SSRL2 Catch Me If You Can

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The swarm stays in the water. And you have all made it out the swamp alive.

You have crossed the swamp and have now entered, what the shifter twins believe is the deep forest portion of the Eldeen Reaches.

"I won't miss that swamp, that's for sure." says Raven. "I suppose we've probably lost the ogre's tracks. Maybe if we push on, we'll find something."

You have picked up the Ogre's trail again. It seems as though he was here as little a 10 hours ago. You seem to have cleared the swamp much more quickly than he had. he seems to have wandered right into the Deep Green Demsne, Greensinger territory and home to a giant manifest zone with Lammania.

Fey land.

DO you do anything else before continuing on.

*Siobhan performs a minor ceremony and makes a small offering to the fey, begging their forgiveness for her trespass in their sacred lands, but expressing that they must make this journey to stop a great evil. She will use her knowledge of the natural world and its fey caretakers to make sure that the group remains respectful while in these woods. For instance, no fires or harming of the local trees, lest the dryads be offended. She relies on Stulgar to keep on the trail, and hopes that her Druid training will help her keep her wits about her in case the fey entrap them with enchantments or illusions. The ogre is their quarry, and they must catch up to him.*

And with that they continue on down the road, you begin to hear a very soothing song.6 Tiny fairies, with flower adornments all over them appear to be laughing and giggling as they fly all around you, singing their song.

Welcome respectful travelers, please relax and take rest. You look so very tired from all of your running about. We beg, enoy the song and sleep a deep slumber.We will take the best care of you. Relax and be merry in our humble homes.

As their song continues, you feel yourselves getting sleepier, lulled by their songs

( I need everyone to make two will saves(vs, enchantment for any that may matter for) DC14, and DC20, taking a -2 to the second one, if you fail the first.)

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