D&D 5E The Shaman Class is NOW available at the DM's Guild!


DM's Guild Author
As promised, here's a deeper dive into the Shaman's signature feature, Ancestral Awakening!

Tomorrow, I'll preview the Shaman Class Advancement Table!

Preview Shaman V2.00.png

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I like it. Conceptually similar to Barbarian rage as in combat buff requiring combative actions to stay active, but focusing primarily on spell offensive output. And the real game changer of double concentration, of course.


DM's Guild Author
This will likely be the last preview I share about the upcoming Shaman. This time I share about the Shaman Aspects (subclasses) and the Totemic Spirit!

The Shaman will be released on March 11 and will retail for only $4.99!

Preview Shaman V3.00.png

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I love your stuff! Mostly from the GM side, your monsters <3 <3 <3. And shamans have always been such a difficult-to-hit concept; hoping to see this in action!

I know creators would love to be on DnDB, but man I hate seeing sentiments like: "I'd love to use this, but it's not on DnDB." I understand- DnDB is great. But also... I hate how important it is 🥲
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DM's Guild Author

The Shaman is now available at the DM's Guild at only $4.99!

The Shaman is a 32-page Player's Handbook supplement that introduces the Shaman, an exciting new primal class tailored to infuse your campaign with fresh content, this supplement also unveils innovative mechanics to enhance your gameplay experience!​

Also featured in this supplement are 13 Subclasses, each presented by hand-drawn artwork!​

The Shaman is a primal magic spellcaster who occupies a revered and multifaceted role within its communities, acting as spiritual leader, healer, and protector, all while serving as the vital bridge between the Material world and the spirit realms.​

Shaman Cover.png

Voidrunner's Codex

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