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Spheres of Influence:Rhiannon in Jepardy? GAME


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This is a new game - the members have been chosen (are friends) and thus the game is closed to new members. Perhaps in the future, then the DM feels more comfortable with PbP, we can add more players.

DM - Various characters . . . . EN name . . . . Tilmamir . . . .played by Dan H
Inwe - Druid/Rogue . . . . . . . EN name . . . . Tinuvel . . . . played by Kathy H
Relsyn - Cleric/Sorcerer . . . . EN name . . . . Gwahir . . . . .played by Dan K
Airith - Rogue/Sorcerer. . . EN name . . . .Zachian . . . . played by ZachW

Rogues Gallery
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First Post
Getting together - openers

- - the Current monarch is HRH Matilda Cuthbert
- - The current Patriarch is Clement XVII

- - The current year 232 Kings Year

Relsyn (for Reslyn's eyes only)
Coldeven 8--
While in the library late one night in St. Macedone’s Library in Arras, concentrating on the tome before you, the heavy wooden door at the back of the room opened quietly, but bumped the book cart with a soft thump that distracts you.

Since none but you are ever here this late, and the door was locked, you are suspicious and a bit spooked. It is very dark except for the yellow glow around the candle you are using to read by.

A minute passes nervously.
You call out a wary "heigh ho" and slide into the darkness a bit.

From behind you, a soft tug on your hair and a quiet "hello" stands the hair on your neck on end. Suddenly, you recognize a low soft chuckle as coming from Garret.

Suddenly relieved, you ask "why have you made the trip here from Antioch, especially in your frail condition?"

Garret: "The order has urgent need of someone who knows a bit about investigation and is young enough to travel a bit in search of knowledge. I immediately thought of my friend and favorite student... you"

Garret: "I also thought a bit of adventure might do you some good to clear your mind of the worries at home. Perhaps make a name for yourself, even? Can you spare some time - perhaps quite a bit of it - for an adventure?"

Garret: "If you agree, you need to meet with a small group back in Antioch. I would like a companion for my trip home, too." he says with a smile.

Do you Accept his offer?

Inwe (For her eyes only)
Coldeven 5--
Inwe crouched low in the shrubs, watching a fawn nurse from his mother.
"Nothing is more pure than new life, and the natural order of life" he mentors always said. Nodding at the thought, she stood and walked back toward the village without disturbing the deer.

When she returned, the wise one Elvólad Amanodel was watching for her from his chair under the sassafras tree. He was tall among elves, and also most wise. His white hair was spider web fine, and the wrinkles sprouting from the corners of his eyes betrayed his long life. He had traveled much in his youth, but now preferred to sit quietly among his friends. He beckoned her over.

"I have received a message from the human lands," he said while apparently pondering the message more than the one before him.

When prompted again, Elvólad focused on you and told you the tale:
"The human lands often argue over the smallest items. I have seen wars between cities over the price of grain. I have witnessed a single man rise over his peers and dominate them for greed. It is not natural for one to be over another without the good of all before all.

For the last little while, especially since the end of the Great Snake War, Human Kings have fought with the Pontiff and the church of Eli for control of the people. While we do not intervene in their affairs, the message I received makes me pause.

Something that may change the balance of nature and man, something hidden for some time, is being sought. We know not if the church or King would have restraint with this item of power, but we have cast our lot with the church.

I tell you this because I have chosen you to be a representative of our people in this quest. I trust your sense of balance and order, and I believe that you can judge if either party is worthy of this item, or none.
If I tell you more, I will thus influence your decision.

I ask that you travel to Antioch with a trading party, and meet your party at the Mitre Inn on KY 232, Coldeven 25 at dinnertime."

"Do you accept this quest?"

Airith (for his eyes only)
Fireseek 27--
The Black Dragon Pub is a greasy quiet place just a little bit upscale from the usual bawdy joints by the Upper Docks. The room is dark,but has small brass oil lamps burning on a few tables, and the room is free of the "companion" women and more sinister characters of the busier halls two blocks over. Sitting at your usual table with Smoke licking the beef juice from your fingers, a group of noisy ruffians storm in and fall into a tumble of arms and legs.

As they untangle themselves, they immediately look around and sober up. There are four of them, and not of the nicer sort. They are dressed in the rough cloth of the dock workers and general laborers of the area - dark brown pantaloons, loose whitish shirts, and colorful sashes around their waists. They are kind of out of place here, but none of the other patrons notice their presence after the initial tumble and guffaw.

For Airith, these are not strangers at all. You know them as the "Stilettos," a small party you used to associate with. They are careful, professional, and certainly not prone to tumble and fall unless they planned it that way.

Rodney, Carolina, Taryn, and Malik note you as they walk up to the bar and order the best ale. Malik flips the hand sign "we need to talk" to you as they quietly banter at the counter. With drinks in hand, and an extra for you apparently, they move to the table next to you and talk quietly about the news of their guild.

As the next move is yours, you turn your chair around and are sitting at their table and listen and drink. They are talking about the rash of thefts around the Hill District. Takes the cunning of a fox to do that, you think. Taryn is the first to speak to you as she scratches the dog Smoke's, ears and covers the usual pleasantries. (how's business? doin ok?")

"Heya. We have heard about a job that is… well…ah" she scratches her head.

Malik intervenes with "it's a bit unusual, odd. The strange thing is, the client is…"

They all pause to casually glance around the room. After signaling "clear" Malik continues.
"the client is a church. And they want absolute secrecy and anonymity. We are too well known around Malta, and no one is to know who we select for the job, save our contact. We were paid well just to pass this on to you and never speak of it again."

They all smiled. It must have been easy money. And, you believe they are trustworthy to keep their word. No one would use them again if they had no honor.

"This is a search and retrieve mission. It may take some time, but they said the payoff would be good. Believe you me, it will be if our part was a sign. If you accept, all you have to do is tell us, and we tell our contact. He says he will get you some information before you have to leave, for Antioch I think. Whatdaya say?"

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RELSYN SAFFIRE: Priest of St Macedone

Relsyn Saffire rubs his eyes to mitigate some of the sleepyness and fatigue, then rubs his hand over the fluffy hair on his chin.

"Investigation? I don't really have much experience in that sort of thing, save for the type that occurs in books? And the thing with father has been going on long enough that I'll live with it."

Sighing and closing the book, Institutes of Salixian Thought, Relsyn says, "This book has an interesting analysis of Salix's third campaign." Then he sits in quiet thought.

Finally, Reslyn considers the old librarian, "You obviously think I'm the right guy for this to have walked all the way here, when you could have sent a bird, or a spell. Please tell me you didn't come all this way alone?"

OOC: Do we really want to spoiler all this stuff, I'm Ok with having everything be open, unless it is purposely sneaky.
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First Post
Getting together (Relsyn) - Coldeven 8

Reader - read Relsyn's opening message

Sitting down slowly into an accompanying chair, Garret rests his forehead his hands and says softly:
"You are right that this is important. This comes from way above the likes of me or you. I suspect even to the archbishop of Antioch! I was asked to find a trusted person for this quest as I know many souls. This person was to be unknown to the Queen, and I was not to use any delivery of this message that could be intercepted.

I know many fine scholars, and many hearty and hale adventurer types. But most are known to the Knights of Malta or the Ears of the Queen. Several I do not trust.

You, Relsyn, I trust. You are able to to the job. But are you willing?"

Garret looks up at Relsyn and chuckles...

"You know, in my younger days I did some adventuring as well. Many of the old books you like so well were found on such adventures. I thought you might appreciate the chance to be first to rediscover some long lost tome.

And you know me well. I traveled here with a merchant caravan who thought I was going to visit a son. Not too bright, but nice people to travel with. We arrived just before sunset."
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Adventures make one late for breakfast.

Relsyn smiles slightly at the thought of his old mentor regaling the merchants with tales of a son who doesn't exist, interpersed with true tales of obscure knowledge hidden within even more obscure books and scrolls.

"And I trust you, and St. Macedone's will as well. I will accompany you to Antioch and find out what the Archbishop desires of me. Perhaps this will be the one big adventure of my life. I can regale my grandchildren with tales of high adventure and amazing sights. So be it."

He stands and shakes the stiffness out of his legs.

"Can it wait until I finish cataloging shelf four?"


First Post
Getting together (Relsyn) - Coldeven 8

Gwaihir said:
"Can it wait until I finish cataloging shelf four?"

"I think we have a few days before we need to leave.

I was to give you this if you accepted the task before you"

Garret reaches into his pocket and hands an envelope to Relsyn. A quick glance shows it is written on fine paper and is sealed with wax and a signet ring. It is addressed to "the one who joins us"

Relsyn opens the letter and reads:
From Archbishop Irwin, servant of His Holiness Clement XVII, Pontiff of Eli, Lord of the Endless Flame whose glory and honor we strive to keep in this dark world of evil, and whose flame is the light of all created things.

To: Specially chosen friend of the church.

Thank you for accepting this quest. Understandably, you are confused what this mission entails. You will be informed more by myself at the appointed time: KY 232, Coldeven 25 for dinner in the private room of The Mitre Inn.

Make personal arrangements to accommodate the following:
Time to complete: Unknown
………Payment: 40GP / month for expenses, 2 months in advance

………upon return of the party
…………………5000GP each
…………………division of the remainder of the unused "persuasion"
…………………money plus the spoils, among the living. (coin, treasure, books...)
…………………The church reserves the right to take and / or compensate
…………....………for any holy items found.

…………………Additional significant information on M. Cuthbert's
………..……………doings earn the standard reward of 50GP each

…………………Additional unforseen services will be paid at a reasonable rate.
...............A small pension will be offered to remaining close kin in the event of death.

Please be prompt - we will be awaiting your arrival.

"Now, to that room I have waiting. a bed , a bed, a small insignificant book for a bed"
With a friendly pat on Relsyn's back and a yawn, Garret goes for the door.
"I will see you tomorrow. Lunchtime here?"

OOC anything you need to do before leaving for Antioch?
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First Post
"I have been with you a mere twenty years. Though I have learned much, there is much yet before me. Are you sure I am the best you can send? I do not fully share the trust you have in me to make the right choice. But I am willing. If you really choose me, I will follow your words and represent our people and our world as best I can. I trust your judgement."


First Post
Getting together (Inwe) - Coldeven 6

Elvólad nods thoughtfully and stares at a nearby tree for a few minutes.
He nods again, more certainly this time, and looks straight at Inwe.
"Yes, you are the one. We have a need, as do you. Perhaps this trip in the human lands will help you in your need. Ahh, don't protest. I know you well enough for this...

I am old, to be sure. There is more you need to know, and perhaps I may yet be around to show you when you return. But, for the next while of your training, I can not be a good mentor. Life must teach you."

Elvólad appears to nod off into meditation. As Inwe leaves, he says in parting "Honor your people and be true to yourself. Fare thee well child."
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