D&D General What Classes Would You Add to D&D?

Well when you basically copy and tweak someone else's work (legally).......

Its a lot easier to build or redesign something if someone else has built the foundations. Building foundations is a lot harder than painting the walls.

Main point is maybe dial down the everything non WotC is better when wotc did most of the hard yards.

You're benefitting off someone's else's work and the environment they created.
I honor WotC for putting together the core of what I consider to be better games, but I actually prefer and play those better games. I don't know what to tell you. IMO, others have simply done a better job with the 5e core system than WotC ever did.

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I honor WotC for putting together the core of what I consider to be better games, but I actually prefer and play those better games. I don't know what to tell you. IMO, others have simply done a better job with the 5e core system than WotC ever did.

1. That's subjective.

2. Standing on shoulders of giants.

I wonder if you could associate ever class with a skill and fill the gaps with new classes

Athletics- Barbarian
Acrobatics- Monk
Sleight of Hand- Rogue
Arcana- Wizard
History- Warlord
Nature- Druid
Religion- Cleric
Animal Handling- Tamer
Medicine- Doctor
Survival- Ranger
Deception- Warlock
Performance- Bard
Persuasion - Aristocrat

Paladin, Fighter, and Sorcerer not having skills makes sense due to non-skill foci.

Its a lot easier to build or redesign something if someone else has built the foundations. Building foundations is a lot harder than painting the walls.
True. It is easier to build or redesign something from someone else's work than to create it completely from scratch. WoTC did indeed build the foundations of what is 5E D&D. When they were done, EN Publishing, Kobold Press and a couple other 3pp's came in to make the interior more appealing to some potential buyers. They did some interior redecorating . They painted the walls. Then they threw several house warming parties... 😋

Main point is maybe dial down the everything non WotC is better when wotc did most of the hard yards.
WoTC hasn't done a lot of hard work since 3e IMO. It's relegated most of the work to 3pp's nowadays. And now some of those 3pp's have gone out and improved what WoTC did.

You're benefitting off someone's else's work and the environment they created.
Doesn't every business already do something already like this? ;)

Classes I think 5e DnD are missing:
  • Warlord
  • Summoner/Pet focused class ... note that I think this should be more along the lines of a Pokemon trainer class, so a PC that derives the majority of their power from their pet.
  • Psionics
  • Monster classes. Specifically the Lycanthrope and Vampire, but can pitch others

Classes that would be nice to have to increase the diversity of player options and mechanics. Most of these are supposed to be quite different from the Core classes and play mechanically differently. If they wield magic, they aren't spellcasters like Wizards or Warlocks.
  • Incarnum
  • Metamorph class, a pure shapeshifter
  • A Martial Arts class, wielding something like Tome of Battle, but my preference would be a twist on the 13th Age Monk
  • Other forms of Magic ... Shadow Magic, Binders, Truenamers, for example.

Classes I think 5e DnD are missing:
  • Warlord
  • Summoner/Pet focused class ... note that I think this should be more along the lines of a Pokemon trainer class, so a PC that derives the majority of their power from their pet.
  • Psionics
  • Monster classes. Specifically the Lycanthrope and Vampire, but can pitch others

Classes that would be nice to have to increase the diversity of player options and mechanics. Most of these are supposed to be quite different from the Core classes and play mechanically differently. If they wield magic, they aren't spellcasters like Wizards or Warlocks.
  • Incarnum
  • Metamorph class, a pure shapeshifter
  • A Martial Arts class, wielding something like Tome of Battle, but my preference would be a twist on the 13th Age Monk
  • Other forms of Magic ... Shadow Magic, Binders, Truenamers, for example.
what was Incarnum again?

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