Spelljammer ~ Hammership

Cool! :)

no idea on Maya but with Vue I found great easy way to make things look realistic was to add layer on top of the basic material, with "dirt", driven by fractal and/or a uvmap distribution using a jpg greyscale pic

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I tend to scuff things up in PhotoShop.
Planning on some layer effects when I redo the cloaking Warbird video.
Started animating the ships in the harbor I built yesterday.
Working through details.

Unfurling sails should be a fun mess...


First Post
[MENTION=89838]sabrinathecat[/MENTION] - I think your ship could use some more geometric detail in the planking and such, and that would help bring it to the next level along with some of the texture scruffing you mentioned. Awesome work btw :)


[MENTION=89838]sabrinathecat[/MENTION] - I think your ship could use some more geometric detail in the planking and such, and that would help bring it to the next level along with some of the texture scruffing you mentioned. Awesome work btw :)

Yeah, I was thinking about that, on the main and castle decks, a couple of external planks, and maybe door frames...


Was half way through animating my video, and discovered the way I was planning to create spray from the bowsprit, fog, and the ship's wake was completely wrong. Now I have to learn a new tool ("Fluid Dynamics") and see if I can get what I want from that. 4 weeks' work for naught. Oh well--I will look a lot better when it's done.


May have found a class to help me learn what I need to know. Will find out Tuesday. Have had to detour to other projects, one of which is almost finished, and another which is coming along nicely. Also put together another banner for R2-KT

Voidrunner's Codex

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