D&D General What Classes Would You Add to D&D?

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Knockoff is a clearly pejorative term. It strongly implies the superiority of the original, and I just don't agree that WotC D&D is superior by any metrics save popularity and profit (which obviously go hand-in-hand).

You forgot an imho.

I use the term knock off because it's exactly what it is. They modified someone else's work they didn't exactly innovate it or design it themselves from the ground up.

You forgot an imho.

I use the term knock off because it's exactly what it is. They modified someone else's work they didn't exactly innovate it or design it themselves from the ground up.
Both Pathfinder and Level Up are innovative in their own ways.

And I said I disagree, not that you're wrong and I'm right. Disagreements are opinion-based.

Now I am thinking about hybrid spellcaster classes.

The archivist from Tome of Horror would be divine + arcane. That would be the reason because she couldn't wear armour. With some touch of truename magic. Somebody could say archivist could be a divine subclass for wizards.

Slayer would be a remake of avenger class, divine+stealth. Assasin who terminate unholy monsters.

Witch (doctor) would be primal + arcane, recovering the game mechanic of the vestige pact magic from the binder class

Cultivator would be martial adept + psionic powers. OK, it sounds a little crazy.

I'd split the fighter into Armiger (Hvy Armored slugger), Skirmisher (Lt Armored mover), Longbowyer (Missile specialist).
Some sort of fighter/mage in the image of the B/X elf, although not specifically that.

The truenamer was a new at-will power each level, but too limited. I liked some ideas, but the truenamer is not a concept to can use with subclasses. I wonder how would be to play a truenamer with "words of creations"(from Book of Exalted Deeds) and the "dark speech" (Book of Vile Darkness).

I loved the binder, but new vestiges aren't easy to be sold in later sourcebooks.

I imagine the shadowcaster and the mysteries being recycled into the elementalist class, and then shadowcaster would be a subclass. Of course the mysteries would need a lot of playtesting. I wonder if the mysteries could be redesigned to work as martial maneuvers from 3.5 Tome of Batle.

Spelldancer was a prestige class.

Batledancer was a class in Dragon compedium, like monk class but based into capoeira.

Sohei class was like a monk with armor and rage like barbarians. But actually it is a name too linked with a historical age and place, and that is against the current WotC standars. If it returns, it will be with a new name.

Knockoffs are exactly that. I liked Pathfinder but it's a knock off.
Sure, 1st edition Pathfinder borrowed a lot of elements from 3.5e, but sometimes a knock off is much better than the original when it offers new ways to customize your character's race and class. ;) Same story for Level Up. It borrowed a lot from 5e, and added in new material that appeals to those of us who want a little more crunch from 5e.

Sure, 1st edition Pathfinder borrowed a lot of elements from 3.5e, but sometimes a knock off is much better than the original when it offers new ways to customize your character's race and class. ;) Same story for Level Up. It borrowed a lot from 5e, and added in new material that appeals to those of us who want a little more crunch from 5e.
I stand by knock-off being an impolite, pejorative term.

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