D&D 5E Spells you house rule?

oh wait the waterfall... a DM had this riddle to lead to (his entire planed campaign) a lost elven homeland... but no PC could figure it out. "The land and sea move as one at the four sided triangle" (i may be missremembering a bit of that it was 1997) we drew triangles we looked at the maps he drew... we begged for a clue. One player drew a triangle wrote 1 2 and 3 on the sides and said "The other side of the paper?" that campaign never started. We made characters did the first little get''ing the adventures togather' thing and then stalled.
wait I never told you guys the ending... so it was some years later (and by some years I mean we were playing 3.5) and the player who had flipped the paper over had come back to gaming after a hiatus (married then twins) and was making fun of the .5 when he remembered the old game and ask the DM of that game (now playing in this game) "What in the heck is a 4 sided triangle" and without missing a beat, saying it like it was obvious "It meant it was behind the big waterfall on the map." we were so dumbfouned no one knew what to say... even WITH the answer we couldn't make that logic work

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
You only talk in turns of actions in combat which normally takes a minute or two. It's a judgement call of course, but casting a spell every minute for hours on end would not only be annoying but also incredibly disruptive. It's completely different than casting something once per hour. Could you imagine texting someone 60 times in one hour all day long?

Or at least that's what I would tell a player in my game if they tried it. Do what makes sense to you.
Not to argue with the text thing, but I was talking to (gasp!) a female gamer friend (a unicorn!) and she shared this with me.

She then proceeded to cite other examples, like her text-a-holic niece and some of our discord conversations, lol.


The High Aldwin
Not to argue with the text thing, but I was talking to (gasp!) a female gamer friend (a unicorn!) and she shared this with me.

She then proceeded to cite other examples, like her text-a-holic niece and some of our discord conversations, lol.
In the article it just says she texts sometimes up to 500 a day -- which is a lot, no doubt.

But for the "always on" guidance, it is a ridiculous argument IMO. Texting doesn't require you to be anywhere near the person you're texting and unless you talk to yourself while doing it, is a quiet task. But with guidance you would have to be touching the other person (assuming people just mean one individual in the party) every minute while speaking verbal components and making somatic component gestures.

Frankly, for the small bonus you get, if I was the target creature I would get annoyed as heck with the caster and tell them to get the heck away from me! I mean, do you really want the caster of the spell to act like a stalker? ;)

wait I never told you guys the ending... so it was some years later (and by some years I mean we were playing 3.5) and the player who had flipped the paper over had come back to gaming after a hiatus (married then twins) and was making fun of the .5 when he remembered the old game and ask the DM of that game (now playing in this game) "What in the heck is a 4 sided triangle" and without missing a beat, saying it like it was obvious "It meant it was behind the big waterfall on the map." we were so dumbfouned no one knew what to say... even WITH the answer we couldn't make that logic work
so with this thread reminding me I texted him (he isn't in a game currently due to schedules and covid but still a friend and part of the group) and not only does the DM STILL to this day insist it was a passable knowable answer, but if we had only looked at the fact that over the last 10 thousand years the map had changed and the waterfall wasn't always there we should have figured it out... I asked point blank what the fourth side of the triangle was and his answer today 25ish years later had me staring at my phone "the rivers moved and now there was a waterfall blocking the entrance"

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