Should we use the name "skinwalker" for the shapeshifter class? I would suggest the name nagual, based in Mesoamerican folklore but I doubt WotC accepted names too linked to regional cultures.
I would wellcome the return of the incarnum magic, but it would need a lot of work. I guess this should be designed by some 3PP, allowing more space and time to test.
Have you thought how would be the subclasses of the warlord class? and the subclasses for the truenamer?
The martial adepts could be right for campaigns based in Asian speculative fiction.
A monster-summoner class sounds really interesting and I would dare to say this option is in the list of future projects for after 2024, but it would need a lot of work. I would add some elements from magic of incarnum and vestige pact magic.

Nagual - Wikipedia
I would wellcome the return of the incarnum magic, but it would need a lot of work. I guess this should be designed by some 3PP, allowing more space and time to test.
Have you thought how would be the subclasses of the warlord class? and the subclasses for the truenamer?
The martial adepts could be right for campaigns based in Asian speculative fiction.
A monster-summoner class sounds really interesting and I would dare to say this option is in the list of future projects for after 2024, but it would need a lot of work. I would add some elements from magic of incarnum and vestige pact magic.