SPIDERS! For Halloween!


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Now how could Halloween gaming be complete without some creepy, crawly spiders? SPIDERS!, by Bards and Sages, gives you new ways to use these eight-legged critters in your campaigns. Inflict arachnophobia upon your hapless players. Select from a variety of spider familiars. Learn new alchemist recipes for spider venom, or how to harvest black widow web to craft armor, robes, and other items. Besides providing information on real world spiders, this compact PDF also features three fantasy variants: The Goliath Maneater (as big and mean as it sounds), The Kobold Trap Door Spider (a semi-intelligent spider that works with kobolds), and the Orange Lap Dog Tarantula (the almost perfect guard pet for your child). Support ENWORLD by getting your copy from the ENWORLD Shop.

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