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Spirited Away: A Shaman Handbook (by GelatinousOctahedron)


First Post
Originally posted by GelatinousOctahedron:


I am not going to include every item a shaman might want but have included plenty of items that shamans in particular might find useful.  I am not going to rank items since they are so build specific.  The number next to an item indicates what level it starts at if it scales.    Totems includes other implements that can be used as totems.  For a complete list of dual purpose implemets and weapons see my other guide: Ginzu Items.  Here is a good general item guide(x).

This section is now complete for PHB, PHB2, AV, and AV2.

Shamans normally wear leather or hide, with con shamans in chain and occasionally scale.

Warding Spirit Armor (PHB2) 2 Leather +4 bonus to your AC against OA when your SC is present.

Healers Armor (Av2) 5 Hide Chain.  Heal extra equal to the bonus.

Spirit Shield Armor (PHB2)13 Leather.  You give up your AC bonus to your allies next to your SC.

Armor of Shared Valor (AV2) 15 Hide Chain.  Bear shamans will want this.  When you give an ally a defense bonus you also get it.

Armored of Shared Health (AV2) 30 Chain.  You heal yourself when healing allies.


Can be used as a totem:

Alfsair Spear (AV2): 3 Spear. Does psychic and poison crit damage.  Bonus to nature checks.  Can be used with polearm momentum and rushing cleats.

Totemic Spear (AV2) 2 Spear.  Increases range of spirit melee to 2.  Can be used with polearm momentum and rushing cleats.  Property lets this be an offhand item if your not doing polearm momentum. 

Totemic Warclub (AV2) 2 Mace  Spirit attacks can originale from you while attacking through this mace.

Other Useful Properties

Defensive (AV) Any 2 Add the items bonus to your AC when you use second wind or total defense.

Rhtyhm Blade (AV2) 3 light blade.  Add 1 to AC and Reflex through shield bonus.

Chieftain's Weapon (D381) 3 spear polearm.  Granted attacks get +1 to hit bonus

Mace of Healing (AV) 8 Mace  Add the item bonus to your healing when healing others.


Generally Useful Totems:

Hungry Spirits Totem (PHB2) 2 1d10 damage and you get to move your SC to a space next to the target on a crit.  Plus it has a decent healing daily power.  Pretty good for a level 2 item

Shepheds Totem [HOFey] 3 One of the few common totems and about the only one I consider pretty good.  Increase the distance you pull/push/slide by 1.

Bloodhunter Totem (AV2) 5 +1 to hit vs bloodied creatures.

Spring Renewal Totem (PHB2) 5  Extra damage and an ally gets surge free healing on a crit.

Sunfury Totem (DS) Extra fire and radiant damage when using primal fire and radiant powers.

Earthfall totem (AV2) Extra damage when you push/slide enemy with an attack power

Feral Spirit Totem (PHB2) 8 When you crit you can apply the extra damage to any creature next to your SC.  The daily power is similar, but only works with ranged attacks.

Totem of Winter's Storm (AV2) 9 Slows on a crit.

Flameheart Totem (AV2) 10 extra fire damage to creatures granting CA

Totem of Flensing Sands (DS) Slides on a crit.

Totem of Nature's Balm (Av2) 10 heal on a crit.

Totem of the Crashing Tide (AV2) 15 Push on a crit.

Totem of the Scouring Wind (AV2) 15 Do ongoig fire damage on a crit.

Totem of the World Tree (AV2) 20 Give out temp hit points on a crit.

Offhand Totems (totems worth wielding in your off hand even when you do not attack with them):

Olians balance Totem (EPG) 2 +1 to diplomacy and nature checks

Watchful Spirit Totem (PHB2) 3 Item bonus to your perception equal to the enchantment bonus.  D12 damage on crits vs bloodied creatures and daily power is decent too so this is a good main totem as well.

Wildfire Totem (AV2) 4 Get +2 to saves against ongoing fire damage.

Totem of the Satyr's Dance (AV2) 8 When you heal ally with a primal power, ally gets 1 speed bonus.

Fickle Twilight Totem (EPG) 9 +1 bonus to bluff and stealth.

Totem of Enduring Vigalence (EPG) 9 +1 to arcana and perception.

Totem of the Severed Eye (AV2) 9 You can see invisible creatures next to your SC and the totem blinds on a crit.

Totem of the Harrier's Claws (AV2) 12 Creatures taking ongoing damage grant CA.

Totem of the Night (AV2) 12 You get lowlight or dark vision.

Avalanche Wake Totem (AV2) 18 This lets your SC avoid dificult terrain.  Only problem is that your SC should already avoid difficult terrain since normally conjurations do not have to worry about it.  The proerty on a crit is still nice since it pushes

Nine Furies Totem (AV2) 20 Give out bonus temp hit points.


Other Implements
With the new rules from essentials about multiclassed implement users and other classes implements, shamans can now use implements besides totems.   This is going to be a list of useful implements from other classes.


Aversion (PBH3) 2 For debuffers

Staff of Ruin (AV) 3 Extra damage.

Earthroot (AV) 3 Penalties for first save against slow/immobilized.

Hellfire Staff (PH Races: Tiefling) 4 Regain encounter fear or fire power on a crit.

Architects Staff (AV) 5 Makes your zones and walls bigger.

Staff of Corrosion  (AV) 18+1d6 acid damage to all melee attacks.  It is a level 18 item, but it works with shaman spirit melee attacks and druid melee attacks and was published pre PHB2 so there were no melee implement powers when this was created.  Tne daily power is useless for most shamans since it only works with acid attacks and unless I misunderstand the keyword rules your attacks won't gain the acid keyword (I don't know those rules well).  However for animus predator you can make acid the damage type your attacks give vulnerability to.  Staff of ruin is technically better for most builds since it is a straight boost to damage unless there are other tricks I am not aware of with acid.
Staff of Luck and Skill (AV2) 23 For AOE builds since you get a cumuluative +1 to hit when you score a crit. 


Orb of Judicious Conjuration (AV) 3 Good for off hand implement.  Lets you sustain a minor action power as a free action.


Rod of Hope Triumphant (AV) 7 Generates temp hitpoints on a crit,

Rod of Resurgent Valor (AV) 8 Bonus to attacks against creature that attacks you.

Rod of Divine Retribution (D381) 9 +1 to hit creature you just hit.

Torch of Misery (AV2) 10 Get CA against creatures when you deal fire or radiant damage.

Rod of the Bloodthorn (AV) 17 Gain stacking bonus to hit if you or target is bloodied.

Ingot Liberatis (EPG) 19 Encounter Extra saves.

Rod of the Star Spawn (AV) 23 Crit on 19-20 and can spend a surge.

Rod of Dispater (MOTP) 28 Melee attacks push and dazes (save ends)  at will.


Amulet of Elegy (AV2) 2 Penalty to your save ends effects

Healer's Brooch (AV) 4 Allies get bonus hp when you use a healing power

Medic’s Amulet (AV2) 9 Helps with heal checks and gives allies extra saves against ongoing damage when you use a healing power on them.

Periapt of Wisdom (PHB) 13 Bonus to wisdom checks


[sblock]The thing to remember is that items that boost your melee attacks (which include many arm slot items) work with melee spirit attacks.  Some items/powers specify they boost melee weapon attacks.  Flame bracers add fire damage to all your melee crits for instance, but the daily power only boosts melee weapon powers.

Couters of Second Chance (AV) 5 Daily power lets you reroll attacks.  Higher levels you get a bonus to the reroll

Flame Bracers (AV) 3 Add fire damage to your crits.  The daily power only effects weapon powers.

Iron Arm Band's of Power: (AV) 6 Extra damage on all melee attacks

Barrage Bracers (AV2) 10.  +1 to hit after you hit a target with a melee attack, so if your shaman hits with you opportunity action then you get +1 to hit against that target until the end of your turn.

Rapidstrike Bracers (AV) 15 Use any at will power in place of a basic attack once per encounter.


Keepers Shield (AV) 9 Heavy.  +2 against OAS from ranged area attacks.

Healer's Shield (AV) 10 Daily power maxes out a heal and at higher levels add your wisdom mod to it.



Rushing Cleats (AV) 7 These add 1 to close/melee powers that push or slide and shamans have a good number of those.  These are almost manditory if you are going disciple of winds for your paragon path.

Boots of Sand and Spa (AV) 10 Most Shamans will wear light armor and this gives you a +1 to speed.

Assault Boots (AV) 12.  Technically if you get a crit while wielding a melee weapon totem like a totemic spear this should knock your enemy prone.

Survivor Boots (AV2) 16 While bloodied you do not provoke OA from moving or from ranged/area powers.


Lots of good choices starting in heroic that generally either increase damage, increase range of powers, or help with healing.

Resplendent Gloves (AV2) 5, 15, 25 Do extra damage when you target will.  These seem overpowered for the level 5 version.

Breaching Gauntlets (AV) 6, 16, 26 Reduce Resistance by 1 (scales)

Burning Gauntlets (AV) 6, 16, 26 Fire is a fairly common damage type for shamans, so if you have lots of fire attacks this is worth taking a look at.

Gloves of Ice (AV2) 11 21 For that rare cold theme build.

Gloves of the Healer (AV) 12, 22 Heal extra whenever you use a power with the healing keyword.

Gauntlets of Blood (AV2) 14, 24 Do extra damage against bloodied opponents.

Gloves of Transference (AV) 14 Increase the range of utility powers

Gloves of Accuracy (AV) 16 ranged attacks ignore cover and concealment.

Hero's Gloves (AV2) 17, 27 Bonuses when you spend action points.

Hrothmar's Guantlets (AV2) 18  You can attack prone creatures from range without penalty.

Gauntlets of Destruction (PHB) 18 Reroll 1s on melee attacks

Gloves of the Wandering Star (AV2) 19 Range on ranged attack powers increases by 2

Many-Fingered Gloves (AV2) 20 Wear three rings.


Phrenic Crown (Av) 7, 17, 27.  Target of attacks vs will takes penalty to saves.

Circlet of Mental Onslaught (AV) 11 daily power gives you +1 to hit with wisdom attacks all encounter.

Crown of Equalibrium (AV2) 12 Give allies saves when enemies save against your powers.

Firebird (AV2) 27 For fire themed builds.


Alliance Band (AV2) 15.  A little addional healing for your allies when you use second wind.  You can also spend one of your surges on an ally so con shamans may want it for that.

Ring of the Radiant Storm (AV) 17 Roll twice for damage when doing radiant or lightning damage.  Lightning is second most common damage type for shamans.

Ring of the Fallen (AV2) 18 Con shamans will get some extra HP when second winding.

Ring of Heroic Health (AV2) 21 Heal your con mod when you spend an action point.  Con shamans might like this. 

Ring of Fey Travel (AV) 22 +1 to speed in light armor.

Ring of Elemental Mastery (MOTP)  28 Attacks can ignore some resistences, particularly fire and lightning.


Stalwart Belt (AV) 6, 16, 26 Con Shamans will do more damage with this on crits.

Belt of Blood (AV)10  Con Shamans can benefit from the extra healing surge value.

Cord of Divine Favor (AV) 13 When you let an ally spend a surge, you can spend a surge.

Sash of Vitality Ceaseless (AV2) 14 Spend a surge while bloodied and get extra HP equal to your wis mod

Stone of Earth (AV2) 12 Reroll Melee Attack
Salve of Power (AV) 10 Post errata this is still ok.

Firehorn (AV2) 18 Cause fire vulnerability in a blast

Revenant Ankh (PHB) 20 Revive dead ally

Sacred Glade (AV2) 23.  Retrain a daily power.


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First Post
Originally posted by GelatinousOctahedron:


With the new essentials rules update shamans can now use things like invokers powers with a totem or shaman powers with a rod/staff and I am updating the rankings based on this.  If you do not follow that rule for whatever reason, classes like invoker, wizard and warlock are a lot less useful.

Divine Channeler (DP):

If you have the religion skill you can pick up a channel divinity power through this feat that you can use 1/day.  The paladin CD Divine Mettle can help if you find you are short on save granting abilities.  The invoker CD power Armor of Wrath is good for con shamans and Perserver's Rebuke is good for stalkers and both fit the flavor of the shaman class well, while Maledictor's Doom is OK for any shaman.  The cleric's Healer's Mercy is good for group healing if you do not mind being weakened for a round and favor of the gods potentially gives an ally a reroll.  You count as a member of whatever class you pick the CD from so this is a good way to qualify for a class for prerequisites and get a useful daily power.  This is the only way for non hybrids to qualify for the various divine Avatar epic destinies if you want one of those.


Int and wis the 2 main stats.  Stalker shamans might check this out, but this leader class has almost no support outside of the the EPG.  You get staffs and rods.

Paragon Path
Spell Commander
The main reason to go with artificer.  You will need a weapliment, but its a good enabling option, especially if you have arcane allies.


Shadow initiate gives you access to stealth, you can use a ki foxus with a weapon sort of like a weapliment and you can get 2 shrouds.  I like acolyte of the veil a bit more since the shadow step power actually helps you move around more and you can pick between stealth and acrobatics.


Death Sight (D366) Bloodied Creatures don't get the benefits of cover and concealment against your attacks. 

Minion of the Dark (D379) Darkvision.

Drawn Shadows (D379) Concealment when near dim light or darkness.  This is very party dependent.

Soul in Shadow (D379) Concealment from enemies 5 squares from you.

You have the wisdom for this and the oath should work with your spirit melee attacks, but from my reading of the oath you need to be the one adjacent to the enemy.  That might happen often enough to make the new erratted oath from hero of faith to be worth having.  You also get access to holy symbols several of which are useful when not used to attack.  If for some reason you feel like using a melee weapon this is probably the way to go for power swap feats, but you are better off sticking with your melee spirit attacks with the oath.  Also if you take Spirit of the Tempest as an at will this will help make sure you hit with it.


Paragon Paths
Watchful Shepherd

Con shamans should have the stats for this and the daily damage bonus works so the intro feat may be worth taking if you want a barbarian skill.  Barbarian powers are strength/weapon which is not your thing 

Slayer Shift (PP) Free shift when you bloody or kill an enemy.


This has a little bit of potential for con shamans who wield spear or mace totems.


Cleric (or possibibly Gold)
The cleric is potentially rated gold depending on the current version of Battle cleric's lore being made final and depending on what your DM thinks.  Note the OCB at least does not allow this to work.  The feat Divine Healer gives you the heal skill and healer's lore.  You can switch out healer's lore for Battle Cleric Armaments according to some readings of the text and according to customer service.  That gives you scale proficiency and a +2 shield bonus to AC and gives targets of your cleric healing surge using powers a +2 to hit until EONT.  So con shamans should make divine healer their first feat.  I currently don't think it works since mc cleric doesn't make you a cleric for the purpose of swithing out class features by a strict reading of the multilcass rules IMO.  Everything after this sentence is what I had before dragon 400 and I am going to leave it up for now. 

You have the wisdom for the basic intro feat and the extra daily heal and religion skill are not bad.  If you take divine healer instead of initiate of faith you get the heal skill and healers lore for any cleric power swaps you take.  You also get access to holy symbols several of which are useful even when not used to attack.

Gambler's Word (DP) This should let you reuse healing word after you crit, but not everyone thinks this works for mc clerics so ask your DM.

Shared Healing (DP) This speads healing surges around some.

Supreme Healer (DP) If your DM lets you use gambler's word, then take this too.  Heal two at once with it.

Paragon Paths
Divine Oracle

Compassionate Healer

Holy Emissary


This gives you access to staffs and you share the same main stat, but you can not use any spirit powers while in beast form and you already have nature.  Hybrid probably works better, but having an extra control power is ok and they have one good conrtoller/healing focused paragon path.
Quick Wild Shape (PP) If you are going druid you need this so that you can use your encounter power with less trouble.

Wild Surge (PP) If you took quick wild shape this is ok.

Paragon Paths
Guardian of the living gate

Keeper of the Hidden Flame

Spiral Wind's Ally

Storm Speaker


Con shamans might want the Wrathful Warrior intro feat  A lot of the feats work because they say melee attack and not weapon melee.  That leads to the following combination, which is particularly effective for bear shamans who go the disciple of winds paragon path since they can slide the target of their healing powers: totemic spear and rushing cleats + polearm momemtum = Spirit's Shield and similar offensive close/melee healing powers sliding 2 and knocking prone.  If you don't go disciple of winds, then the proning trick still works on close/melee powers that normally slide/push.  Add in hindering shield and they are slowed as well.

Hindering Shield (D385) If have push/pull/slide attacks this slows the target if you are using a shield.

Grit (MP) Con shamans should take this.  Get temp hitpoints when you spend a surge.

Small Warrior's Defense (D378) Halflings and other small shamans should get a totemic spear for a +2 bonus to AC and reflex.

Wary Fighter (D378) Improves your initiative and gives you bonus to perception and insight.  All but eagle shamans should take this.

Polearm Momentum (MP) It says it works with spear attacks.  So grab a totemic spear and some rushing cleats and start pushing and sliding to knock your enemies prone.

Slashing Storm (MP) Creatures that end their turn next to you take your wis mod damage when you hit with a melee attack.


You have the wisdom for Acolyte of Divine Secrets and they have good at will powers.   Plus you get to use staffs and rods.  The divine secret keeper feat gives you ritual casting and a skill and stalkers will qualify for it.  Some of the invoker summons dailies are decent if you want more summoning.

Sadly not much for shamans

Paragon Paths:
Flame of Hope

Angelic Aspect

Devoted Orator

Hammer of Vengence


A few watcher shamans might be able to do something with this.  You can't you their implements besides ki focuses for your shaman powers, but they have a few good feats.  Flurry of blows requires that you be next to an enemy to use it and I would suggest the centered breath one.

Monastic Adept (PsP) If you have a high dex this is very good.  If not it still gives you a movement technique once per encounter and another monk skill.

Fluid Motion (PsP) Good boost to speed.

Confounding Technique (PsP) Swap places with an ally.

Keep Your Feat (PsP) Stand up from getting knocked prone as an immediate reaction.


Charisma is normally a dump stat and most powers revolve around weapons, so this looks pretty bad at first, but you do qualify for the soldier of virtue feat, which gives you virtue's touch 1/day and a paladin skill.  You also get access to holy symbols several of which are useful.
Protectors Commitment (DP) +1 untyped attack bonus when enemy or you are adjacent to a bloodied ally.

Virtuous Recovery (DP) DR equal to your wis mod when you spend a healing surge.

Mercy's Reward (DP) Extra healing for you or an ally when you score a critical hit.

Resurgent Attack (DP) +2 power bonus to attack when you spend a surge.


Stalker/animist shamans might be able to do something with this since psions can be int/wis.  You can't augment easily, but the paragon paths give you 2 power points so you can at least augment your paragon path powers.

Paragon Paths

Time Bender



The hunters quarry once per encounter from warrior of the wild is decent and some of the feats work well with spirit melee powers.


Prime Strike (MP2) A +1 untyped bonus to melee attacks against isolated creatures.

Prime Hunter (MP2) Another untyped melee attack bonus against isolated targets, this time in epic.

Manticores Fury (MP2) Some shamans with a good mix of melee and ranged attacks will get a decent damage boost from this.

Slashing Storm (MP2) Wis mod in damage if enemies start their turn adjacent to you after you hit with a melee attack.

Secure Encampment (MP) This is campaign dependent, but a good way to prevent suprises while camping.

Elusive Movement (MP) If you don't have any other feat bonuses to AC this is an ok way to get one.

Retreat Technique (MP2) A decent way to get away from an enemy by using your spirit melee attacks.

Paragon Paths
Horizon Walker


None of the intro feats really help you that much, though watchers might want the thievery or stealth skill.  I think Twilight Sneak is a decent choice for an eagle shaman.  Some of the feats are good.


Blade and Buckler Duelist (D381) Good defense bonuse if you have a light shield.

Expert Sneak (MP2) Good for worldspeakers especially, but any shaman can potentially get good use out of this depending on power selection and party makeup.  CA against enemies that are defeaned, slowed, immobilized, or weakened.

Shadow Eyes (MP2) Your attacks ignore concealment.


You are better off with most of the other leader mc feats.  Cleric gives you paragon paths and holy symbols, artificer gives you access to staffs, rods, and familiars, and warlord has some good feat support.


Paragon Paths

Until they give you a decent dex using weapliment then this is not a good choice and you do not even get a new skill.  Hybrid is your only choice here.

The intro feat soul of sorcery is decent if you want staffs/daggers and some damage resistance, but arcane prodigy is overall better since you get a skill, a little more damage, and implements.  Besides that the class offers nothing for you.


Take this so you can get arcana and use a heavy/light blade as an implement with blade initiate.  Cunning is the one that jumps out as me as a good choice, but there are other good ones out there.  The daily boost to your ac while wielding a heavy blade is not bad either. Some of the power swaps are good and this is a very good hybrid too.

Intelligent Blademaster (FRPG) A little better than melee training for some int shamans.

Paragon Paths

Shyran Spiritblade


The basic intro feat is decent and gives you a warden skill.  You also get a 1/encounter mark and access to warden daily forms for power swaps.  Mainly weapliment users want it for some of the other feats.

Warden's Endurance (PP) Basically gives you font of life 1 round/per encounter.

Impaling Thrust (PP) You can immobilize on crits with a totemic spear, but it lowers the damage.

Forceful Smash (PP) Your totemic warclub can knock prone on a crit.

Manuevering Attack (PP) With a totemic spear and forced movement you get CA.  Not as good as polearm momentum, but the prereqs are lower.

Paragon Paths


Less than half the powers you can pick from are constitution based and most shamans won't have the charisma to qualify.  Probably half-elfs, kalashtar, and maybe dragonborn should consider this as an option to get an encounter ranged warlock power.

none for shamans

Paragon Paths

Sea Tyrant Oracle

Umbral Cabalist


I like the skirmishing leader, bravura leader, and resourceful leader intro feats since they work anytime an ally spends an action point instead of just once per encounter, but the basic student of battle is ok as well.  Some taclords and animists might want tactical leader.

Guide The Shot (MP2) For eagles mainly. Granted RBAs avoid cover and concealment.

Protective Leadership (MP2) For animists and taclords.  Bloodied allies get +1 to defenses.

Driven Leadership (MP2) allies get +1 bonus to speed

Enabling Shot (MP2) For shamans with a good number of ranged powers.  Allies get a basic attack when you crit with a ranged attack.  This would be skyblue if you had a reliable way to expand your crit range

Reliable Action (MP2) When an ally spends an action point and misses with an encounter power they don't expend the power.

Paragon Paths

Earthfast Brigadeer


The feat arcane initiate
is a good way to pick up a controlling encounter power and even if you have a low int you can use storm pillar.  You also get arcana and staffs/orbs/tomes for implements.  Wizard daily powers are worth swapping out.  If no one in your party has ritual casting then Learned Spellcaster is another choice and you still get a skill along with the ability to use wizard implements


Tome Expertise
(HoeC) Enemies next your conjurations grant CA.  So everyone next to your spirit grants CA.  That is probably the best expertise feat for you.

Arcane Mastery (PHB) If you took a daily power swap, this will let you recharge it for an action point.

Paragon Paths

Draconic Anithesis

Spellstorm Mage



Shaman Hybrid:  What you get: Simple melee weapons, longspear, and totem proficiency and possibly leather.  +1 to fort or will.  HP: 6 + 2.5/level  HS: 3.5.   Speak with spirits.  Healing spirits 1/enc.  And a neutered companion spirit.  You get to pick the type of spirit and get to qualify as having that as a prereq and get various riders for encounter powers, but you do not get a spirit boon and do not get the associated at will opportunity action power without spending your hybrid talent feat on one of them.  So you will need to spend your hybrid talent to get Spirit Power if you want your spirit to be a threat.

The finalized hybrid rules let you pick the at will associated with your spirit companion or any at will not associated with another type of companion (i.e. stalker shamans can get stalker's strike or spirit of the tempest, but not protecting strike).  So a big drawback with hybrids is that only watchers can get claws of the eagle and only animists can get spirit infusion, which knocks down
the enabling ability of the other builds.

Your best hybrid options are cleric, invoker, druid and wizard, followed by swordmage and warlord.

With most weapon wielding classes you are going to have to do something about needing an implement and a weapon (avengers/clerics/paladins can use several weapons as implements pretty commonly and have holy symbols as well, swordmages can use blades as totems).   

The other interesting thing you can do with eagle shaman hybrids is to ignore the shaman powers that require an attack roll and focus on powers that let your allies attack like claws of the eagle.  There are enough powers now that you can dump wisdom and ignore your implement on some hybrid builds and cherry pick what you want from shaman utilities and other class features.  That limits you a bit since there are only a few powers that qualify, but if you want to focus on boosting allies and doing something else this is an option.

The other leaders mesh better for the most part, but this lets ardents enable more

You share the same main stat, but you can not use the oath on your spirit melee powers like you can with the MC one.  Armor of faith can be taken with the hybrid feat, but does not work post errata if you are wearing leather or hide so the only way you could work that would be with watchers or stalkers.  You can share an implement and it might be possible to build something out of this, but it would not be very standard and I do not feel like trying.

The hybrid feat armored agility is nice, but strength is not a main stat for you and barbarians do not care about wisdom.  Both care about con so make that your third stat.

Charisma is a dump stat, but the bardic armor feat is nice.  You could make a charisma build and take lazy powers for some decent enabling

Don't see much for shamans here, but con/wis works.

This was  darkblue before battle clerics lore came out.  Now it is gold since that feature is broken since it gives hybrids scale +2 ac without any prereqs.  The following is what I had before when cleric was only darkblue:  Augments your healing nicely and you can get hide/chain with a low strength through the feat, though I would still spend you hybrid talent on your spirit. There is a hybrid build below that is very good at damage reduction.

This can work if you avoid the wild shape powers and will probably be better than multiclassing.  You can take the ranged and close druid powers and focus on those, using AOE in the area where your spirit is.

You can only mark with fighter powers.  Armor feat is great.  This might be doable since fighters care about wisdom, dex and con.

Stats match up just right.  Some of the control options are very nice and you get summons.  And staff implements.

Stats match up ok, but I don't much obvious benefit besides more control.

You can use divine challenge and attack through spirit.  Stats do not match, but paladins like wisdom.  Armor feat is a must.

Stats match up and you could probably get a good control build.

Probably works better ranged and probably works better as MC, but certainly doable with a bow build of some sort.  Lots of other people seem to like this combination more than me. Can get prime shot with feat.  Keen eagle would work well as a paragon path.

You might be able to build a dex crossbow rogue that worked.  It would be tricky and sneak attack only works with rogue weapon powers.

A runepriest with lazy shaman powers could work

Stats match, but nothing obvious jumps out.  Would probably want to boost int or dex for AC.  Need to find a weapliment through multiclassing

You are probably better off going dex with this route, but then you have three stats to worry about, with both main attack stats being the dump stat of the other class.  Or else go with strength/con and do not bother to ever boost them and pick up chain.  AC is the big issue if you try to boost both attack stats.

Stalker builds can try to get something out of this.  It would be an interesting mix of ranged defender/leader with lots of movement and you could use a sword as a totem which has interesting possibilities.  Int/wis is a good combo for both classes

Your stats kind of mesh and you can get good armor with the feat. 

You should go conlock.  The multiclass option requires charisma.

Stalkers/taclords might get something out of this, but the blue rating assunes you just take lazy powers for one of the classes.  I have a sample eagle/taclord build below that does nothing but grant ally attacks.

You might get something out of this with wis/int builds and wizard dailes are very nice.  Would be a very tactical build with lots of control.  Wizards lose very little from hybridding.


First Post
Originally posted by GelatinousOctahedron:

Sample Builds

I am slowly going through the older builds and updating them.  The builds up to the GItherzai Animist are all fairly up to date, but the marking bear shaman and maximized ally rolls builds both have some fairly outdated feats and powers and don't have themes.  The general concepts behind them still work.

Don't Come Around Here no More

A Catch 22 worldspeaker.  Isolate your enemies next to your spirit and then punish them when they destroy it since it is all they can attack.  Here is the thread detailing it(x).

don't come around here

Starting Stats: 13 16 13 10 18 8
Final Stats: 15 26 15 12 28 10
Paragon Path: Phrenic Master (stormcaller also works)
ED: Destined Scion
Theme: Hospitaler
Background: Moonstruck Hunter +2 perception

Trained Skills: Endurance Insight Nature Perception Religion

Voice of Battle
Claws of the Eagle
Grasping shards 

Bramble Ally
Spirit of the Healing Flood
Engaging Pursuit
Steadfast Mountain Guardian
Shrieking Wind Spirits
Light of the Crimson Sun
Hammer of the Grasping Tides
Ancient Warlord’s Inspiration (Spirit Control also works)
Primal Gust 

Storm of War
Guardian of the primal copse
Faces of the Fallen
Thorn Ally
Tendrils of the Fate weaver 

Medicines of Many Forms
Spirit of the Vengeful Mountain
Spirit of Destruction
Conquering Storm Spirit
Heart of Bedlam 

Chain Proficiency
Mc Invoker
Staff Expertise
Intollerable Command
Accurate Staff Proficiency
World Serpent’s Grasp 

Nimble spirit
Spirit’s Rebuke
Viscious Advantage
Retributive Spirit
Superior Will
Improved Defenses

Mighty Spirit
Primal Resurgance
Stone Heart Spirit
Epic Reflexes
Hafted Defense


Everybody Fights

An enabling Deva panther shaman/Voice of the Ravaged/soul of the world.  A build with a lot of enabling, powers that force enemies to attack each other, and a decent amount of control.  You could do an animist build that is roughly equivalent with a few changes in powers and feats.

everybody fights
This one is mainly ally enabling, but has a good number of powers that force enemies to attack other enemies as well from its multiclass, paragon path, and shaman epic powers. 
Everybody Fights

Deva Stalker Shaman
Theme: Knight Hospitaler (not essential)
Background: Arcane Student Who Saw too Much
PP: Voice Of The Ravaged
ED: Soul of the World (Shadar kai at 21 and dwarf at 24 for past life, cleric for knowledge of ancient lives with valorous charge, but druid and invoker also work domination powers)

Starting Stats Str 12 Con 12 Dex 10 Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 8 
Final Stats: Str 14 Con 14 Dex 12 Int 28 Wis 28 Cha 10

Trained Skills: Perception Nature Arcana Insight Religion

Arcane Initiate (hypnotism for wizard at will)
Tome Expertise
Sudden Call (retrained to nimble spirit at 11)
Mark of Healing
Resilient Spirit
Battle Intuition 

Improved defenses
Retributive Spirit
Superior Will
Stalker Spirit Adept
Hide Proficiency
Durable (retrained to Ghostly Rejuvination at 21)
Triumphant Spirit
Mighty Spirit
Primal Resurgence
Epic Resurgance
Epic Fortitude
Epic Reflexes 

Stalkers Strike
Spirit Infusion
Iron breaker claws
Spirit of the Healing Flood
Engaging Pursuit
Sly fox spirit
Vengeful Blood Spirit
Light of the Crimson Sun
Spirit of Weakness
Ancient Warlord’s Inspiration
Call forth The spirit World (or twilight’s veil)
Spirit of the Killing Shot
Guardian of the Primal Copse
Faces of the Fallen
Boar's Toss
Tree Fathers Ward

Medicine of many forms
Spirit of the Ram
Spirit of the Laughing Wanderer
Valorous Charge
Heart of Bedlam (or fury of athas)

Chronicle of the Dawn of War Tome (you could get a totem or or orb or staff, but this saves you an expertise feat since you want tome expertise anyways.  Not many good tomes for non wizards)

Chieftan’s Javelin


Enabling Regenerator

Another enabling build, but built around a combination of constant temp hitpoint generation and has several regeneration powers.  Deva-Animist-Knight Hospitaler-Voice of the Ravaged-Soul fo the world.  Its own attack powers include a lot of attack and movement enabling. So an enabling build that lets a party not go through too many surges.  In heroic and paragon it works well glass cannon type party.  In epic this works well in a party with the rapid regneration feat. 

Enabling Regenerator

Gets regeneration powers at 1, 2, 16, and 22, but can have more with different paragon paths.  Gets temp hitpoint generation with call spirit companion at level 1 and at 6, and 15 and with all primal dailies at 16 with selected path.    Gets a DR power at 13 and 27.

Paragon path of Voice of the Ravaged isn’t essential, but it works well since it gives allies temp hitpoints when you use a daily primal attack and has other good features and powers.  Paragon Paths Jorasco Jadehand, Flame of Hope, and Scion of Renewal work if you more of healing focus.  Animus predator and soul igniter work if you want a focus on offense buffing.

I have knight hospilater for the theme to up your immediate healing, but Sensate works well to give you temp hitpoints as well.  There is no essential choice here.  Otherwise I would go with something like oozemaster or son of alagondor.

Deva Animist Shaman
Voice of The Ravaged
Knight Hospitaler
Soul of the World (Past life Genasi, shadar-kai, cleric for class)
Background Auspiscious Birth 

Starting Stats str 11 con 13 dex 10 int 18 wis 18 Cha 8
Final Stats Str 13 con 15 dex 12 int 28 wis 28 Cha 10 

Trained Skills: nature arcana perception religion insight

Spirit Infusion
Voice of Battle
Grasping shards (or other invoker at will)
Scorching Sand
Spirit of the Healing Flood (don’t retrain out)
Sly Fox Spirit
Shrieking Wind Spirits
Light of the Crimson Son
Ancient Warlord’s Inspiration
Call forth the spirit world 

Call to the indominatable Defender
Reparative Spirit
Spirits Regeneration
Boars Toss (if you have RBA party allies, otherwise Spirit bond of vengence or keep sly fox spirit for a while longer)
Sirrico Spirit 

Bounty of life
Spirit of the Ram
Huntmasters Horn
Valorous Charge
Heart of Bedlam 

Spirit of Vigor
Mark of Healing
Acolyte of Divine Secrets
Rod Expertise
Sudden Call (retrained to Nimble Call at level 11)
Battle Intuition 

Elemental Spirit Adept
Spirit’s Step
Improved Defenses
Retributive Spirit
Superior Will
Durable (retrained to at 21 to extra manifestation) 

Mighty Spirit
Double Manifestation
Primal Resurgance
Ghostly Rejuvination
Epic Resurgance
Epic Fortitude 

Spring Renewal Totem
Armor of Sudden Recovery


Zone Specialist

Coming Soon



The Pyromancer: A high damaging fire themed build, that still works well as a leader.  Provides a good number of damage and vulnerability boosts to your allies.  I used stalker spirit and everflame guardian originally, but since then animist and soul igniter were published and would work better in a lot of parties so I switched that out.  I also switched out demigod for destined scion.  For theme I would use infernal prince or primorial adept, but devil's pawn would be an ok choice.

Tiefling Stalker Mc Wizard Soul Igniter Destined Scion
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Pyromancer, level 30
Tiefling, Shaman, Soul Igniter, Destined Scion
Companion Spirit: Stalker Spirit
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Intelligence
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Wisdom
Background: Impiltur (Impiltur Benefit)

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 12, Int 26, Wis 28, Cha 14.

Str 8, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 10.

AC: 43 Fort: 36 Reflex: 45 Will: 44
HP: 185 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 46

Nature +29,  Heal +29, Perception +29, Arcana +30

Acrobatics +16, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +24, Endurance +16, History +23, Insight +24, Intimidate +17, Religion +23, Stealth +18, Streetwise +17, Thievery +16, Athletics +15

Learned Spellcaster: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Spirit of Vigor 
Level 2: Initiate of the old Faith
Level 4: Staff Expertise
Level 6: Hellfire Blood
Level 8: Hafted Defense
Level 10: Superior Implement (Accurate Staff)
Level 11: Improved Defenses
Level 12: Implement Focus
Level 14: Mark of Healing
Level 16: Secrets of Belial
Level 18: Resilient Spirit
Level 20: Elemental Spirit Adept
Level 21: Irresistible Flame
Level 22: Triumphant Spirit
Level 24: Primal Resurgence
Level 26: Mighty Spirit
Level 28: Epic Resurgence
Level 30: Grave Spirit

Shaman at-will 1: Haunting Spirits
Druid Encounter 1: Fire Hawk
Shaman encounter 1: Scorching Sands
Shaman daily 1: Spirit of the Healing Flood
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Rimefire Spirit
Shaman daily 5: Spirit of the Shielding Fire
Shaman utility 6: Light of the Crimson Sun
Shaman encounter 7: Call to the Blood Dancer
Shaman daily 9: Spirit of Autumn's Reaping
Shaman utility 10: Call Forth The Spirit World
Shaman encounter 13: (keep scorching sands)
Shaman daily 15: Searing Wind of the South (replaces Spirit of the Healing Flood)
Shaman utility 16: Diabolic Escape
Shaman encounter 17: Winter's End (replaces Scorching Sands)
Shaman daily 19: Tree Father's Ward (replaces Spirit of the Shielding Fire)
Shaman utility 22: Medicines of Many Forms
Shaman encounter 23:  Spirit of the Ram (replaces Rimefire Spirit)
Shaman daily 25: Huntmaster's Horn (replaces Spirit of Autumn's Reaping)
Shaman encounter 27: Immolating Spirit (replaces Call to the Blood Dancer)
Shaman daily 29: Spirit of Fiery Hatred (replaces Searing Wind of the South)

Totem, +6 Swordwing Leather Armor, +6 Amulet of Defense, +6 Accurate Staff of Elemental Prowess
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Items:  Crown of Infernal Legacy will help your to hit. Hellfire staff or staff of ruin is another good choice.  Flameheart totem works if you want to stick with a totem.  MC wizard also works and gives you another skill at the cost of an at will not as good or as accurate as firehawk.  I would be tempted to go mc invoker and that lets you get a crit range of 19-20 with invoker implement expertise gets you another skill.  And power swapping for a druid or invoker fire encounter power is probably a good idea at some point.

Notes:  Prince of hell is also also a choice for epic destiny and you could also multiclass cleric instead of wizard to get some more fire powers and you would be slightly more accurate with those.    You could also switch out some wizard fire dailies for a non fire daily if you want to.

You could also do a hybrid shaman/wizard (scorching burst for your at will) or shaman/cleric (sacred flame for your at will) to get a similar effect and could worry less about implements that way.  That would also give you 2 more feats (3 if you did not take one of the hybrid feats) and you could take more fire powers.  I might put that build up soon as well.


Psychic Double Rolls:

A very accurate control themed build with double rolls for most of his attacks at 16 and with psychic lock.  Its an older build did this before themes were out, but would add something like Son of Algondar or Ooze master.  I removed the numbers for defenses since I rebuilt it with more updated feats and items without putting it through the OCB.  It could probably be improved on, but works well enough as is in presenting the general idea.  I would probably switch out the divine channeler for a different cleric multiclass feat and use a different ED for instance.

Dwarf WorldSpeaker MC Cleric Divine Oracle Avatar of Life
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Psychic Double Rolls, level 30
Dwarf, Shaman, Divine Oracle, Avatar of Life
Companion Spirit: World Speaker Spirit
Background: Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)

Str 15, Con 28, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 10.

Str 13, Con 16, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

HP: 185 Surges: 18 Surge Value: 55

Nature +29, Religion +21, Perception +29, Endurance +31

Acrobatics +16, Arcana +16, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +26, Heal +24, History +16, Insight +24, Intimidate +15, Stealth +16, Streetwise +15, Thievery +16, Athletics +17

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Chainmail)
Level 2: Sudden Call
Level 4: Divine Channeller (Cleric/Favor of the gods)
Level 6: Holy Symbol Expertise
Level 8: Battlewise
Level 10: World Serpents grasp
Level 11: Psychic Lock
Level 12: Improved Defenses
Level 14: Cyclone Spirit
Level 16: Superior Will
Level 18: Dwarven Durability
Level 20: Pulse of Life
Level 21: Mighty Spirit
Level 22: Triumphant Attack
Level 24: Stone Heart Spirit
Level 26: Primal Resurgence
Level 28: Epic Resurgence
Level 30: World Speaker Spirit Adept

Shaman at-will 1: Haunting Spirits
Shaman encounter 1: Bramble Ally
Shaman daily 1: Wrath of the Spirit World
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Steadfast Mountain Guardian
Shaman daily 5: War Chieftain's Blessing
Shaman utility 6: Hearth Spirit
Shaman encounter 7: Call to the Blood Dancer
Shaman daily 9: Call Discordant Spirit
Shaman utility 10: Spirit Summons
Shaman encounter 13: Spirit of Cleansing Light (replaces Bramble Ally)
Shaman daily 15: Spirit of the Wolf Pack (replaces Wrath of the Spirit World)
Shaman utility 16: Spirit Binding
Shaman encounter 17: Spirit of Spring's Renewal (replaces Steadfast Mountain Guardian)
Shaman daily 19: Tendrils of the Fate Weaver (replaces War Chieftain's Blessing)
Shaman utility 22: Bounty of Life
Shaman encounter 23: Spirit of the Death Raven (replaces Call to the Blood Dancer)
Shaman daily 25: Spirit of the Laughing Wanderer (replaces Call Discordant Spirit)
Shaman encounter 27: Spirit of Elder Wisdom (replaces Spirit of Cleansing Light)
Shaman daily 29: Spirit of the Unbroken Vow (replaces Spirit of the Wolf Pack)

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Items: Get boots of dancing to avoid granting CA when you miss a will attack.

Notes: for Eberron campaigns Aberrant Mark of Madness would fit well.  Initiate of faith is also a fine choice for your multiclass feat and that frees up religion so you can take a different shaman skill.   


Your basic Githzerai Animist/Phrenic Master


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Nurm, level 12
Githzerai, Shaman, Phrenic Master
Build: Animist Shaman
Companion Spirit Option: Elemental Spirit
Dark Sun
Forest Ridge - Spirit Guided (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Elemental Priest
STR 12, CON 14, DEX 11, INT 21, WIS 21, CHA 9
STR 11, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 8
AC: 27 Fort: 23 Ref: 25 Will: 29
HP: 81 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 20
Arcana +16, Heal +16, Nature +16, Perception +18, Religion +16
Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +11, Endurance +8, History +11, Insight +13, Intimidate +5, Stealth +6, Streetwise +5, Thievery +6
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elemental Priest Feature: Spirit of Athas
Githzerai Racial Power: Iron Mind
Shaman Feature: Spirit's Wrath
Shaman Feature: Call Spirit Companion
Shaman Feature: Healing Spirit
Shaman Feature: Speak with Spirits
Wild Talent Cantrip: Sensing Eye
Shaman Attack 1: Spirit Infusion
Shaman Attack 1: Voice of Battle
Shaman Attack 1: Scorching Sands
Shaman Attack 1: Spirit of the Healing Flood
Wizard Attack 1: Thunderwave
Shaman Utility 2: Condensation
Shaman Attack 3: Sly Fox Spirit
Shaman Attack 5: Spirit of the Hawk's Wind
Shaman Utility 6: Light of the Crimson Sun
Shaman Attack 7: Memories of WInd and Rain
Shaman Attack 9: Ancient Warlord's Inspiration
Shaman Utility 10: Call Forth the Spirit World
Phrenic Master Attack 11: Intellect Pummel
Phrenic Master Utility 12: Minion's Shield
Level 1: Spirit of Vigor
Level 2: Spirit's Step
Level 4: Arcane Initiate
Level 6: Staff Expertise
Level 8: Battlewise
Level 10: Superior Will
Level 11: Elemental Spirit Adept
Level 12: Hafted Defense
Staff of Insightful Detection +3 x1
Summoned Leather Armor +3 x1
Cloak of Arachnida +3 x1
Belt of Vim (heroic tier) x1
Acrobat Boots (heroic tier) x1
Couters of Second Chances (heroic tier) x1
Circlet of Indomitability (heroic tier) x1
Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier) x1
Adventurer's Kit
Potion of Regeneration (heroic tier)
====== End ======

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Nurm, level 22
Githzerai, Shaman, Phrenic Master, Destined Scion
Build: Animist Shaman
Companion Spirit Option: Elemental Spirit
Epic Heroism Option: Intelligence
Epic Heroism Option: Wisdom
Dark Sun
Forest Ridge - Spirit Guided (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Elemental Priest
STR 13, CON 15, DEX 12, INT 26, WIS 26, CHA 10
STR 11, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 8
AC: 38 Fort: 34 Ref: 38 Will: 40
HP: 132 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 33
Arcana +24, Heal +24, Nature +24, Perception +26, Religion +24
Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Dungeoneering +19, Endurance +13, History +19, Insight +19, Intimidate +11, Stealth +17, Streetwise +11, Thievery +12
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elemental Priest Feature: Spirit of Athas
Githzerai Racial Power: Iron Mind
Shaman Feature: Spirit's Wrath
Shaman Feature: Call Spirit Companion
Shaman Feature: Healing Spirit
Shaman Feature: Speak with Spirits
Wild Talent Cantrip: Sensing Eye
Shaman Attack 1: Spirit Infusion
Shaman Attack 1: Voice of Battle
Wizard Attack 1: Thunderwave
Shaman Utility 2: Condensation
Shaman Utility 6: Light of the Crimson Sun
Shaman Attack 7: Memories of WInd and Rain
Shaman Attack 9: Ancient Warlord's Inspiration
Shaman Utility 10: Call Forth the Spirit World
Phrenic Master Attack 11: Intellect Pummel
Phrenic Master Utility 12: Minion's Shield
Shaman Attack 13: Call to the Laughing Fortune
Shaman Attack 15: Guardian of the Primal Copse
Shaman Utility 16: Faces of the Fallen
Shaman Attack 17: Spirit Bond of Vengeance
Shaman Attack 19: Sirocco Spirit
Phrenic Master Attack 20: Total Subjugation
Shaman Utility 22: Medicines of Many Forms
Level 1: Spirit of Vigor
Level 2: Spirit's Step
Level 4: Arcane Initiate
Level 6: Staff Expertise
Level 8: Battlewise
Level 10: Superior Will
Level 11: Elemental Spirit Adept
Level 12: Hafted Defense
Level 14: Nimble Spirit
Level 16: Retributive Spirit
Level 18: Improved Defenses
Level 20: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 21: Mighty Spirit
Level 22: Primal Resurgence
Adventurer's Kit
Tanathriel Accurate staff +5 x1
Shadowflow Leather Armor +5 x1
Amulet of Protection +5 x1
Phantom Chaussures (paragon tier)
Carcanet of Psychic Schism (paragon tier) x1
Belt of Vim (paragon tier) x1
Bracelet of the Radiant Storm (paragon tier) x1
Gloves of the Healer (paragon tier) x1
====== End ======

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Nurm, level 30
Githzerai, Shaman, Phrenic Master, Destined Scion
Build: Animist Shaman
Companion Spirit Option: Elemental Spirit
Epic Heroism Option: Intelligence
Epic Heroism Option: Wisdom
Dark Sun
Forest Ridge - Spirit Guided (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Elemental Priest
STR 13, CON 15, DEX 12, INT 28, WIS 28, CHA 10
STR 11, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 8
AC: 45 Fort: 39 Ref: 46 Will: 47
HP: 172 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 43
Arcana +29, Heal +29, Nature +29, Perception +31, Religion +29
Acrobatics +18, Athletics +18, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +24, Endurance +17, History +24, Insight +24, Intimidate +15, Stealth +21, Streetwise +15, Thievery +16
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elemental Priest Feature: Spirit of Athas
Githzerai Racial Power: Iron Mind
Shaman Feature: Spirit's Wrath
Shaman Feature: Call Spirit Companion
Shaman Feature: Healing Spirit
Shaman Feature: Speak with Spirits
Wild Talent Cantrip: Sensing Eye
Shaman Attack 1: Spirit Infusion
Shaman Attack 1: Voice of Battle
Wizard Attack 1: Thunderwave
Shaman Utility 2: Condensation
Shaman Utility 6: Light of the Crimson Sun
Shaman Utility 10: Call Forth the Spirit World
Phrenic Master Attack 11: Intellect Pummel
Phrenic Master Utility 12: Minion's Shield
Shaman Utility 16: Faces of the Fallen
Shaman Attack 17: Spirit Bond of Vengeance
Shaman Attack 19: Sirocco Spirit
Phrenic Master Attack 20: Total Subjugation
Shaman Utility 22: Medicines of Many Forms
Shaman Attack 23: Spirit of the Ram
Shaman Attack 25: Spirit of the Laughing Wanderer
Destined Scion Utility 26: Epic Recovery
Shaman Attack 27: Immolating Spirit
Shaman Attack 29: Heart of Bedlam
Destined Scion Utility 30: Undeniable Victory
Level 1: Spirit of Vigor
Level 2: Spirit's Step
Level 4: Arcane Initiate
Level 6: Staff Expertise
Level 8: Battlewise
Level 10: Superior Will
Level 11: Elemental Spirit Adept
Level 12: Hafted Defense
Level 14: Nimble Spirit
Level 16: Retributive Spirit
Level 18: Improved Defenses
Level 20: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 21: Mighty Spirit
Level 22: Primal Resurgence
Level 24: Purging Spirit
Level 26: Dakshai's Body-Mind Union
Level 28: Githzerai Healer
Level 30: Epic Resurgence
Accurate staff of Portals +6 x1
Dawn Warrior Leather Armor +6 x1
Tenebrous Shroud +6 x1
Eye of Awareness (epic tier) x1
Fey Warrior's Boots (epic tier) x1
Belt of the Witch King (paragon tier) x1
Greater Ring of Invisibility (epic tier) x1
Ring of Fey Travel (epic tier) x1
Executioner's Bracers (epic tier) x1
Gloves of the Healer (epic tier) x1
Tattoo of Bloodied Chains (paragon tier) x1
Potion of Clarity (level 25)
====== End ======

Marky Mark: This is a character where the SC works as a second defender with a focus on marking or where the party is laking a defender.  To get the full benefit of this build you need to use a spear that functions as a totem since it cheeses the warden feat impaling thrust to immobilize on crits.

Longtooth Shifter Bear Shaman mc Warden great bear Shaman World Tree Guardian
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Marky Mark, level 30
Longtooth Shifter, Shaman, Great Bear Shaman, World Tree Guardian
Companion Spirit: Protector Spirit
Background: Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)

Str 15, Con 24, Dex 15, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 10.

Str 11, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 27 Fort: 35 Reflex: 29 Will: 36
HP: 181 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 45

Nature +28, Heal +28, Perception +28, Endurance +29, Dungeoneering +28

Acrobatics +17, Arcana +16, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, History +16, Insight +23, Intimidate +15, Religion +16, Stealth +17, Streetwise +15, Thievery +17, Athletics +19

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Chainmail)
Level 2: Defender of the Wild
Level 4: Vigorous Spirit
Level 6: Versatile Expertise (Spear)
Level 8: Sudden Call
Level 10: Resilient Spirit
Level 11: Impaling Thrust
Level 12: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 14: Armor Proficiency (Scale)
Level 16: Warden's Endurance
Level 18: Shielding Spirit
Level 20: Strengthening Spirit
Level 21: Mighty Spirit
Level 22: Ironheart Spirit
Level 24: Protector Spirit Adept
Level 26: Burst of Savagery
Level 28: Spirit of Health
Level 30: Primal Resurgence

Shaman at-will 1: Wrath of Winter
Shaman encounter 1: Certain Threat
Shaman daily 1: Stone Root Spirit
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Capturing Jaws
Shaman daily 5: Spirit of the Hawk's Wind
Shaman utility 6: Hearth Spirit
Shaman encounter 7: Winter Wind Spirit
Shaman daily 9: Spirit of Earth Arisen
Shaman utility 10: Shield of the Immortal Forest
Shaman encounter 13: Drawing All Eyes (replaces Capturing Jaws)
Shaman daily 15: Storm Guardian Spirit (replaces Stone Root Spirit)
Shaman utility 16: Faces of the Fallen
Shaman encounter 17: Flesh Ripper's Claws (replaces Certain Threat)
Shaman daily 19: Tendrils of the Fate Weaver (replaces Spirit of the Hawk's Wind)
Shaman utility 22: Medicines of Many Forms
Shaman encounter 23: Call to the Primal Protector (replaces Winter Wind Spirit)
Shaman daily 25: Peacemaker's Lodge (replaces Spirit of Earth Arisen)
Shaman encounter 27: Forcing the Threat (replaces Drawing All Eyes)
Shaman daily 29: Spring's Laughter (replaces Storm Guardian Spirit)

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Notes: this build qualifies for scale speciailization, but I did not see room for it.


Maximized Ally Attacks: This build will be focused on granting as many basic attacks to allies as possible.  Powers that do not grant basic attacks tend to boost attacks in other ways like granting rerolls, increasing damage, or increasing accuracy.  This build works particularly well as a second leader if you already have a good healing/protecting leader in the group like a shielding cleric and is a good choice for a DMPC since most of what he does is let other PCs attack.
Elf Eagle Shaman mc Cleric (of Carl Glittergold) Season's Herald Demigod
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Max Basicattacks, level 30
Elf, Shaman, Seasons' Herald, Reincarnate Champion
Companion Spirit: Watcher Spirit
Epic Vitality: Epic Vitality Wisdom
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Deva)
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Halfling)
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Dexterity
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Firepulse: Firepulse Dexterity
Earthshock: Earthshock Dexterity
Darkfire: Darkfire Wisdom
Razor Storm: Razor Storm Dexterity

Str 12, Con 14, Dex 26, Int 14, Wis 28, Cha 10.

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 33 Fort: 30 Reflex: 35 Will: 37
HP: 171 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 42

Nature +33, Heal +31, Religion +24, Perception +33

Acrobatics +23, Arcana +19, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +26, Endurance +17, History +19, Insight +26, Intimidate +17, Stealth +23, Streetwise +17, Thievery +23, Athletics +16

Level 1: Implement Expertise (totem)
Level 2: Vigorous Spirit
Level 4: Resilient Spirit
Level 6: Sudden Call
Level 8: Wild Elf Luck (retrained to Lost in the Crowd at Level 24)
Level 10: Divine Channeler (Cleric)
Level 11: Glittergold's Gambit
Level 12: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 14: Invigorating Spirit (retrained to Focus the Spirits' Lives at Level 22)
Level 16: Armored by Faith
Level 18: Rejuvenating Spirit
Level 20: Sentinel Spirit
Level 21: Transcendent Lineage
Level 22: Mighty Spirit
Level 24: Vexing Spirit
Level 26: Majestic Presence
Level 28: Primal Resurgence
Level 30: Epic Resurgence

Divine Channeler (Cleric): Healer's Mercy
Shaman at-will 1: Watcher's Strike
Shaman encounter 1: Stormhawk's Fury
Shaman daily 1: Great Watcher Spirit
Shaman utility 2: Stormhawk Vigilance
Shaman encounter 3: Sly Fox Spirit
Shaman daily 5: Vengeful Blood Spirits
Shaman utility 6: Spirit of Dawn
Shaman encounter 7: Spirit of Weakness
Shaman daily 9: Call Discordant Spirit
Shaman utility 10: Spirit Summons
Shaman encounter 13: Spirit of the Killing Shot (replaces Stormhawk's Fury)
Shaman daily 15: Spirit of the Wolf Pack (replaces Great Watcher Spirit)
Shaman utility 16: Guiding Snarl
Shaman encounter 17: Boar's Toss (replaces Sly Fox Spirit)
Shaman daily 19: Horns of the Undefeated Khan (replaces Vengeful Blood Spirits)
Shaman utility 22: Spirit of the Cunning General
Shaman encounter 23: Spirit of the Ram (replaces Spirit of Weakness)
Shaman daily 25: Huntmaster's Horn (replaces Call Discordant Spirit)
Shaman encounter 27: Hunter in the Sky (replaces Spirit of the Killing Shot)
Shaman daily 29: Heart of Bedlam (replaces Spirit of the Wolf Pack)

Leather Armor (1), Totem (1)
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Notes: Spirit of Vengence also works for a level 6 utility.  Second Spirit allows for multilple OAs, but is not essential and all of the other utilties are dailies so picking an encounter one would not be a bad ida.  Spirit Ocean works for level 15.   Spirit of the Hunter's Soul works for level 19.  Call to the great Hunter can work for level 27.  Spirit of the Unbroken Vow works for level 29.  

I picked season's herald since it has some decent ally boosting powers and the action point feature lets your allies take standard actions with your action points.  Demigod works fine (the +2 to wisdom is nice, but many of your powers do not require you to attack yourself), but lots of other destinies would work just about as well like Harbinger of Doom, Reincarnate Champion or Saint. The multiclassing to cleric and channel divinity feats are not necessary, but Glittergold's Luck fits in with the concept and Healer's Mercy helps with the fact that the character did not do much in the way of Shaman healing powers/feats and that he does not care much about being weakened.  I did not boost his ac almost at all and it might be worth doing if you switch out the divine feats for light shield prof and shield specialization at paragon after switching the int and str scores.

My Character:
Here is the human panther shaman I played with.  It is a small all human party that also has a rogue and a druid, so I took lots of powers that focus on boosting damage and granting CA.  I would have gone with Phrenic Master had that been published.  I eventually swapped out my level 6 power for yield ground, but would have taken Light of The Crimson Sun had that been available.

Human Panther Everflame Guardian
Right now I am almost for sure going to go everflame guardian for paragon path after playing the character for a while and the druid is going to take some fire powers to go with that.  At level 10 I am planning for sudden call (which I sould have taken already) and Twilight's Veil.  I switched out spirit hunt for rimefire spirit at level 10 since I went everflame guardian for my paragon path and at  11 switched out spirit stalker adept since I was not getting any use out of it.  For level 11 I took warrior of the wild for the extra damage and dungeoneering skill and at 12 I took a farseeing totem since 3/4 of my encounter powers, 1/3 at will powers, and 1/3 daily powers are ranged.
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Yucateck Wideriver, level 13
Human, Shaman, Everflame Guardian
Companion Spirit: Stalker Spirit
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 to Perception)

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 11, Int 19, Wis 21, Cha 9.

Str 12, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 26 Fort: 23 Reflex: 24 Will: 26
HP: 85 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 21

Athletics +11, Nature +16, Perception +18, Heal +16, Insight +16, Dungeoneering +16

Acrobatics +5, Arcana +10, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Endurance +6, History +10, Intimidate +5, Religion +10, Stealth +5, Streetwise +5, Thievery +5

Human: Implement Expertise (Totem)
Level 1: Action Surge
Level 2: Enduring Mountain (retrained to Armor Proficiency (Hide) at Level 12)
Level 4: Stalker Spirit Adept (retrained to Paragon Defenses at Level 11)
Level 6: Resilient Spirit
Level 8: Distant Advantage
Level 10: Sudden Call
Level 11: Warrior of the Wild

Bonus At-Will Power: Spirit of the Tempest
Shaman at-will 1: Haunting Spirits
Shaman encounter 1: Twin Panthers
Shaman daily 1: Spirit of the Healing Flood
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Spirit Hunt (retrained to Rimefire Spirit at Level 10)
Shaman daily 5: Earthrage Spirit
Shaman utility 6: Hearth Spirit
Shaman encounter 7: Call to the Blood Dancer
Shaman daily 9: Clever Trickster Spirit
Shaman utility 10: Twilight's Veil
Shaman encounter 13: Spirit of Cleansing Light (replaces Twin Panthers)

Adventurer's Kit, Totem of the Severed Eye +2, Totemic Spear Javelin +1, Goblin Stompers (heroic tier), Healer's Brooch +2, Potion of Regeneration (heroic tier), Everburning Torch, Hunter's Kit, Climber's Kit, Drum, Kruthik Potion (heroic tier), Solitaire (Citrine) (paragon tier), Ring of Calling (paragon tier), Burning Gauntlets (paragon tier), Irrefutable Earthhide Armor +3
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First Post
Originally posted by GelatinousOctahedron:

Hybrid Builds

Maximized Basic Attacks: This build is  a hybrid panther/taclord focused on granting as many basic attacks to allies as possible and with you never making any attacks.  For now I am leaning towards watersoul genasi, and the stats are flexible.  I would do eagle were it available, but panther works about as well.  This build still makes some attacks and if it went PMC hybrid or used martial power 2 not make any.

Taclord/Panther Shaman
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Mr No Attacks, level 30
Genasi, Shaman|Warlord, Battle Captain, Warmaster
Companion Spirit (Hybrid): Stalker Spirit (Hybrid)
Hybrid Shaman: Hybrid Shaman Fortitude
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Will
Hybrid Talent: Spirit Boon (Hybrid)
Elemental Manifestation: Watersoul
Extra Manifestation: Cindersoul
Background: Trained from Birth for a Specific Prophecy (Trained from Birth for a Specific Prophecy Benefit)

Str 24, Con 15, Dex 10, Int 26, Wis 16, Cha 12.

Str 14, Con 13, Dex 8, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 36 Fort: 35 Reflex: 35 Will: 31
HP: 172 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 43

Heal +23, Athletics +27, Perception +23, Religion +28

Acrobatics +15, Arcana +23, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +18, Endurance +19, History +23, Insight +18, Intimidate +16, Nature +20, Stealth +15, Streetwise +16, Thievery +15

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Hide)
Level 4: Extra Manifestation
Level 6: Manifest Healing
Level 8: Sudden Call
Level 10: Stalker Spirit Adept
Level 11: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 12: Reserve Maneuver
Level 14: Combat Commander
Level 16: Soldier of Virtue
Level 18: Untiring Virtue
Level 20: Saving Inspiration
Level 21: Double Manifestation
Level 22: Triumphant Spirit
Level 24: Grave Spirit
Level 26: Primal Resurgence
Level 28: Warborn Fury Style
Level 30: Blind-Fight

Hybrid at-will 1: Commander's Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Claws of the Eagle
Reserve Maneuver: Spirit of the Killing Shot
Hybrid encounter 1: Provocative Order
Hybrid daily 1: Great Watcher Spirit
Hybrid utility 2: Knight's Move
Hybrid encounter 3: Sly Fox Spirit
Hybrid daily 5: Scent of Victory
Hybrid utility 6: Sudden Restoration
Hybrid encounter 7: Surprise Attack
Hybrid daily 9: Warlord's Recovery
Hybrid utility 10: Defensive Rally
Hybrid encounter 13: Pincer Maneuver (replaces Provocative Order)
Hybrid daily 15: War Master's Assault (replaces Scent of Victory)
Hybrid utility 16: Warlord's Banner
Hybrid encounter 17: Boar's Toss (replaces Sly Fox Spirit)
Hybrid daily 19: Exhorted Counterattack (replaces Warlord's Recovery)
Hybrid utility 22: Quickening Order
Hybrid encounter 23: Spirit of the Ram (replaces Surprise Attack)
Hybrid daily 25: Warlord's Resurgence (replaces War Master's Assault)
Hybrid encounter 27: Warlord's Indignation (replaces Boar's Toss)
Hybrid daily 29: Heart of Bedlam (replaces Exhorted Counterattack)

Hide Armor, Longspear
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Items: Longspear (only because that lets you use commanders strike a little bit further range and allows you to use a totemic spear)


Painless: the Damage Reducer This is a dwarf cleric/shaman hybrid with compassionate healer that I posted.  Built around the regular generation of temporary hitpoints and having many powerful daily attacks and utilities that either provide damage reduction or weaken enemies for most or all of the encounter.  Version 1 is maxed out for damage reduction, version 2 is more of a well rounded build that still does a very good job at reducing party damage, but is better at enabling.

version 1
The theme of this build is that it focuses on weakening enemies, debuffing their attacks, defending allies through the spirit companion, temporary hitpoints, and damage reduction.  It does not sacrifice on healing much, although it is not as good at healing as a pure one of either class built for healing would be.  It would make a good 2nd leader in a party with a good enabler like a taclord and would really stretch out battles and annoy the DM who will have a very hard time challenging the party with damage.

It is also pretty tough: fairly high defenses, can generate temporary hitpoints for itself, and has a lot of hitpoints and healing surges since it starts with an 18 con and boosts it at every chance, along with taking dwarven durablility.

The multiclass fighter is because he wants the temp hitpoint 1/encounter when hit by an attack and for the use of second wind twice an encounter with epic recovery, which with shared healing feat also allows allies to spend surges when next to the companion (within 2 of the spirit at level 24).  So losing the normal 3rd healing word does not matter much with gamblers word and this.  Plus he gets endurance as a skill which seems to fit thematically

By level 2 he has a daily power that for the encounter reduces damage by 5 and one that does it by 4, plus an at will and encounter power that generate temp hitpoints keyed to con mod.  Later on he adds powers that weaken and other wise make it harder for enemies to damage allies.  I went with sacred flame for the at will save, although at paragon it does give 1 temp hitpoints.  Lance of faith might be a better choice since that would at least give something to buff attacks.  By mid paragon he pretty much always has a daily utility or attack power available that reduces damage or weakens enemies along with a paragon path encounter power that weakens, and in case he doesn't have any weakening/damage redcution dailies left there is always spirit of healing to fall back on.

Compassionate healer is to spread out the healing surges and because its path abilities work with any healing, not just divine or primal and because it weakens with both its attacks.  Demigod, because it works and nothing else jumped out at me.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Damage Reducer, level 30
Dwarf, Cleric|Shaman, Compassionate Healer, Demigod
Companion Spirit (Hybrid): Protector Spirit (Hybrid)
Hybrid Shaman: Hybrid Shaman Fortitude
Hybrid Talent: Spirit's Power
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Mace)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Constitution
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Wisdom
Background: Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)

Str 15, Con 28, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 28, Cha 13.

Str 13, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11.

AC: 45 Fort: 43 Reflex: 36 Will: 45
HP: 185 Surges: 18 Surge Value: 55

Insight +29, Heal +29, Perception +29, Endurance +29

Acrobatics +14, Arcana +15, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +26, History +15, Intimidate +16, Nature +24, Religion +15, Stealth +14, Streetwise +16, Thievery +14, Athletics +15

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Chainmail)
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: Sudden Call (retrained to Nimble Spirit at Level 11)
Level 6: Protector Spirit Adept
Level 8: Versatile Expertise
Level 10: Wrathful Warrior
Level 11: Gambler's Word
Level 12: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 14: Armor Proficiency (Scale)
Level 16: Dwarven Durability
Level 18: Superior Implement Training (Accurate symbol)
Level 20: Resilient Spirit
Level 21: Ironheart Spirit
Level 22: Armor Proficiency (Plate)
Level 24: Spirit of Health
Level 26: Mighty Spirit
Level 28: Martial Resolve
Level 30: Epic Recovery

Hybrid at-will 1: Sacred Flame
Hybrid at-will 1: Protecting Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Thunder Bear's Warding
Hybrid daily 1: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 2: Protective Roots
Hybrid encounter 3: Hymn of Resurgence
Hybrid daily 5: Spirit of the Hawk's Wind
Hybrid utility 6: Spirit of Healing
Hybrid encounter 7: Winter Wind Spirit
Hybrid daily 9: Dismissal
Hybrid utility 10: Shielding Word
Hybrid encounter 13: Drawing All Eyes (replaces Thunder Bear's Warding)
Hybrid daily 15: Reparative Spirit (replaces Moment of Glory)
Hybrid utility 16: Faces of the Fallen
Hybrid encounter 17: Enthrall (replaces Hymn of Resurgence)
Hybrid daily 19: Moment of Peace (replaces Spirit of the Hawk's Wind)
Hybrid utility 22: Ramparts of Light
Hybrid encounter 23: Call to the Primal Protector (replaces Winter Wind Spirit)
Hybrid daily 25: Life Lanterns (replaces Dismissal)
Hybrid encounter 27: Forcing the Threat (replaces Drawing All Eyes)
Hybrid daily 29: Spirits of Mist (replaces Reparative Spirit)

Adventurer's Kit, Accurate symbol of the Holy Nimbus +6, Dawn Warrior Godplate Armor +6, Healer's Brooch +6, Totem of the Severed Eye +2, Stalwart Belt (paragon tier), Ring of the Fallen (paragon tier), Premonition Ring (paragon tier), Essence of the Wisp (epic tier), Mace of Healing +5, Executioner's Bracers (epic tier), Gloves of the Healer (epic tier), Fey Warrior's Boots (epic tier), Breakchain Tattoo (epic tier), Portable Hole (paragon tier) 

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Damage Reducer, level 30
Dwarf, Cleric|Shaman, Compassionate Healer, Demigod
Companion Spirit (Hybrid): Protector Spirit (Hybrid)
Hybrid Shaman: Hybrid Shaman Fortitude
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Constitution
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Wisdom
Hybrid Talent: Spirit's Power
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Mace)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
Background: Akanûl (Akanûl Benefit)

Str 15, Con 22, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha 13.

Str 13, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11.

AC: 26 Fort: 34 Reflex: 28 Will: 34
HP: 179 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 50

Insight +26, Heal +26, Perception +26

Acrobatics +16, Arcana +15, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +23, Endurance +23, History +15, Intimidate +16, Nature +21, Religion +15, Stealth +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +16, Athletics +17

Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Chainmail)
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: Sudden Call (retrained to Nimble Spirit at Level 11)
Level 6: Protector Spirit Adept
Level 8: Versatile Expertise
Level 10: Wrathful Warrior
Level 11: Gambler's Word
Level 12: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 14: Armor Proficiency (Scale)
Level 16: Dwarven Durability
Level 18: Superior Implement Training (Accurate symbol)
Level 20: Resilient Spirit
Level 21: Ironheart Spirit
Level 22: Armor Proficiency (Plate)
Level 24: Spirit of Health
Level 26: Mighty Spirit
Level 28: Martial Resolve
Level 30: Epic Recovery

Hybrid at-will 1: Lance of Faith
Hybrid at-will 1: Protecting Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Ironbreaker Claws
Hybrid daily 1: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 2: Protective Roots
Hybrid encounter 3: Hymn of Resurgence
Hybrid daily 5: Spirit of the Hawk's Wind
Hybrid utility 6: Spirit of Healing
Hybrid encounter 7: Winter Wind Spirit
Hybrid daily 9: Dismissal
Hybrid utility 10: Shielding Word
Hybrid encounter 13: Drawing All Eyes (replaces Ironbreaker Claws)
Hybrid daily 15: Reparative Spirit (replaces Moment of Glory)
Hybrid utility 16: Faces of the Fallen
Hybrid encounter 17: Enthrall (replaces Hymn of Resurgence)
Hybrid daily 19: Moment of Peace (replaces Spirit of the Hawk's Wind)
Hybrid utility 22: Ramparts of Light
Hybrid encounter 23: Spirit of the Ram (replaces Winter Wind Spirit)
Hybrid daily 25: Life Lanterns (replaces Dismissal)
Hybrid encounter 27: Forcing the Threat (replaces Drawing All Eyes)
Hybrid daily 29: Spirits of Mist (replaces Reparative Spirit)

Adventurer's Kit, Healer's Brooch +6, Totem of the Severed Eye +2, Stalwart Belt (paragon tier), Ring of the Fallen (paragon tier), Premonition Ring (paragon tier), Essence of the Wisp (epic tier), Executioner's Bracers (epic tier), Gloves of the Healer (epic tier), Fey Warrior's Boots (epic tier), Breakchain Tattoo (epic tier), Portable Hole (paragon tier), Accurate symbol of the Holy Nimbus +6, Dawn Warrior Godplate Armor +6, Mace of Healing +5
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Links to other builds

Here is my beartrap build, which is a protector shaman using polearm gamble and disciple of winds with a totemic spear and rushing cleats to lock down enemies.  Cheesy, but an effective control option.

Shaman/ranger beastmaster hybrid. (you get a spirit companion and a beast companion)

Mellored's Scry and Die a gnome rogue/eagle shaman hybrid

Cazzeo's Builds

Rainlord Elemental Shaman/warlord (hybrid) Rainbringer Pyreen  Good healing, Initiative Boost, Enabling, and Temp hitpoints.

Flameswitch Shaman Warlord (hybrid) Flame of Hope Soul of the World  "To create a shaman version of Killswitch (artificer|warlord) capable of just as powerful novas while retaining a fully buffed Spirit Infusion at-will.  A secondary goal is to utilize Soul of the World+Tiefling/Invoker+Royal Command of Asmodeus to pick up an enormous number of dominates at epic (Silent Malediction, Fury of Athas x2, End to Games all dominate)."

Crystal Speaker Shaman/wizard Gatekeeper Avignon.  "To create a powerful controller that exploits synergies between Chosen Threshold, wizard charm/sliding powers, and shaman powers/feats (Linked Spirit et al.) to keep monsters neutralized for many rounds.  In addition, a secondary goal is to possess decent enabling when the control runs out (Spirit Infusion), and to maintain a full complement of minor action healing surge powers (unlike a hybrid)."

Links to Other Handbooks: Unfortunately these are either out of date or incomplete.  I do not think any of them are or will be updated for primal power

If the Spirit Moves You: A shaman handbook
Gotta Protect 'Em All: A Guide for the Curious Bear Shaman
The Scent of Blood: A Panther Shaman's Handbook




Optimizing Basic Attacks: This thread(x) is geared towards warlords, but shamans grant basic attacks enough to potentially get a lot out of this.

SC Positioning:

A good summary from machmoth(x) on the different spirits.
How to position different spirits

  • Boon: Allies need to be adjacent to spirit to get healing.
  • Attack: Ally need to be adjacent to spirit to get THP.
  • OA: Ally need to be within 5 squares of spirit to get healing.

  • Boon: Allies need to be adjacent to spirit to get damage bonus.
  • Attack: Grants flanking, benefiting nearby melee characters.
  • OA: Indifferent to allies.

  • Boon: Only affects adjacent enemies.  Most benefits allies at range.
  • Attack: Allies can be adjacent to spirit companion or within 3 squares of you, making it comparitively easier to setup free ranged attacks from allies near yourself.
  • OA: Allies need to be within 10 squares of the spirit, which will typically cover the entire room.

World Speaker:
  • Boon: Benefits adjacent allies.
  • Attack: Ally must be within 2 squares.
  • OA: Indifferent of allies.

In the case of both Protector and Predator, you really want the spirit either in the melee fray or back with your allies being generally helpful.  The Watcher is at its best way out front granting benefits to allies fighting at a range. 

The Wold Speaker can go various ways, though I find its best position is as a road block.  Its boon lets you send it ahead to hold an opening.  Enemies can't move through its spot, but you can, so it can hold that open spot at minimal risk to any of the party, while granting you extra defense against OA when moving through that opening to take up position.  Its OA lets it hold that spot and keep enemies from advancing past it.  Only its standard melee attack requires allies to be nearby, but it does also offer them a nice means of escape, since the 2 square shift is enough to even shift out of melee through difficult terrain.

So I guess my point is that Watcher and World Speaker spirits benefit more from being able to be placed out away from the party into tactical positions, where as the Protector and Predator will often be following the rest of the party around. 


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