then, it would be best if he stayed back before speaking to the captain.

When he found himself near the rest of the "bridge crew", he spoke to the others. What news of a ship? Or should I return on the morrow, to see our progress?


First Post
Nia looked at him consideringly and asked, "How is your arm? Would you test it against this man in a contest of strength?"

She nods at the boistrous man before Kat.


Queen of Everything
Flexing his jaw, Gvido irritatedly concedes the point. "Fine. Fine. Look, who's the boss here? So, you field a man to insult arm wrestle with me, and if he wins we'll hear your offer. If he loses you buy me and my brāli a round of drinks for our trouble. Unless you want a go with old Gvido yourself, love?" He asks cockily, presenting his bulging muscular arm on the table in arm wrestling stance.

Katerina laughs as she runs a finger playfully along that bulging muscle, "A go with me does not involve arm wrestling... and would also not be with someone who has tired themselves out with foolish pursuits. My men need all their energy, I don't settle for less," she says with a crooked grin. She taps her lips while looking him over critically to size him up but is obviously distracted. "Very well, I accept your challenge. I will make my decision and return momentarily." She didn't want to appear weak in front of this man, if they were to work with this group they would need a strong hand guiding them.

She saunters back to her table swinging her hips, knowing he's watching her go. She's glad to see everyone there with the exception of stuffy ol Barrington, who is sitting alone. She has a brief flash of regret, she could have used his opinion on his, but she pushes that thought aside. Regret was not something Katerina del Corazon usually entertained, there was no time for it.

She slides into a seat and speaks in hushed tones. "I believe we need those men to help run our soon to be acquired ship, they fill a need that we are sorely lacking." She didn't want to insult anyone but this was definitely a varied group, including three old timers. "They have laid down a challenge that until we win, they will not entertain my offers. I could probably get them to listen but this way we can also test their mettle while the competition going on. So, insult arm wrestling is the game." She takes a moment to look at each of the people at the table. "I don't know some of you well... Hugo, you might not win in strength but you certainly could win a match of wits with him. That is one way to look at this." She knew the dwarf all her life and that he had the skills to do this. "The other way is with brawn. Doctor, you seem to be in fine physical shape. Perhaps you would like a go?" She takes another pause to think before speaking again. "Any of you might have skills I do not know about. What say all of you? I imagine we don't have long with that bunch to make a decision. Who is willing and who is our best chance at impressing those brutes?"


First Post
Nia smiled darkly.

"My skills are best used in other pursuits," she intoned. Then she leaned closer, eyes on the seated Latvarians, as if speaking some secret about them.

In a whisper for Kat's ears only, she said, "We are being watched. Do not search. I see him. Only mind your tongue."


Queen of Everything
Nia smiled darkly.

"My skills are best used in other pursuits," she intoned. Then she leaned closer, eyes on the seated Latvarians, as if speaking some secret about them.

In a whisper for Kat's ears only, she said, "We are being watched. Do not search. I see him. Only mind your tongue."

Kat nods to Nia without turning her head and whispers back, "Understood." Which enemy had found her now? Could it be someone competing to find La Gloriosa? Or worse, her old Porto Rican friend? Or perhaps whomever it was wasn't here for her. Either way... "We'll leave here after dealing with the brutes."


OOC: How noticeable is Doctor Varlok's black spot tattoo? And which arm is it on? It's relevant because if the Latvian mercenaries catch sight of it, they'll likely refuse to touch him cause of his black spot...thus preventing Doctor Varlok from arm wrestling altogether.

The bar wench who'd been exchanging glances with Barrington goes about her rounds at the tavern. A group of a dozen sailors apart from the rest seem to engaged in some kind of drunken knot-tying game and from the looks of it are botching tying a simple bowline knot. Another group of dwarves telling ghost stories in hushed voices over a table full of empty tankards. She pauses to get drink orders from a few solitary sailors, fighting off their advances well.

[SBLOCK=Nia Steeleyes]Nia Steeleyes - Observant feat, reading lips: Nia catches the rough sailor in the navy cap slip several coins into the bar wench's apron. She catches pieces of what the man says to the bar wench. "A bottle of...for the Englishman...with the big hat. Let him...compliments of Cap'n Read Wallace." At first the bar wench looks like she's about to throw his money back at him, but she makes up her mind and continues on her way as if nothing happened.[/SBLOCK]

"You look like you could use a drink. An' some company. M' name's Polly." The bar wench sashays back and forth at Barrington's table, failing to conceal her girlish smile, then sets a bottle of fine dark sherry - what the English call "sack" - down in front of Barrington. It's an expensive bottle, even more so for acquiring it in the Caribbean, and certainly not the sort of thing a bar wench could easily afford. She looks to be of Welsh descent, in her early twenties, with light brown hair, big brown eyes, and working hands. Sitting down next to him, she can't take her eyes off his face, "We don't get a lot o' men like you in 'ere. Most o' them got scars and pock marks, but you've got a real handsome face, a kind face. What line of work are you in?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Sitting down next to him, she can't take her eyes off his face, "We don't get a lot o' men like you in 'ere. Most o' them got scars and pock marks, but you've got a real handsome face, a kind face. What line of work are you in?"

"Hello, Polly. It's nice to meet you." Jim smiles and reaches for two of the upended glasses in the middle of the table. Placed that way they'd usually be clean, but he makes a point of giving one of them a quick wipe with the ruff of his shirt before setting it in front of her. He pours two small glasses.

"My name's James. You should know: looks can be deceiving. I may not be who I appear. I am a sailor, though, the same as everyone else here. I might even be a pirate, so you should be careful." He raises his glass a few inches and knocks it gently against the side of the one that he has poured for her, and takes a sip. "So soft streams meet..." he says, more to himself than her.

They chat briefly, but he seems distracted. "You've got a nice face, too, Polly..."


Scrunching up her brows, Polly casts Barrington a coy look. "Well, I may be hiding secrets too! Polly isn't m' God given name. An' I wouldnae be surprised if you're a pirate. M' pappy says pirates outnumber colonists on New Providence two t' one these days." "Polly" chats about how her family came over from Barbados after a failed rum business and creditors seeking her father. She surrepitiously compliments James on his hat, sips her sherry a bit too quickly, and overall gives the impression of a young woman who just met her idol.

As nice as it is for the young bar wench to pretend she is of means, she dares not refuse the directive given to her. After a pause, she sets down her empty glass of sherry. "See the' man there in the navy cap, James?" She points out a rough-looking sailor at the far side of the tavern, and upon catching Barrington's eye the man tips his cap subtlety. "Says th' bottle is compliments of Captain Read Wallace, and wishes a word with you." "Polly" bites her lip, and quickly blurts out, "I'd be obliged if you'd walk me home aft' closing shop. What with the storm coming in, I mean. I might even tell you m' Welsh name." Embarassed at her own boldness, the bar wench hurries off to resume serving sailors.

Outside, evening wind shakes the palm trees which scratch against the tavern roof. A distant boom of thunder resounds off the coast.

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